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(Click here to go to our website) Call to Order – President Ted Gonsiorowski called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

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2 (Click here to go to our website) Call to Order – President Ted Gonsiorowski called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3 Invocation – David Hunter: For food and friends, we thank Thee, Lord, for peaceful town and farm, for men and women too, who rose at war’s alarm, and fought a half a world away to keep us all from harm. Amen. Vittles – Salad and Toppings, Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Mixed Vegetables, Rolls and Butter, and Strawberry Shortcake.

4 Birthdays – None. Attendance – 17 Members. Guests – Fonda’s husband Larry Bowden. Lions Report – Pat Bryan showed us the obituary for Robert Suter, and reminded us that services for him will be June 14 at 1 pm, at the First Presbyterian Church, 302 West Church Street, Champaign. If you are ill or know a fellow Lion who is under the weather, please call Pat Bryan at 586-4535.

5 Ed Tichenor told us that Homer Kuder is in a rest home.

6 Lottery – The $10 lottery was won by Pat Bryan.

7 Announcements – President Gonsiorowski asked us to remember that the international focus is on literacy. There is still time--until July 13--to participate in the Birdies for Sight. See, for details and a pledge form.

8 Rich King reported Beep ball practice went well and we will be ready to play the Mattoon club at the Walk for Sight on June 9, in Peterson Park, Mattoon. He has collected $400 so far. He hopes to raise $500 in pledges from our club. The club will match donations up to $500. Rich also reported on the Cabinet meetings. He attended District 1L cabinet meeting on Saturday and District 1E on Sunday. They discussed the merger of 1L and 1E and most people favor the merger. It will probably happen. It won’t mean any drastic changes. It will mean 1 less district governor. One member worried that 1L is not focused on the LIF as much as 1E is.

9 Fonda Bowden read the minutes of the Board meeting held June 4, 2013. Present: President Ted Gonsiorowski, Past President David Lin, Treasurer Karl Drake, Director Jay Hoeflinger, Secretary Fonda Bowden. Members Present: PDG Rich King served as voting member by proxy for Sam McGrew. Absent: 1st VP Weldon Garrelts, 2nd VP Charlie Osborne, Director Sam McGrew and Lion Tamer Floyd Gordon Gordon.

10 Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting, April 2, 2013, were approved as presented. Treasurer’s reports: Karl Drake presented Treasurer’s report for April and May 2013, for Board review and discussion. As of May 31 the General Fund has $2,419.01, $11,077.72 in the Charities Fund and $2,965.64 in the Endowment Fund. The reports were accepted as presented. Karl also reported receipt of a bill for $12.60 from Consolidated for phone usage and noted we will be e-billed from now on to avoid a charge of $1 each billing period. Herb Bail, with help from Pat Bryan, collected 421 used glasses, 8 cell phones and 1 hearing aid in May. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously supported by the board that the club would match up to $500 collected during the last few meetings for the Walk for Sight, June 9. The Board received a new member application and the $35 entry payment from Ms. Yuan Liao, sponsored by Ravi Challa. The application was unanimously accepted by the Board. It was decided that we will collect glasses at Tootsie Pop and Candy Day events from now on. David Lin and Weldon Garrelts are working on special signs for this. Jay Hoeflinger described a possible project for June/July at the Women in Transition. They indicated several activities/needs we could help them with. After discussion it was decided Jay will get more details including exact date and monetary cost to the club. $300 was suggested as an amount the club might provide. David Lin noted last summer’s postponed picnic and that his deposit check for the space is still pending. The picnic will be scheduled soon while the weather is good. Last week’s speaker, b, one of the original founders of a nonprofit corporation called, Bump, which makes better-fitting prostheses to give others a “Bump” up, made such an impression that the board members would like to ask him back and possibly find a way for our club to support their work in some way. The meeting adjourned at 1:00 pm.

11 David Lin told us of various programs other lions are doing and hopes we can become inspired to find a need in our own community where we can make a difference.

12 Women in Transition indicated they could use our help in mulching their playground, power washing their building, and such.

13 The plan would be to invite others to join us so they can see things we do first hand – and that we don’t just go have lunch. This might be useful to attract new members.

14 Program – “Know your Lion” Tom Yaxley interviewed Sam McGrew today so we can get to know him better. Sam was born December 10, 1945 in Macomb, Illinois. His Dad was an only child and his mother had only one sister.

15 Sam is their 8 th son in a row and said he was 18 before he found out there was chicken in the broth. His dad was “really into horses. They traveled to all the county fairs to show their National Draft Horses.

16 His dad won so many trophies that all 11 siblings each got 5 trophies.


18 Sam went to Western Illinois University in Macomb and earned a B.A. in Political Science in 1968, an M.S. in Educational Administration in 1972, and an Ed.S. in Educational Administration in 1989.

19 After his bachelor’s degree, he had intended to go to Law School but he began teaching instead and loved it. His teaching method was different. He staged a fight in the classroom, then left the room and came back to ask the students questions about the scene and they had to answer in writing.

20 Everyone saw it differently. He told them they would be using books that were written about events that happened hundreds of years ago. If everyone cannot agree on what had just happened in the classroom, what about the things written in the books?

21 He met his wife on a blind date. She was a friend of his brother’s girlfriend. They have two sons, Miles and Mathew and grandchildren, 3 girls and 1 boy.

22 Now he is basically retired, just working part time. Sam was a member of the Illinois House of Representatives from the 47 th District from 1973 to 1983 and was selected Outstanding Freshman Legislator.

23 He was Superintendent at Fisher Community District in Fisher, IL, 1993-2001 where the district was studied by the State Board of Education because student achievement was in the top 5% of state in junior high reading scores for 3 consecutive years.

24 From 2002 to 2009 he was Superintendent at Cuba City, WI where the high school was designated as a National Blue Ribbon School by the US Department of Education after the third year of a school improvement plan.

25 He joined the Lions Club in Chapin, IL, in 1991. It fit in with his role as Superintendent to be active in community and public affairs. His hobbies include collecting political things such as buttons stating, “I like Ike,” and political things which they put on their “Liberty Tree.”

26 He enjoys collecting coins and paper money like bed sheet dollars.

27 He showed us a ½ cent piece issued in 1832,

28 and Japanese bills in pesos from the Philippines.

29 Tailtwister – Omer Benn, today’s Tailtwister, called on Sam McGrew to carry the bucket.

30 Omer paid to brag that his granddaughter has passed all exams for aviation training in the Coast Guard.

31 He fined Pat Bryan for her lottery winnings.

32 Then he fined Weldon Garrelts,

33 Charlie Osborne,

34 Gordie Gordon,

35 and Sam McGrew for not attending the Board meeting yesterday. for not attending the Board meeting yesterday.

36 From the Lions Magazine he noted that Lions include 1,363,000 members in 46,322 clubs, 753 districts, in 207 countries.

37 In closing he noted “When power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

38 Greeter: Sam McGrew Jun 19 – Meeting at Regent Ballroom Jun 26 – To be Announced Click here to email Charlie Osborne and let him know what you would like to see in a Lions Club program some Coming up Jun 12 – Jim Dey – The latest from the News-Gazette

39 Thank you for watching Editor Fonda Bowden Publisher David Hunter To email Dave with your comments, click here → To go to the our website, click here →

40 June 6, 1944 D-Day

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