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Fara í víking (to go on an expedition). Viking Raids 789 started to attack England 872 First colony on Iceland 860 raided Constantinople 911 Found Normandy.

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Presentation on theme: "Fara í víking (to go on an expedition). Viking Raids 789 started to attack England 872 First colony on Iceland 860 raided Constantinople 911 Found Normandy."— Presentation transcript:

1 fara í víking (to go on an expedition)

2 Viking Raids 789 started to attack England 872 First colony on Iceland 860 raided Constantinople 911 Found Normandy 981 Erik the Red “discovers” Greenland 1000 Christianity reaches IS/GL 1010 Viking come the Canada 1050’s End of the Viking Age





7 What is a Viking? From Scandinavia Used a longship Raided villages and Monasteries First European explorers to travel West Wrote sagas Used runes “Pagans”


9 What are Vikings NOT? Wear horned helmets Wear horned helmets Indiscriminant killers Indiscriminant killers Used skulls to drink from Used skulls to drink from

10 Pagan Polytheistic Pre-Christian religion Old English hæðen Old Norse heiðinn

11 Íslendingasögur Saga Poetic stories about families, feuds, travels, battles, and adventures

12 Beowulf Epic Poem Written between the 8 th and 11 th c

13 Runes Pre-Latin letters Jelling Stone 10c Pagan and Christians

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