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諾貝爾獎得主智慧的應用 Professor Peter Chen 23 October 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "諾貝爾獎得主智慧的應用 Professor Peter Chen 23 October 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 諾貝爾獎得主智慧的應用 Professor Peter Chen 23 October 2015 1

2 透過諾貝爾獎 瞭解宇宙 瞭解別人 瞭解自己

3 Application Connection Extension Destination

4 Alfred Nobel 1833-1896 4

5 Alfred Nobel Patents : 350 Spoke and wrote fluently: English, French, German, Swedish and Russian. Novel and poetry 5

6 Nobel Prize For the best benefit on mankind during the preceding year. 6

7 7 Nobel Prize Medals

8 Presentation 114 years = 60 minutes 60 minutes = 10 years Minimum = Maximum

9 借助他人的智慧 開發自己的天才 9

10 Go and get your own Nobel Prizes

11 864 Nobel Laureates! 864 Laureates have been awarded the Nobel Prize between 1901 and 2014. 11

12 Nobel Prize (1901 to 2014) 47 - Women 817----Men 12


14 Nobel Prizes and Olympic medals 1.USA-----------353 2.UK------------115 3.Germany----102 4.France---------66 5.Sweden--------30 6.Russia---------28 14


16 16

17 Opportunity It is initiated by yourself. It is created by yourself.

18 Nobel Winners’ Age The average age of all Nobel winners between 1901 and 2014 is 61 years. 42 received Nobel Prizes after 80 years old. 18

19 Rita Levi-Montalcini--1986 1909-2012 (103)

20 The following 4 scientists received Nobel Prize twice in over 100 years of history.


22 Marie Curie (1867-1934) 66 years Polish born French physicist Twice Nobel Prize Winner Physics 1903 and Chemistry 1911 “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.” 22

23 Chemistry 1954 Peace------1962 93 years 23

24 Physics 1956 and 1972 82 years 24

25 Chemistry 1958 Chemistry 1980 95 years 25

26 26 George Bernard Shaw The Nobel Prize in Literature 1925 (1856-1950) Lived to 94 “ Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

27 Nobel Literature 1932







34 8 Nobel Prize Winning Characteristics 34

35 1. Be inquisitive 35

36 2. Tell and describe to others what you are doing 36

37 3. Question 37

38 4. Be patience 38

39 5. Be ambitious 抱負,志氣。 39

40 6. Make research and investigation a lifestyle 40

41 7. Have a structured approach 41

42 8. Find an interesting area and a good mentor 42

43 Special Characteristics Nobel Prize Winners 43 1. High level of effective intelligence. 2. Openness to experience.

44 Special Characteristics Nobel Prize Winners 44 3. Independence in thought and action. 4. High level of creative energy.

45 Special Characteristics Nobel Prize Winners 45 5.Unquestioning commitment to creative endeavor. 6. Unceasing striving for solutions to difficult problems.

46 Age 17 The Nobel Peace Prize 2014 Malala Yousafzai 46

47 Doris Lessing 1919-2013 2007 Nobel Literature 88 years 52 days



50 The oldest Laureate to date is Leonid Hurwicz, 2007 Economics Laureate, who is 90 years old.Leonid Hurwicz 50

51 Wisdom Never too late. Never too early. 51

52 Nobel Wisdom Poverty and adversity Clear vision and mission

53 Nobel Wisdom Holistic approach Music, sport and philosophy

54 Nobel Wisdom Humanity Longevity

55 Nobel Wisdom Enjoy work life Solitary in lifestyle

56 Collaboration Lifelong learning 56

57 The Laureates love of music, and they all played some kind of musical instrument as a hobby. 57

58 Roselyn Yalow Medicine 1977 As long as you’re learning, you’re not old. 58

59 宇宙 好奇 - 驚奇 - 神奇 59

60 夢到 - 想到 - 做到 連想連想

61 學習 忍受 - 接受 - 享受 61

62 Predict your future. Prepare your future. Create your great future.


64 祝福各位去獲得 自己的諾貝爾獎

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