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EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport IST – 6 th call for proposals Vilmos Bognár EU IST-Pro +36.20.937.07.91

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1 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport IST – 6 th call for proposals Vilmos Bognár EU IST-Pro +36.20.937.07.91

2 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport IST – 6 th call for proposals Closing date: 25 April 2006, 17.00 Budget: 140 Meuro Instuments: IP, STREP, CA, SSA, no NoE Only on-line submission - EPSS phone:+

3 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport 2.6.1 Advanced robotics STP,CA, SSA – 37M€ 2.6.2 Ambient Assisted Living IP – 20M€: STP, CA, SSA – 20M€ 2.6.3 Search engines for audio-visual content IP - 12 M€: STP, CA – 18M€ 2.6.4 Accompanying actions supporting participation CA, SSA – 3M€ 2.6.5/1 Targeted research actions Int. Coop. on Digital TV: Latin America STP, CA, SSA – 5M€ Int. Coop. on Digital TV: China STP, CA, SSA – 5M€ Int. Coop. on Grid Technologies: China STP, CA, SSA – 5M€ Int. Coop. for eGovernment: W. Balkans STP, CA, SSA – 5M€ Early warning systems: Tsunami STP, CA, SSA – 5M€ 2.6.5/2 Coordination actions or Specific support actions: Strategic cooperation CA, SSA 5M€

4 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport 2.6.1. Advanced Robotics Objectives: Moving from specific industrial technology to a broad enabler of a wide range of products and services for the costumer, home and entertainements market Development of more intelligent, flexible, cost-effective, modular, safe, interoperable, robust user-driven robot systems –Massive introduction of robots in everyday human environments and their close co-operation with people –Extend the coupling of the world of information and communication with the world of physical interaction

5 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport Advanced robotics – Focus STREPs: flexible robot systems »Safe, robust and dependable robot systems operating in human environments and co-operating with people »Networked and co-operating robots »Advanced integrated modular robotics »Starting poionts: state of the art in multi-modal knowledge acquisition, in reasoning and decision-making, evolution and learning, miniaturisation

6 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport Advanced robotics – Focus –SSAs:prepare the emergence of a multidisciplinarity research community in Europe »Develop longer term visions and roadmaps »Address organisational, legal, ethical, and socio-economic challenges »Standardisation activities for modular robotics »Benchmarking »International co-operation

7 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport Advanced robotics – information - Infoday in Brussels Contacts: –Pekka Karp DG INFSO F1, Franco Mastroddi DG INFSO E5 –Websites: Advanced robotics on Cordis »Future and Emerging Technologies »Cognition »European Robotics Platform EUROP »European Robotics Network EURON

8 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport 2.6.2. Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) for the Ageing Society AssistedIndependentActive Support to daily activities –Increase independence and autonomy „at home” (Assistive technology, smart homes, warning systems, shopping facilities) - Participation in society and mobility (communication, access to education, leisure etc.) -Integrated Care Interoperability -Heakthcare, -Social care, -Informal care

9 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport AAL – Proposal requirements –Respond to end-user needs –Significant end-user interaction&involvement in R&D process –Multidisciplinary project teams –Involvement of relevant public authorities –Verificatuion of tests and results –Lead to cost-effective, user-friendly solutions –Stimulate business innovation an involve major industrial partners, SMEs –Clear exploitation of outcomes

10 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport AAL IPs and STREPs Focus 1 Integration of advanced ICTs into working prototypes for AAL –(context-awaresmart products, systems and services) Focus 2 Development if AAL systems reference architectures allowing for seamless integration of devices, subsystems and services –(system interoperability and management, contribution to standards, service engineering, privacy protection) –SSAs and CAs –Legal, regulatory, ethical, phsychological, socio-*economic, organisational, financial –CAs –Bridging different constituencies, support clustering, co-operation between projects, inco

11 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport 2.6.3. Search engine for audio-visual content Main features: federating approach (of previous TRD, of ongoing activities) Technologies for search Tools and methods System approach and validation in realistic userscenarios and variesty of environments Relevance validations Large-scale testbed targets

12 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport 2.6.3. Search engine for audio-visual content Objective: To provide advanced solutions for organising, searching and accessing large-scale, distributed digital audio-visual content and objects. Support will be given to projects that significantly advance research capabilities and/or consolidate existing research work and identify future orientations in the field. Proposed actions should have a federating effect on on-going work within relevant national initiatives for on-line access to digital content.

13 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport 2.6.3. Search engine for audio-visual content Focus: Technologies to support the process of representing and interpreting, navigating and retrieving audio-visual content and other types of digital objects. Particular aspects to be considered include heterogeneous data fusion, optimised system integration and where applicable P2P technologies. Methods and tools aimed at higher levels of information harvesting, including automated knowledge discovery and extraction, annotation and summarisation, indexing and retrieval of all types of digital content (text, image, video, audio, 3D graphical objects etc.), including protected content. Systems for adaptive search by content and/or context to be tested in realistic everyday life settings, based on relevance feedback – including socially-derived relevance. This should encompass the integration and testing of search from a variety of sources based on mixed-media queries and the delivery of different media types on a variety of devices (including mobile terminals).

14 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport 2.6.3. Search engine for audio-visual content System aspests: Emphasis should be placed on future user and service search requirements and on ubiquitous access, be it from a fixed or mobile networks, hiding complexity, as well as handling context and geographical awareness in multiple environments (e.g. local, corporate, open Internet). Work should be placed in a systems context with a clear industrial exploitation drive. Solutions should be validated with targeted applications in critical sectors, using large scale heterogeneous and networked audio- visual information repositories.

15 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport –Stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation in current and future Community ICT research. – Bridge between the 6 and 7 FWP – Special focus on newcomers and SMEs, NMS, ACC. – Targeted also on INCO countries. SO 2.6.4 Participation in the IST programme

16 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport SO 2.6.5 INCO Each proposal expected to contribute to global strategy for future initiatives Focus on well-identified region Include partners from region addressed Cover all technologies relevant to co-operation Yield results within 12-18 months Be based on local needs and/or opportunities best addressed jointly

17 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport SO 2.6.5 INCO Emphasis on emerging, developing, neighbourhood countries · identifying partner countries, common needs and opportunities for deeper strategic co-operation through dialogue with broad communities Awareness raising measures Emphasis on emerging, developing, neighbourhood countries · identifying partner countries, common needs and opportunities for deeper strategic co-operation through dialogue with broad communities

18 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport SO 2.6.5 Inco International co-operation on Digital TV broadcasting and intaractive applications –Target region: Latin-Amerika –Open API and middleware isssues –Interactive applications with strong focus on eLearning, eHealth& eGovernment

19 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport SO 2.6.5 Inco International Co-operation on digital broadcasting – mobile convergence – Target country: China open API and middleware issues scalable video coding and lighweight representation and content aggregation technologies

20 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport Inco eGovernment and eParticipation Target countries: Western Balkans Objective To address key issues across the region, such as: - improved public services, - institutional reinforcement, - decision making - democratic processes Public services of high impact may include: - eCustoms - ePublic Procurement - eDemocracy - eParticipation Cooperation within the W. Balkan region as well as with the EU is supported

21 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport Inco GRID technologies Target country: China Objectives –to develop strategic partnerships building on common priority areas –to explore new collaboration opportunities for the take-up of Grid- enabled applications by end-users –promoting common developments of standards and building joint virtual laboratories involving research and industry

22 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport IncoEarly warning systems for geo-physical hazards Target countries: Mediterranean partner countries, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Sri-Lanka, Japan, USA, Canada, New- Zealand. –The aim is to develop, validate and demonstrate advanced systems and services to manage geo-physical risks, with a focus on developing an early warning and alert capacity for improved disaster prevention and preparedness in coastal zones. The objective is to establish operational prototypes for tsunami detection, early warning and alert relevant to the main tsunami-prone regions in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, and Indian Ocean.

23 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport IncoEarly warning systems for geo-physical hazards Target countries: Mediterranean partner countries, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Sri- Lanka, Japan, USA, Canada, New-Zealand. –The aim is to develop, validate and demonstrate advanced systems and services to manage geo-physical risks, with a focus on developing an early warning and alert capacity for improved disaster prevention and preparedness in coastal zones. The objective is to establish operational prototypes for tsunami detection, early warning and alert relevant to the main tsunami-prone regions in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, and Indian Ocean.  Additional support measures include:  technology transfer between EU and tsunami-prone countries and regions bordering the Indian Ocean, for sharing best practice, promoting standards and adapting these to local needs and conditions;  Collaboration with specialised institutes in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea with the aim of promoting a harmonised approach to tsunami early warning and alert for the Mediterranean basin.

24 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport IncoEarly warning systems for geo-physical hazards : A large STREP dealing with the enhancement of early warning and alert capacities, applied to tsunamis and other coastal hazards, which can build upon existing and future advanced infrastructures implemented under the coordination of UNESCO-IOC. Relevance and transferability of the technology to multiple tsunami-prone areas (Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and NE Atlantic) should be explored. IST focus should be on software and service development and system validation, in particular to improve speed and quality of data transmission and data integration across the entire chain (from monitoring to citizen alert), including sensor networking.

25 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport IncoEarly warning systems for geo-physical hazards –A Specific Support Action or Coordination Action, willing to cluster with the STREP and other related activities, that will enable INCO Countries (in particular those bordering the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean) to collaborate, with respect to e.g.: TEWS user requirements, validation, training and capacity building, to ensure that expected developments meet the local needs, while taking into account the international coordination guidelines of UNESCO-IOC towards the implementation of a global tsunami early warning system.

26 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport Web site: CallPage&call_id=271 Info Day: 31st January 2006, hosted by UNESCO-IOC, Paris Contact: Dr. Karen Fabbri ( DG Information Society and Media, European Commission

27 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport Commission contact person for each objective open in call Partner search facilities htp:// A network of National Contact Points

28 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport ETP – JTI

29 EU IST PRO EU IST Promóciós Csoport

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