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Physiological Breeding: strategies & genetic gains

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1 Physiological Breeding: strategies & genetic gains
Matthew Reynolds (CIMMYT) Contributions from: Gemma Molero, Maria Tattaris Carolina Saint Pierre, Mariano Cossani Siva Sukumaran, Alistair Pask, Ravi Valluru Marc Ellis, Yann Manes Richard Trethowan

2 International Wheat Improvement Network (IWIN)
Coordinated by CIMMYT since 1960s Latin America Africa Middle East South & East Asia CIMMYT distributes 1,000 new wheat genotypes annually targeted to a range of environments

3 wheat yield trials from 1994 to 2010.
Average genetic gains at 556 international sites: ~1% per year from Manes et al Genetic yield gains of CIMMYT international semi-arid wheat yield trials from 1994 to 2010. Crop Science 52:

4 Complementary strategies to increase genetic gains
Identify crop characteristics conferring adaptation Precision and high throughput phenotyping Exploration of genetic resources for adaptive traits Inter-specific hybridization to broaden the crop genepool Genomics to increase breeding efficiency Strategic crossing to achieve cumulative gene action

5 Complementary strategies to increase genetic gains
Identify crop characteristics conferring adaptation Precision and high throughput phenotyping Exploration of genetic resources for adaptive traits Inter-specific hybridization to broaden the crop genepool Genomics to increase breeding efficiency Strategic crossing to achieve cumulative gene action

6 Conceptual Model of Heat-Adaptive Traits
YIELD = LI x RUE x HI G x E? Photo-Protection (RUE) Leaf morphology (display, wax) Down regulation Pigment composition Chl a:b Carotenoids Antioxidants Efficient metabolism (RUE) CO2 fixation CO2 conductance Rubsico (>>) Canopy photosynthesis spike photosynthesis Respiration G x G? Light interception (LI) Rapid ground cover Functional stay-green Partitioning (HI) Spike fertility (meiosis, pollen, etc) Stress signaling (e.g. ethylene) regulating senescence rate floret abortion Grain filling (starch synthase) Stem carbohydrate storage & remobilization Water Use (RUE) Roots match evaporative demand Regulation of transpiration (VPD; ABA) Cossanni & Reynolds, Plant Physiology

7 Complementary Strategies
Identify crop characteristics conferring adaptation Precision and high throughput phenotyping Exploration of genetic resources for adaptive traits Inter-specific hybridization to broaden the crop genepool Genomics to increase breeding efficiency Strategic crossing to achieve cumulative gene action

8 Phenotyping is not just about tools!
Design experimental populations to avoid confounding agronomic traits Seri/Babax population

9 Representative phenotyping platforms (e.g. IWYP-PLAT)
Located at heart of high yield wheat agro-ecosystem (Yaqui Valley NW Mexico) Production >1 m tons Farm yields avg 6.5 t/ha Maximum yields ~10 t/ha Research and breeding conducted side by side, encouraging maximum accountability of both.

10 Plant selection tools Visual selection ++ Canopy temperature
Spectral reflectance (Molecular markers)

11 Canopy temperature shows consistent association with yield under drought and heat
From Flintham et al. 1997: Combined heat and drought stresses after anthesis, which shorten the period of grain-filling, may erode the yield advantages of semi-dwarf lines, to the point where `cross-over' genotype x environment interactions are observed (Brandle & Knott 1986; Hoogendoorn et al. 1988). Drought stress throughout the growing period can reduce both grain number and grain weight to a greater extent in dwarfs (and semi-dwarfs) than in tall controls and these effects have been attributed to reduced water-use efficiency in shorter genotypes (Nizam Uddin & Marshall 1989; Richards 1992b). Genotype x temperature interactions have also been described for Rht effects on plant height, leaf size, ear weight and grain set (Bush & Evans 1988).

12 Deeper roots under drought confer stress adaptation
CT=-0.20x+34.3, R2=0.88 Yield=2.07x+254.9, R2=0.35 Lopes MS and Reynolds MP, Partitioning of assimilates to deeper roots is associated with cooler canopies and increased yield under drought in wheat. Functional Plant Biology 37: Pinto & Reynolds, Common genetic basis for canopy temperature depression under heat and drought stress associated with optimized root distribution. TAG: 128


14 Recently featured on BBC Horizons
Aerial remote sensing Recently featured on BBC Horizons

15 Thermal Imagery: data processing
Removal of outlying pixels Example of how images are processed..mask is applied to remove soil etc…, then pixels with highest variance removed incase there is any pixel mixing This is a thermal image

16 Ground v Airborne: UAV & Blimp:
in most cases data from airborne platforms explains genetic variation in yield etc. better than with ground based readings NDVI UAV and thermal index UAV against groundbased measurements HEAT_1 = Cimcog Resto Heat 2012, HEAT_2=Cimcog Subset Heat 2012 *=normalized by phenology (days to heading) r_G=genotypic correlation

17 Complementary Strategies
Identify crop characteristics conferring adaptation Precision and high throughput phenotyping Exploration of genetic resources for adaptive traits Inter-specific hybridization to broaden the crop genepool Genomics to increase breeding efficiency Strategic crossing to achieve cumulative gene action

18 Genetic resources: ~ 0.5 million Wheat ‘landraces’ in Oaxaca
accessions of wheat genetic resources in collections worldwide The World Wheat Collection at CIMMYT has ~170,000 Wheat ‘landraces’ in Oaxaca

19 70,000 wheat genetic resources screened under drought and heat, Sonora, Mexico,

20 FIGS drought set, Sonora, 2013 Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy ( A

21 FIGS drought set, Sonora, 2013 Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy ( A B

22 Complementary Strategies
Identify crop characteristics conferring adaptation Precision and high throughput phenotyping Exploration of genetic resources for adaptive traits Inter-specific hybridization to broaden the genepool Genomics to increase breeding efficiency Strategic crossing to achieve cumulative gene action

23 Wide crossing with close relatives
e.g. “Synthetics” Sources of disease resistance Redistribution of roots to deeper soil profiles under water stress X = T. durum AABB T. tauschii DD Hexaploid synthetic AABBDD 23

24 1,000 new primary synthetics screened for biomass –heat environment-
# lines Dry weight (g) Check

25 Complementary Genetic Strategies
Identify crop characteristics conferring adaptation Precision and high throughput phenotyping Exploration of genetic resources for adaptive traits Inter-specific hybridization to broaden the crop genepool Genomics to increase breeding efficiency Strategic crossing to achieve cumulative gene action

26 Canopy temp as a surrogate for root function

CT is robustly associated with performance under heat and drought stress Drought stress Heat stress CANOPY TEMPERATURE (0C) 27 27

28 Common QTL identified for heat and drought adaptation
Pinto et al , Heat and drought adaptive QTL in a wheat population designed to minimize confounding agronomic effects. TAG 121:1001–21 Empty bars: Drought specific QTL Lined bars: Stress QTL specific for DRT & HOT environments Solid bars: Robust QTL identified under stress and irrigated environments

29 Root distribution in Seri/Babax ‘iso-QTL’ lines
T-tests for COOL v HOT genotypes: DROUGHT cm (p=0.002) ; HEAT cm (p=0.0025) Pinto & Reynolds, TAG

30 Adaptation to plant density

31 Differences between inner and outer rows:

32 GWAS candidate genes: A) ADi Yield, C) ADi KNO
Candidate gene: SET domain protein PI94960 for pollen abortion Sukumaran et al. Crop Sci. (2015)

33 QTL for spike photosynthesis

34 Complementary Genetic Strategies
Identify crop characteristics conferring adaptation Precision and high throughput phenotyping Exploration of genetic resources for adaptive traits Inter-specific hybridization to broaden the crop genepool Genomics to increase breeding efficiency Strategic crossing to achieve cumulative gene action

35 Strategic crossing for cumulative gene action

36 Strategic Crossing to Combine Adaptive Traits
DROUGHT YIELD = WU x WUE x HI WUE: Transpiration Efficiency Efficient leaf photosynthesis (CID) WUE: Photo-Protection Leaf wax Pigments Water Uptake Ground cover Access to water by roots Partitioning (HI) Stem carbohydrate storage 36

37 First new generation of lines based on physiological crosses & selection, (2007)

38 New lines based on physiological trait (PT) criteria
Check 3.5 t/ha (Vorobey)

39 Yield traits considered in strategic crosses:
YIELD = LI x RUE x HI SINKS pre-grainfill: Spike fertility grain number kernel weight potential avoid floret abortion Development pattern long juvenile spike phase SOURCE (grain-filling): Canopy photosynthesis (RUE/LI) Leaf conductance Carbohydrate storage in stem stay green SINK (grain-filling) Harvest Index tiller survival grain growth rate SOURCE (pre-grainfill): Light interception (LI) Growth rate Canopy temperature

40 Abbreviation Site Country BGLD J BARI Joydebpur Bangladesh BGLD D BARI Dinjpur BGLD R BARI Rajshahi China L LAOMANCHENG China Egypt A Assiut Egypt India D Delhi India India L Ludhiana India V Varanasi India K Karnal India H Dharwad India I Indore India U Ugar Iran D DARAB-HASSAN-ABAD Iran Iran Z ZARGAN Iran SP SPII - KARAJ Iran S SAFIABAD AGRIC. RES. CENTER MEX Bajio INIFAP-Bajio Mexico MEX CM CIMMYT CENEB MEX BC INIFAP-Mexicali Baja California MEX JAL INIFAP-Tepatitlan Jalisco MEX SIN INIFAP-Valle del Fuerte, Sinaloa MEX SON INIFAP_Valle del Yaqui Nepal B Bhairahawa Nepal PAK I Islamabad Pakistan PAK F Faisalabad PAK P Pirsabak 26 international sites of the 2nd WYCYT 35 new (PT) lines 7 elite checks

41 Mean yield of 7 elite checks: 2nd WYCYT, 2014
Yield g/m2

42 Mean yields of 35 new PT lines v 7 elite checks: (average 7% advantage of new lines)
Yield g/m2

43 Physiological Breeding Pipeline
CROP DESIGN GENETIC RESOURCES PHENO- TYPING ANALYSIS BREEDING DELIVERY through IWIN Strategic crossing Select best progeny using state-of-the-art phenotyping /molecular tools Determine traits/genes needed to adapt crops to target environments Landraces Wild relatives Advanced lines Transgenics High thru-put remote sensing Precision phenotyping QTL identified and MAS systems developed INFORMATICS

44 Standard Phenotyping Protocols

45 Conclusions Investment in understanding the ‘phenome’ and trade-offs between traits facilitate breeding decisions Genetic resources represent a vast and largely untapped opportunity for crop improvement, if evaluated using appropriate screens: Aerial high throughput approaches on large numbers Precision phenotyping approaches on selected material Molecular markers (especially for hard to phenotype traits) Strategic trait-based crossing increases genetic gains compared with crossing the best x best yielding lines Phenomic and genomic technologies can deliver genetic gains in farmers’ fields; sooner when integrated with proven techniques


47 PT Heat + Parents (late sown Mexico)

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