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Identified innovation needs and demands for traditional fishery SMEs in Europe Tomas Policar and other partners from WP3 Annual Trafoon Meeting, November.

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Presentation on theme: "Identified innovation needs and demands for traditional fishery SMEs in Europe Tomas Policar and other partners from WP3 Annual Trafoon Meeting, November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identified innovation needs and demands for traditional fishery SMEs in Europe Tomas Policar and other partners from WP3 Annual Trafoon Meeting, November 12 – 13, 2015, Athens, Greek

2 Source and inputs Annual Trafoon Meeting, October 22 – 23, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia - Update of transferable innovations from finished EU and national projects, - Analysis of literature sources, - SWOT analysis of aquaculture sector, - Questionnaires or semi-structured interviews in SMEs, - Inventory of needs for SMEs innovation during MSHW, - Identification and discussion of innovation needs during training workshops, - Discussion with multi-stakeholders from the field of aquaculture and fish market before annual meeting.

3 Identified innovation needs and demands for traditional fishery SMEs in Europe s - Diversification of fish production in terms of species and time, - Increase volume and quality of fish production with technological innovation and development, - Maximize efficiency of RAS and its wide implementation in aquaculture, - Development of technology for more efficient using of water sources, - Development and implementation of renewable energy sources for aquaculture production, - Improvement of fish performance at all stages of fish production, - Using of selective breeding with the aim to increase fish production, - Using of genetic, molecular and genomic tools for getting of robust and resistant fish, - Improvement of broodstock management and their reproduction in captivity, - Development of technique for production of monosex and sterilized fish stocks.

4 s Identified innovation needs and demands for traditional fishery SMEs in Europe - Development of sustainable and high-quality fish feed production, - Improvement of knowledge on nutrition requirements of new farmed fish, - Using of alternative raw material for production of fish feed with the aim to reduce consumption of fish oil and animal protein, - Optimization of feeding procedures and improvement of feed technology, - Prevention of contamination of feeds with mycotoxins and heavy metals, - Elimination of negative effects of predators (such as: cormorants, otters and beavers) on pond cultured fish, - More adequate medicines and vaccines for fish culture, - Optimization of disease management provided more information on new issues (e.g. VHS in salmonids, KHV in cyprinids, bacterial diseases in RAS, etc.), - Improvement of identification fish disease and control, - Increase natural disease resistance of cultured fish.

5 s Identified innovation needs and demands for traditional fishery SMEs in Europe - Promotion of the consumption of fish products as a healthy food, - Analysis of dynamics of European seafood trade and market, - Improvement of nutritional and sensory quality of fish products: increasing content of omega 3 fatty acids, remove bones and bad smell, - Prolongation of shelflife of raw fish material or products, - Creation of economic, social, management, political and governmental conditions for innovative development of suitable aquaculture and processing sector, - Foster entrepreneurship in aquaculture sector, - Supporting of non-production (ecological and cultural) functions of pond aquaculture, - Harmonization of environmental regulation and legislation with the aim to ensuring of growth and development for suitable and environmental friendly aquaculture.

6 s Identified innovation needs and demands for traditional fishery SMEs in Europe - Support of formal and informal lifelong-learning opportunities at all levels as strategy for aquaculture sustainable innovation, - Attraction and keeping of talented, enthusiastic and able individuals to work in the aquaculture sector, - Maximize transfer knowledge, cooperation, communication and relationship between RTDs and SMEs, - Improvement of international cooperation among fish producer organizations.

7 Thank you for your attention !!! 7 Annual Trafoon Meeting, October 22 – 23, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia

8 Evaluation and best practices of the training workshops Tomas Policar and other partners from WP3 Annual Trafoon Meeting, November 12 – 13, 2015, Athens, Greek

9 TRAFOON project is funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 613912 Training workshop "INNOVATION IN TRADITIONAL FISH PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY„ organized by the Institute of Ichthyobiology and Aquaculture at Gołysz and the Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Ustroń, 9 - 10 June 2015

10 Annual Trafoon Meeting, October 22 – 23, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia Training workshop: "Innovation in traditional fish production technology" - in total, 38 participants representing mainly fishery + 12 training experts, - main topic: innovation and development of Polish aquaculture and fish processing with respect of traditional character, The most interesting topics: - analysis of Polish fish market, - development and certification of new fish products, - promotion of fish consumption, - using of non-production functions of pond included tourism, - diversification of fish production, - support of RTD and SME cooperation, - transfer knowledge and training

11 Potential of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for Czech fishery production. September 1 – 2, 2015, Vodňany (Czech Republic) University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, Czech Republic Czech Republic

12 Annual Trafoon Meeting, October 22 – 23, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia  In total, 106 participants from 42 companies related to fisheries and agriculture + 16 training experts (invited Czech, Danish, Portugal and Swiss speakers),  Small exhibition of companies producing different aquaculture technology and equipments,  practical training in different fish facilities of University of South Bohemia, Fish Farm Bohemia, Trout Farm Mlýny, Anapartners related to: Training workshop: Potential of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for Czech fishery production. - out of season spawning and controlled fish reproduction, - effective larval and juvenile culture of new species, - optimization of feeding technology, - practical design and building RAS and construction of main components.

13 Annual Trafoon Meeting, October 22 – 23, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia Main theoretical topics were discussed: - Development of recirculating aquaculture systems in Europe, - Economic aspects of intensive fish farming, - Practical experience with different types of RAS, - Support of entrepreneurship and enhancing of competitiveness, - Biological and technological aspects of suitable fish species used in RAS (including repro, nutrition etc.), - Domestication fish process in RAS, - Methods and techniques used in intensive aquaculture. Training workshop: Potential of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for Czech fishery production.

14 Potential of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for Czech fishery production. Training part – excursion to fish farms in Germany 21 st – 24 th September 2015

15 Annual Trafoon Meeting, October 22 – 23, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia Four days excursion with the aim to visit practical intensive aquaculture farm dealing with: - intensive carp, trout, sturgeon and pikeperch production, - fish processing and production of different tradition products including caviar production, - ecotourism including angling, picnic, swimming and relaxation. Excursion to fish farms in Germany 21 st – 24 th September 2015 The aim was mainly: - increase practical knowledge about intensive aquaculture and support Czech - German cooperation, In total, 19 participants from 8 fish farms + 1 RTD institution.

16 Training Workshop in Olsztyn Health management of cultured fish in terms of food quality and safety 21 th September 2015 - Fish health management 22 nd September 2015 - Quality and safety of fish products Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and Institute of Ichthyobiology and Aquaculture, Polish Academy of Science in Gołysz TRAFOON project is funded by the European Community's Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 613912

17 Annual Trafoon Meeting, October 22 – 23, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia Training workshop: „Health management of cultured fish in terms of food quality and safety“ - In total, 44 participants including 14 experts (32%) and 30 trained specialist (68%), gender structure: women (34%) and men (66%) or 60% of participants from SMEs and 40% RTD.  the shortage of medicines approved for the use in fish culture in Poland,  potential for wide introduction of probiotics and elimination of antibiotics,  wrong identification of EM (effective microorganisms) as probiotic,  unwanted drug residues and toxins (heavy metals, mycotoxins, pesticides and others) in fish tissues,  malachite green has been still serious residue detected in different fish tissue – this treatment is not used long time X what are potential sources of contamination?  Development of new cooperation between RTD and SMEs. The most relevant topics

18 „Ponds of South Bohemia and Waldviertel – production constituent and important component of the life in both regions“ Workshop supported by TRAFOON and RVO projects 14 th – 15 th October 2015, Vodňany, Czech Republic

19 Annual Trafoon Meeting, October 22 – 23, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia  in total, 24 participants from 9 companies related to fisheries, agriculture and ecotourism + 9 training experts (invited Czech and Austrian speakers),  training was organized with cooperation of Austrian Federal Agency for Water protection and Fishery, Training workshop: Ponds of South Bohemia and Waldviertel regions The main aim was: - Support of international cooperation between Czech and Austrian fish farmers, - Development more effective traditional pond carps aquaculture and its diversification, - Support of non-production functions of ponds and promotion of ecotourism in fish farms.

20 “Health aspects of commercial fish farming” December 3, 2015, Vodňany (Czech Republic) University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters “Improvement of fish feed and feeding techniques, fish processing, labeling and marketing of fish products” February 1 – 2, 2016, Vodňany (Czech Republic) University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters Two planned training workshops will be held

21 Thank you for your attention !!! 21 Annual Trafoon Meeting, October 22 – 23, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia

22 Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) related to fish category Tomas Policar and other partners from WP3 Annual Trafoon Meeting, November 12 – 13, 2015, Athens, Greek

23 - Aquaculture is relatively new and young sector of agriculture compared to other food categories, - Fish production still needs deep and sophisticated innovation, - In total, 8 strategic themes and 53 subcategories. Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) related to fish category Strategic themes: Technological development of fish production system, Managing of controlled lifecycle for stable year-round fish production, Sustainable and high-quality feed production, Fish health and welfare, Fish marketing, product quality, consumer safety and health, Socio-economical effect of aquaculture and fish sector on rural area, Environmental friendly and protected aquaculture, Education and knowledge management.

24 Technological development of production system for increasing of production, profitability and sustainability. Subcategories: Diversification of aquaculture production in terms of species and time, Improvement of efficiency in Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS), Wide implementation of effective RAS into aquaculture sector, Development of farming equipment and procedures for efficient production, Improvement of technology for fish transfer, sorting and handling with, Effective management of nutrients cycling in production systems in order to increase its retention in fish products (MTAS, MSAS), Development and upgrade existing and new technologies for more efficient use of water resources, Development and implementation of renewable energy sources for aquaculture production facilities.

25 Managing of controlled lifecycle for stable year-round fish production. Subcategories: Establishment of predictability and cost control at all stages, Improvement of fish performance at all stages, Using of selective breeding in farmed fish species for increase fish performance, adaptation fish, disease resistance, feed efficiency, fillet yield, flesh quality and nutrient profile of fish products, Improvement of broodstock management and control of their reproduction in captivity, Development of breeding technique for production of monosex and sterilized fish stocks and sex-ratio control measures for production of fast-growing populations, Development generic tools for domestication of new fish species.

26 Sustainable and high-quality feed production. Subcategories: Better knowledge on nutritional requirements of new farmed fish, Using of alternative raw material for production of fish feed with the aim to reduce consumption of fish oil and animal proteins, Development of technology for production of live feeds, Using of alternative feed ingredients as bioactive compounds of products (increasing of nutritional value and maximize consumer health benefits, Optimization of feeding procedures to ensure optimal feed utilization and minimalize environmental impact of feeds, Optimization of feed technology for better fish performance at all stages, Prevention of contamination of fish feeds with mycotoxins and heavy metals, production and using of high quality fish feeds in aquaculture.

27 Fish health and welfare. Subcategories: Foster welfare of fish in different aquaculture systems, More adequate medicines and development of new vaccines, Disease management provided more information on new issues (e.g. VHS in salmonids, KHV in cyprinids, bacterial diseases in RAS, etc.), Improvement of understanding of host pathogen interactions, Improvement of identification of fish disease and its control, Increase natural disease resistance of farmed fish, Improvement of knowledge about transmission mechanisms of pathogens at all levels from farm, through country or continents, Investigation of alternative remedies and methods such as probiotics and biological control in aquaculture.

28 Fish market related to fish products, product quality, consumer safety and health. Subcategories: Development and establishment of the system for successful commercial implementation of product certification and consumer-friendly labeling, Promotion of the consumption of fish products as a healthy food, Analysis of dynamics of European seafood trade and market, Improvement of nutritional and sensory quality of fish products, Investigation of the specific effects of fish products on human population with specific dietry needs, Prolongation of shelflife of raw fish material or products, Identification, management and elimination of existing and potential physical, chemical and biological hazard and emerging risk of fish products including virus, bacteria, toxins, persistant organic pollutions and other toxic substances, Definition and standardization of quality parameters of fish products.

29 Socio-economical effect of aquaculture and fish sector on rural area. Subcategories: Creation of economic, social, management, political and governmental conditions for innovative development of suitable aquaculture and processing sector, Support and development of aquaculture sector as an attractive and viable livelihood for ensuring income generation and food security, Foster entrepreneurship in aquaculture sector.

30 Environmental friendly and protected aquaculture. Subcategories: Using and development of non-production (ecological and cultural) functions of pond aquaculture Minimize biogenic emission from aquaculture to open waters with improvement of feeding technology, using of integrated multi-species or multi- trophic systems, Eliminate negative effects of predators (such as: cormorants, otters and beavers) on the pond aquaculture, Improvement of knowledge about genetic, disease and parasite interactions between wild and farmed stocks, Harmonisation of environmental regulation and legislation with the aim to ensuring of growth and development for suitable and environmental friendly aquaculture.

31 Education and knowledge management. Subcategories: Creation of transparent knowledge database that can be interesting for aquaculture innovation and development, Support of the protection of legal rights, management of intellectual property for ensuring of innovation in aquaculture sector, Ensuring of international and interregional cooperation, Support of formal and informal lifelong-learning opportunities at all levels as strategy for aquaculture sustainable innovation, Development of new contact, model and partnerships for learning and training activities, Attraction and keeping of talented, enthusiastic and able individuals to work in the aquaculture sector, Maximise transfer knowledge, cooperation, communication and relationship between RTDs and SMEs.

32 Thank you for your attention !!! 32 Annual Trafoon Meeting, October 22 – 23, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia

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