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CHINESE MASSAGE 1. Chinese Massage  Chinese massage is a medical therapy with various manipulations applied to certain locations of the human body to.

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Presentation on theme: "CHINESE MASSAGE 1. Chinese Massage  Chinese massage is a medical therapy with various manipulations applied to certain locations of the human body to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Chinese Massage  Chinese massage is a medical therapy with various manipulations applied to certain locations of the human body to cure diseases. 2

3  It is a powerful clinical branch of TCM, not only in theory but also in practice.  Chinese massage has been accepted as a safe, effective, comfortable, harmless and free-of-side-effect therapy by the people of the world. 3

4 Accounts  1. A Brief Introduction of Chinese Massage  2. Massage Manipulations  3. Treatment of Common Diseases 4

5 1. A Brief Introduction of Chinese Massage 5

6 History of Chinese Massage  Chinese massage has a long history about 5000 years.  The first medical book on massage-- “Classics on Massage of Yellow Emperor and Qi Bo” had published at Qin dynasty. 6

7  Tang Dynasty was the first gold age for Chinese massage.  A special department of massage was set up in the medical office of government. 7

8  The Ming Dynasty was the second gold age for Chinese massage.  By that time, a new academic branch, child massage had taken shape. 8

9  At present, massage in China is playing an important role in the fields of medical treatment, rehabilitation and health preservation. 9

10 Acting Principles of Massage  1. Relax muscles and soft tissues.  2. Improve blood circulation.  3. Recover the position of tendons, bones and joints.  4. Regulate the function of viscera. 10

11 How to learn Chinese Massage  To study the knowledge of fourteen channels, their relationship to the internal organs, and the commonly used points on them.  To study and exercise various manipulations of Chinese massage. 11

12 2.Massage Manipulations 12

13 Massage Manipulation  It refers to the skills with standardized movement structure for treatment, done by the massagers with their hand, limbs or other parts of the body at the specified locations of the patients. 13

14 Standardized Movement Structure  1. The course and speed of the movement  2. Frequency, rhythm, period  3.The angles of various links of the movement  4. Labor-division of acting muscles and their interrelations 14

15 Basic Requirements  1.Permanence  2. Forcefulness  3. Evenness  4. Softness  5. Deepness and Thoroughness 15

16 1.Permanence  It is that manipulation should last for a certain period of time according to the requirement.  The structure of manipulation keeps unchanged within a certain period of time and has a steady dynamic form. 16

17 2. Forcefulness  It is that manipulation must have a certain force which should be strengthened or weakened according to the patient’s constitution, state of illness, age, therapeutic portions. 17

18 3. Evenness  It is that manipulation should be rhythmical,with the same frequency and pressing force all the time. 18

19 4. Softness  It is that the manipulation should be light but not superficial, heavy but not rough and hard.  The shift of the movements should be natural and smooth. 19

20 5. Deepness and Thoroughness  It is that the manipulation must keep a certain direction of force to achieve a deep effect on a affected part of patient’s body and create curative effect. 20

21 Commonly-used Manipulations  Kneading Manipulation  Scrubbing Manipulation  Grasping Manipulation  Pressing Manipulation  Rolling Manipulation  Wiping Manipulation 21

22 Questions  What are the acting principles of Chinese Massage ?  What is massage manipulation?  What are the basic requirements for all the massage manipulations? 22

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