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What are Belief Systems?

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Presentation on theme: "What are Belief Systems?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: what are the differences between belief systems, religions, and organized religions?

2 What are Belief Systems?
What is a Belief System, a Religion, and an Organized religion?

3 What are these?

4 Belief System

5 Religion The Venn diagram is part of the clue. Belief System

6 Organized Religion Religion Belief System

7 AIM: to what extent do belief systems have an impact on the world?

8 (Some of Planet Earth’s) Belief Systems
• Animism • Judaism Christianity Islam Hinduism Buddhism Taoism Confucianism Zoroastrianism Jainism Sikhism Shinto Deism Atheism Agnosticism Satanism

9 Who believes in them? What percentage of the world is Christian?
What percentage of the world is Muslim? What percentage of the world is Jewish? What percentage of the world is Hindu? What percentage of the world is Buddhist? What percentage of the world is Atheist?

10 Christian Muslim Jewish Hindu Buddhist Atheist



13 To what extent do belief systems have an impact on your life?
That is, outside of your household and private life. Think about the greater US society. Create a list after consulting fellow students. What documents / artifacts might you use as evidence?

14 Write down your responses!
List Write down your responses!

15 Why study them? What is the date? Do you say the Pledge of Allegiance?
When do you receive time off from school? Do you use US money? Do you partake in Halloween? Do you celebrate the “Holidays” or how about Thanksgiving?

16 The Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. (1892) (Francis Bellamy) I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. (1923) (Congress) I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ( ) (Knights of Columbus)

17 To what extent have belief systems had an impact on the development of the USA?

18 “Founding Fathers” ever contemplate religion?
The life and essence of religion consists in the internal persuasion or belief of the mind. No man has power to let another prescribe his faith. Faith is not faith without believing. – Thomas Jefferson (1776)

19 Jefferson’s “Deist” Bible

20 AIM: to what extent do belief systems have an impact on the world?

21 Have Belief Systems ever played a role in political conflicts?











32 Have Belief Systems ever played a role in political conflicts?

33 Fin



36 Where and What? Where do most Muslims live?
What continent is the most Christian, in terms of total percentage of the population? What religions are most popular amongst Sub-Saharan Africans?

37 AIM: to what extent do belief systems have an impact on the world?


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