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Published byStewart Parks Modified over 9 years ago
October 28, 2015 Yuba River Development Project Slide 1 Licensee Response to Relicensing Participant Tunnel Closure Proposal Yuba County Water Agency Yuba River Development Project (FERC Project No. 2246) - YCWA’s Feedback on Agencies/NGOs’ August 26, 2015 NBB Reach LWM and Sediment Proposal -
October 28, 2015 Yuba River Development Project Slide 2 Agenda Issue Summary of Agencies/NGOs’ New Bullards Bar Reach Large Woody Material (LWM) Pilot Study YCWA’s Estimate of Cost for LWM Pilot Study Summary of Agencies/NGOs’ New Bullards Bar Reach Sediment Pilot Study YCWA’s Estimate of Cost for Sediment Pilot Study Next Steps
October 28, 2015 Yuba River Development Project Slide 3 Issue YCWA does not believe that the cost for adding LWM or sediment to the New Bullards Bar (NBB) Reach (i.e., the 1.7-mile-long segment of the North Yuba River from New Bullards Bar Dam to the confluence with the Middle Yuba River) is warranted based on the potential benefits. YCWA believes the costs would be very high, and the benefits low because periodic high flows would leave the majority of any added LWM or sediment high and dry as the high flows recede, or the high flows would flush the material out of the reach. Agencies/NGOs believe that adding LWM or sediment to the NBB Reach does warrant the benefit. Agencies/NGOs believe the LWM and sediment would remain in the useful areas of the stream, providing additional salmonid spawning habitat and enhancing riparian recruitment. One possible way to resolve the differing perspectives is to perform pilot studies that would inform a decision regarding the fate of LWM and sediment if they were placed in NBB Reach. To that end, the agencies/NGOs proposed pilot studies on August 26. YCWA’s initial feedback was that the sediment pilot study lacked some key details (e.g., monitoring locations and methods), and YCWA thought the studies would be very expensive. YCWA said it would spend some time to cost out the pilot studies, and then there could be further discussion.
October 28, 2015 Yuba River Development Project Slide 4 LWM Pilot Study Proposal At 8/26/15 meeting, agencies/NGOs proposed a LWM pilot study in NBB Reach: Within 5 years of license issuance, place in the NBB Reach (NYR below NBB Dam) 100 pieces of LWM (≥25’ in length and ≥1’ in diameter), with root wads if possible, collected from the surface of NBB Reservoir or from other sources agreed to by agencies. Mark each piece. Take photos from standard locations at each LWM placement area. 90 pieces without anchors placed in the water channel or in the floodplain, as widely dispersed along NBB Reach as possible 10 pieces with anchors placed at two locations (5 pieces at each site) to be selected by YCWA, FS, CDFW and SWRCB After LWM is placed, monitor the LWM placement areas after each spill of 2,000 cfs or greater, as soon as feasibly possible and safe, for a total of 4 monitoring events. During each monitoring event: 1) estimate pieces of LWM remaining at placement area; 2) survey NBB Reach to find the LWM; and 3) document changes at LWM anchored sites. Within 1 year of final monitoring, consult with FS, BLM, CDFW, SWRCB, FWN and other interested parties on results and use of new flood control outlet. Based on cost, feasibility and benefits, agencies and YCWA collaborate on future management actions (e.g., no additional action, additional pilot study, or long-term management actions).
October 28, 2015 Yuba River Development Project Slide 5 YCWA’s Estimate of Cost Assumptions for placing the 90 unanchored pieces of LWM ($1,119,000): All 90 LWM pieces from NBB Reservoir in first year with no cost for pieces, and $15,000 to control the pieces at the site on the reservoir All LWM pieces placed by Chinook helicopter with an average of 3 pieces carried per each trip, average of 5 hrs per trip from NBB Reservoir to placement site and for placement, and hourly helicopter cost of $7,000 (i.e., will take ~nineteen 8-hr days for one helicopter to place the 90 pieces) 2 staff on ground at LWM storage area for hook-up of LWM pieces, and 2 staff on ground at site to assist in placement at LWM placement area, take initial photos, etc. at $90/hr/staff Assumptions for placing the 10 anchored pieces of LWM ($274,000): All 10 LWM pieces from NBB Reservoir in first year with no cost for pieces, and $5,000 to control the pieces at the site on the reservoir All LWM pieces placed by Chinook helicopter with an average of 2 pieces carried per each trip, average of 5 hrs per trip from NBB Reservoir to placement site, and hourly helicopter cost of $10,000 (i.e., will take three 8-hr days for one helicopter to place the 10 pieces) 2 staff on ground at LWM storage area for hook-up of LWM pieces, and 2 staff on ground at site to assist in placement and anchoring of LWM, take initial photos, etc. at $90/hr/staff, and $10,000 cost for anchoring material Assumptions for permitting, monitoring and reporting ($146,000): $50,000 for permitting (assumes at least Section 1602 and 404 permit needed) and $20,000 for complying with permit requirements Four monitoring events with 2 staff person per event, and five 10-hr days in field per event at $90/hr/staff $40,000 for final report preparation Total = $1,539,000
October 28, 2015 Yuba River Development Project Slide 6 Sediment Pilot Study Proposal At 8/26/15 meeting, agencies/NGOs proposed a sediment pilot study in NBB Reach: Within 5 years of license issuance, map channel geometry at NBB spillway pool to determine critical velocities to move stockpiled sediment at that site; develop plan in consultation with FS, BLM, CDFW, SWRCB, FWN and others to place 5,000 tons of sediment (0.25” to 6” in diameter) at the site; place the sediment with portion of sediment marked; conduct evaluation to document size and extent of stockpile; and establish standard photo points at stockpile and at 3 downstream locations. After sediment placed, monitor the stockpile and the 3 selected sites after each spill of 2,000 cfs or greater, as soon as feasibly possible and safe, for a total of 4 monitoring events. Also, monitor areas of downstream deposition. During each monitoring event: 1) survey change to stockpile; 2) survey NBB Reach to find sediment depositions; 3) quantify amount of sediment retained at two LWM anchored sites; and 4) describe habitat changes (e.g., gravel bar formation and riparian recruitment) at sites to be determined. Within 1 year of final monitoring, consult with FS, BLM, CDFW, SWRCB, FWN and other interested parties on results and use of new flood control outlet. Based on cost, feasibility and benefits, agencies and YCWA collaborate on future management actions (e.g., no additional action, additional pilot study, or replenish the sediment stockpile each year).
October 28, 2015 Yuba River Development Project Slide 7 YCWA’s Initial Estimate of Cost Difficult to cost due to uncertainties, but YCWA best guess at this time is below using a helicopter for placement Assumptions for placing the 5,000 tons ($7,735,000): Map spillway pool and determine critical velocities to move stockpiled sediment for $40,000 Purchase 5,000 tons of sediment at $25/ton $10,000 to develop plan to place sediment (assumes plan is to use helicopter) Place 5,000 tons of sediment by Chinook helicopter with an average of 14 tons carried per each trip, average of 3 hours per trip from sediment stockpile to placement site, and hourly helicopter cost of $7,000 (will take one hundred and thirty-four 8-hr days for 1 helicopter to place sediment) 2 staff on ground at sediment laydown site, and 2 staff on ground at site stockpile site to assist in placement, take initial photos, establish initial stockpile dimensions, etc. at $90/hr/staff $15,000 to consult and select 3 downstream monitoring sites Additional costs related to transport to and stockpile material at undetermined location; repair any public roads damaged by increased heavy traffic; other unknowns not estimated at this time Assumptions for permitting, monitoring and reporting ($216,000): $50,000 for permitting (assumes Section 1602 and 404 permit needed) and $30,000 for complying with permit requirements Four monitoring events with 2 staff person per event, and one hundred and thirty-four 8-hr days in field per event at $90/hr per staff $40,000 for final report preparation Total = $7,951,000
October 28, 2015 Yuba River Development Project Slide 8 Next Steps The estimated costs and underlying assumptions in this presentation are YCWA’s: other parties are free to use whatever assumptions and costs they feel are appropriate. YCWA is not asking Relicensing Participants to modify their proposals based on this presentation. YCWA is doing some additional research regarding costs for the pilot studies, including looking at USACE’s costs for the sediment injection effort below Englebright, and will report back. YCWA proposes that, after YCWA finishes its investigations, YCWA and Relicensing Participants discuss the pilot studies more (schedule next discussion at November 9 Process Team meeting).
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