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Budget Preparation Communicating Data-Driven Costs.

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Presentation on theme: "Budget Preparation Communicating Data-Driven Costs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget Preparation Communicating Data-Driven Costs

2 Cost Categories Staffing – permanent and temporary Equipment Postage, Supplies Facilities – utilities, security, storage

3 Cost Drivers # of elections # of voters # of precincts # of one-stop sites Higher numbers often lead to higher costs

4 Gathering Cost Data Measure, measure, measure Staffing costs What is the average time it takes to process one provisional voter on election day? One non-provisional voter? What is the historical turnout of voters assigned to that precinct? Does the county have a benchmark for voter wait times? How many judges and assistants are needed in order to process voters at historical turnout levels while meeting wait time goals?

5 Gathering Cost Data Voting Equipment Probably a capital expenditure Most counties spent over $100K on new equipment during HAVA implementation Capital expenditures = long range planning

6 Sample Data Analysis County-wide library system Library expansions & new construction Data to help decision-makers prioritize needs

7 Libraries: Prioritizing Locations The draft presentation provided by Frank Cope, Community Services Director for Wake County, will be available on the State Board of Elections’ ERC site in September 2013.

8 Summary Data-driven budget requests help others better understand needs. Keeping decision-makers informed aids short-term and long- term budget planning. Special thanks to Frank Cope, Community Services Director for Wake County. Questions?

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