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Wei Pan PubH 8403 Presentation Manuscript Submission and Review: My Views and Stories as an Author.

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Presentation on theme: "Wei Pan PubH 8403 Presentation Manuscript Submission and Review: My Views and Stories as an Author."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wei Pan PubH 8403 Presentation Manuscript Submission and Review: My Views and Stories as an Author

2 How to Choose A Journal Why to publish? -- to disseminate your results -- to advance your career Factors –Journal reputation, impact factor –Readerships –Review time, open access, publishers etc –A practical approach: where are the references published?

3 Some Journals Example, but not complete, list; debatable –Top Stat methods/theory journals: JASA, JRSS-B, Biometrika, Ann Statist –Top Biostat or applied stat journals: Biometrics, JASA (Case Studies), JRSS-C (Applied Statistics), Ann Applied Statist, (Controlled) Clinical Trials, … –More specialized Stat journals: JCGS, SADM, JBES, BA, … –Top Machine Learning Journal: JMLR –Bioinformatics and Stat Genetics journals: Nature Genetics, AJHG, Bioinformatics, Genetic Epidemiology, …

4 Personal stories My first (and only one) in Comm Statist: Pan and Chappell (1998); EMS (EM + Smoothing) algorithm ~ a penalized/regularized method; My first (and only one ) in Controlled Clinical Trials: Pan (2001); sample size calculations for GEE; the editor at the time? My first in Biometrika: Pan (2001); a small-sample size adjustment in GEE; needed a theory. My QIC paper in Biometrics: Pan (2001); model selection in GEE; my most highly cited paper; implemented in SAS Genmod and other packages.

5 More stories My first in Bioinformatics: Pan (2002), stat analysis of microarray data; barely got published; now my 2 nd most highly cited. My first in Genetic Epi: Pan (2009); testing H0: b1=b2=…=bk in a GLM: g(u)=b0+X1*b1+X2*b2+…+Xk*bk; X1,…, Xk are correlated; use the Wald (or Score or LR) test? Surprises: in forming a test stat, 1) incorrect assuming b1=b2=…=bk; 2) incorrectly ignoring the correlations among the estimates of b’s;

6 Finally Of course I have bad ones: rejected after 1 or 2 revisions (after 2 or 3 years); some comments are not nice; … Most important: don’t give up! Do what you are interested in. I look forward to hearing your own stories, hopefully successful ones…

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