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Creating a Culture of Leadership Development Components & Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Culture of Leadership Development Components & Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Culture of Leadership Development Components & Strategies

2 Welcome


4 ORGANIZATIONS MUST PROVIDE: Opportunities for employees to acquire new skills Opportunities for career advancement Training Empowerment Rewards & Recognition Autonomy and authority for task completion

5 LEADERS MUST DO: Provide support, coaching, and mentoring Recognize employee strengths and match them appropriately to tasks and roles Provide growth and development opportunities Appropriately stretch employee skills and abilities Provide regular constructive feedback

6 Successful career development depends on 3 factors THE P.I.E. MODEL

7 Your day to day work and the quality of the results you deliver PERFORMANCE

8 How you present yourself and how other people perceive you IMAGE

9 Who knows about what you do and the quality of your work EXPOSURE

10 Image Exposure Performance

11 What do different generations think about P.I.E.? Traditionalists? Millennials? Generation X? Baby Boomers?

12 What do you have to do to create a culture of leadership development?

13 HIRING: 70% impressions and 30% qualifications Remember the 7/11 Rule of first impressions Provide a forum for asking questions Have candidates meet other team members Expand your organization’s business case and definition of diversity and practice inclusion to make a strategy versus a program Don’t be afraid to hire internal candidates

14 ONBOARDING: Make it personal, connect to them Use different mediums Create a relaxed atmosphere Create a shared vision for all staff Define your rallying cry and thematic goals Use stories to introduce pool values Engage existing staff to share their expertise, knowledge, and suggestions for new staff

15 TEAM BUILDING: Create cohesive teams at all levels Help leaders define their “one team” Foster “CO- OPERTITION” Let teams create themselves Solicit volunteers for projects (PIE) Allow natural leaders to emerge versus defining project leaders (where possible) Promote cross functional/generational work

16 MENTORING: Create formal and informal programs that are supported with programming and resources Encourage reverse mentoring to promote generational collaboration and interaction Provide sounding boards for employees to share their feedback and get advice

17 RECOGNITION: Every employee feels known Employees know why their work matters They know how to measure their impact Create ways to “catch people doing good” Celebrate achievements regularly Get staff involved in recognition process Make it personal (give them what they want)

18 Overview 18 What are the applications for your pool? Mentoring? Hiring? Team Building? Recognition? Onboarding?

19 DEBRIEF Fidelity Confidential

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