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Have You Praised Him? (Releasing The Power of Praise – Part 3)

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Presentation on theme: "Have You Praised Him? (Releasing The Power of Praise – Part 3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Have You Praised Him? (Releasing The Power of Praise – Part 3)

2 Texts: Psalm 69:30 Acts 16:16-29

3 Introduction  Praise is of prime importance to the believer, because it is the cheapest access to God Almighty.  It is the surest access to the realm of the miraculous.  The greatest obstacle in life will become a miracle under praise.

4 Introduction  Isaiah 43:21 declare that you and I were made for His praise.  Faith draws on God’s faithfulness, but praise on His person.  Praising God, like every other Biblical principle is designed to profit those who comply with it.

5 Acts 16: 16-29  Paul and Silas were on a God appointed mission, preaching Christ.  Through the authority of Jesus’ name, a demonic opposition was dealt with.  They were beaten, humiliated and locked up in prison. The pressure was on!

6 Instead of complaining and blaming God, they released the power of praise.

7  You are the one to make praise happen – Psa. 69:30.  Praise is a conscious act of the will, not something you just stumble into.  If you want a way out of that difficult situation, then, you have to let praise happen!  You don’t wait for joy to come, you make it happen.

8 How Do I Make Praise Happen? ① Generate joy ② Encourage yourself ③ Guard your joy ④ Keep company with praising people

9 Generate joy  Psalm 100:1-2.  Joy is one of the greatest assets to fulfillment in life. This is the reason, downcast people are always going down.  It takes a glad heart to give acceptable praise unto God.  As Christians, we have been endowed with the joy as part of the fruit of the Spirit – Gal. 5:22.

10 Joy will give you the endurance to ignore the negative forces around you and reach out for that glorious future.

11 Encourage yourself  1 Samuel 30:6.  Nothing works better than self- encouragement. David had no one to turn to, but to encourage himself in the Lord, who delivered and helped him.  Principles: God is always right. He is ever faithful. If God can’t do it, no one else should try. He is Alfa and Omega.

12 Guard your joy  John 16:22b.  You have a responsibility to stay away from joy breakers.  They carry tales of woes and tragedies, they don’t see anything good in anything or anyone around them.  Avoid listening to evil reports, as much as possible – Prov. 4:23.

13 Don’t become a trash can for bad news, because every word you hear is a seed and sooner or later, your life will begin to react to it.

14 There will never be a time in your life when everything is not working. There will be at least one good thing in your life at any given point in time, so celebrate that one thing and all others shall fall into place!

15 Keep company with praising people  Psalm 1:1-3; Proverbs 27:17.  To maintain a lifestyle of praise, you need to keep company with praising people.  The company you keep will influence your destiny. If you don’t choose the company you keep, you may lose your destiny!  Invest in relationships that add value to you life.

16 You can’t be in a relationship without sharing; you share your heart with whoever you are in relationship with. Don’t let anybody take you out of your inheritance in Christ Jesus.

17 Your colorful destiny in Christ Jesus shall emerge in Jesus’ Name.

18 I see every garment of sorrow, shame, depression, grief, failure and unfruitfulness being taking off you in the mighty Name of Jesus.

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