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Faculty Faculty Richard Fikes Edward Feigenbaum (Director) (Emeritus) (Director) (Emeritus) Knowledge Systems Laboratory Stanford University “In the knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Faculty Richard Fikes Edward Feigenbaum (Director) (Emeritus) (Director) (Emeritus) Knowledge Systems Laboratory Stanford University “In the knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Faculty Richard Fikes Edward Feigenbaum (Director) (Emeritus) (Director) (Emeritus) Knowledge Systems Laboratory Stanford University “In the knowledge is the power.” Senior Scientists Senior Scientists Deborah McGuinness Sheila McIlraith Deborah McGuinness Sheila McIlraith (Associate Director) (Associate Director) Technology for effectively representing and using knowledge in computer systems 9/4/02

2 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University2 KSL Projects  For DARPA in multiple programs  DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) Semantic Web technology  Rapid Knowledge Formation (RKF) Knowledge authoring technology  Secure, robust, and scalable Logistics (UltraLog)  For the intelligence community in multiple programs  Advanced QUestion & Answering for INTelligence (AQUAINT)  Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination (KD-D)  Novel Intelligence from Massive Data (NIMD)  Home Land Security Advanced Concept Tech. Demo. (HLS ACTD)

3 Semantic Web Tools for Authoring and Using Analysis Results Richard Fikes Robert McCool Deborah McGuinness Sheila McIlraith Knowledge Systems Laboratory Stanford University

4 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University4 The Semantic Web  Goal: Evolve the Web –  From sites designed for human consumption  To sites also understandable and usable by computer programs  What would that do for us?  Query answering rather than document retrieval  Services findable, usable, and composable by automated agents  Information exchange among independently designed programs  How are we getting there from here?  For documents – >Structure, ala XML >Ontologies to provide intended meaning of terms  For services – Computer interpretable descriptions “ “The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation.”

5 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University5 KD-D Project Objectives  Tools for authoring analysis reports as hyperwebs of Semantic Web documents  Automated services supporting analysis reports

6 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University6 Authoring Tools  Develop tools for authoring analysis reports as hyperwebs of Semantic Web documents  Tools to build knowledge base of supporting data and results  Tools to produce report as text version of knowledge base content  Develop automated services supporting analysis reports >Report templates that specify – –Syntactic structure of the document –Ontologies describing the meaning of the vocabulary used in the template –Sequence of entities (class instances) that the document will describe –Perspective for each entity description >Semantic search tools for effectively finding data relevant to a task >Interactive extraction tools for documents and typed text >Knowledge structuring and editing tools >Linking of analysis results to supporting data

7 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University7 Services Supporting Analysis Results  Develop tools for authoring analysis reports as hyperwebs of Semantic Web documents  Develop automated services supporting analysis reports  Monitor for changes in data supporting results Changes and updates to data reflected in reported results  Check results for incongruities with data and other results  Include query-answering agent with report  Integrate results from multiple authors using differing vocabularies

8 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University8 I Found These Sources Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University8 Document sources

9 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University9 Hyperlinks in Documents Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University9 Hyperlinks to entities in knowledge base Extracted people and roles

10 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University10 Identified People and Their Titles Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University10 Identified people and their titles Incongruity to be resolved

11 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University11 Situation Analysis Template Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University11 A Template to produce a structured description of a situation

12 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University12 Kinds of Situations Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University12 Templates for more specific situations

13 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University13 Election Analysis Template Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University13 The more specific Election template

14 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University14 Search for documents about president Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University14 Search for reference documents containing “president”

15 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University15 News Stories About President Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University15 Only current news stories about an election were considered Two documents found

16 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University16 Found Documents Added To Template Description Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University16 Entering a candidate Found documents entered into description

17 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University17 No Matches For Zivojinovic Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University17 No politician named Zivojinovic was found in the knowledge base

18 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University18 Zivojinovic is a Movie Star Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University18 System knows about a Movie Star named Zivojinovic

19 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University19 Zivojinovic is a Candidate Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University19 Analyst says the Movie Star is a candidate Analyst can extend the template

20 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University20 Located In is a Property Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University20 “located in” is a property in the knowledge base

21 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University21 Located In Yugoslavia Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University21 Analyst enters “yugoslavia” as the location of the election

22 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University22 Description of Yugoslavia Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University22 System recognizes “yugoslavia” as a known country

23 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University23 Located in Entity Yugoslavia Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University23 System changes the location to the Yugoslavia knowledge base entity

24 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University24 Filled Out Template Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University24 Completed template description of the election

25 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University25 Election Report Item in KB Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University25 Election description in the knowledge base

26 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University26 System-Generated Text From KB Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University26 System- generated text from KB

27 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University27 Text Version of Report Item Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University27 Report item describing the election

28 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University28 Year 1 Milestones and Impact  Milestones  Prototype implementations – >Critical tools for authoring results as Semantic Web documents >Sample set of document templates and ontologies >Sample set of automated services supporting analysis reports  Impact  Prototypes (tools & services) suitable for initial testing by analysts  Designs for implementations suitable for substantial pilot studies

29 Semantic Web Tools for Authoring and Using Analysis Results Richard Fikes Robert McCool Deborah McGuinness Sheila McIlraith Knowledge Systems Laboratory Stanford University

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