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Tissues of the Body Reminder: Atom  Molecule  Cell  Tissue  Organ  System Questions: What is Cytology?What is Histology? What does the fox say?

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Presentation on theme: "Tissues of the Body Reminder: Atom  Molecule  Cell  Tissue  Organ  System Questions: What is Cytology?What is Histology? What does the fox say?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tissues of the Body Reminder: Atom  Molecule  Cell  Tissue  Organ  System Questions: What is Cytology?What is Histology? What does the fox say?

2 Histology - the study of tissues Gamete = sex cellsSomatic = body cells (Sperm & Egg) Zygote = fertilized egg Differentiation (morphogenesis) = the changes cells make to become specialized Specialization = the specific functions cells can do Histogenesis = the changes tissues make to become more specialized



5 4 Primary Tissues: –Epithelial tissue –Connective tissue –Muscle tissue –Nervous tissue

6 Two types: –membranous coverings or linings of organs –glandular form exocrine and endocrine glands Epithelial Tissue



9 Figure 4.4


11 Epithelium-Human Stomach

12 Glandular Epithelia Epithelial tissues illustrate a basic biological principle: structure closely correlates with function

13 Binds the cells & organs of the body together –Connective tissue consist of two components: cells & a matrix (extracellular fibers) Connective Tissue

14 Proper connective: Loose – adipose (fat) Dense – tendons & ligaments Specialized connective: Cartilage Bone Blood 2 Types of Connective Tissue

15 Connective Tissue Specialized protein fibers in the matrix: Elastin = flexibility Collagen = strength

16 Connective Tissue


18 An important structural component of organs – Proper Connective Tissue: Dense Loose Connective Tissue


20 Cartilage –Consists of specialized cells embedded in a matrix of extracellular fibers & other extracellular material

21 Blood Tissue is made of 2 parts: corpuscle Red Blood Cell White Blood Cell Platelets name ErythrocytesLeukocytesThrombocytes function carries O 2 fights diseaseblood clotting *other contains hemoglobin (protein) & iron (Fe) 5 different types of cells (diverse) cell fragments -Corpuscles ( blood cells) -Plasma (liquid)

22 Osseous Tissue Bone –Consists of bone cells (osteocytes) and a calcified cartilage matrix

23 Osseous Tissue

24 Muscle Tissue Made of highly specialized cells that contract, or shorten, when stimulated to produce movement. Because they are elongated they are called muscle fibers.

25 Muscle Tissue InvoluntaryVoluntary one nucleus per cellmulti-nucleated cells Smooth (visceral) Cardiac (contains intercalated discs) Skeletal (striated) No striationsStriated

26 Muscle Tissue

27 Muscle TissueMuscle Tissue

28 Nervous Tissue Contains specialized cells that conduct impulses Conducting cells, called neurons, transmit impulses from one region of the body to another. Nonconducting cells, neuroglia, are a type of supporting tissue.

29 Nerve Tissue


31 Organ Systems Tissues combine to form organs. – Organs are discrete structures that have evolved to perform specific functions – Most organs do not function alone, they are part of a group of cooperative organs, called an organ system.



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