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Judaism There are three types of Judaism:

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1 Judaism There are three types of Judaism:
Orthodox Jews follow a strict observance of rabbinic law. Weekly attendance at temple on the Sabbath. Strict observance of dietary prohibitions i.e. pork, no mixing of dairy and meat, matzos during Passover, Gender segregation during temple and other celebrations. There are variations of this sect, which includes Hasidim and Lubavitcher. This is the state religion of Israel.

2 Judaism Conservative Judaism:
Conservatives split from the orthodox in the mid 1800s. They observe less restrictive and modified versions of attendance at temple and the dietary prohibitions. In 1968, there was a a movement to combine Conservative and Reform Judaism. This was called Reconstructionism.

3 Judaism Reform Jews: Affirm the basic doctrine of Judaism but shun many traditional practices such as: Weekly attendance at temple on the Sabbath Marriage restrictions. Jews according to the law must marry other Jews. Many of the dietary prohibitions are not observed or will be only adhered to on the high holy days. Reform Judaism is most popular here in the USA.

4 Judaism Beliefs Judaism is a religion of ethical monotheism.
God is the unique and ultimate authority. God is known as Yahweh, which cannot be said by any observant Jew. The entire religion is based on the Torah, which is the first five books of the bible, supposedly written by Moses. In addition to the Torah, Jews also follow the books of the prophets.

5 Judaism The study of the Torah is considered worshipping God.
The Talmud is the study of or the interpretation of the Torah. Judaism started about 2000 BCE. Abraham was called by God to a holy covenant to lead the chosen people to the land of milk and honey Judaism centers around agricultural holydays and feasts. The most solemn holyday is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement,

6 Judaism There are 613 commandments and 365 prohibitions as expressions of the will of God. God is know as Yahweh but Jews cannot say the name out of respect to God. They write the name without vowels YHWH.

7 Judaism Judaism A boy must be circumcised within a week of birth in a ceremony called a bris. At 13, a Jewish boy marks his ascent to manhood with a Bar mitzvah. Bat Mitzvahs were added for Jewish girls. Upon death, a Jewish person must be buried within 24 hours and the body is never to be cremated. Families of the deceased person observe a 7 day period of mourning where people may come to the home and pay their respects.

8 Judaism The New Year begins on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
The three important agricultural feasts are Sukkoth, Shavuot and Passover.

9 Judaism” Judaism Cosmology in Judaism- Where did we come from and how do we relate to the Gods, spirits and other humans? God is the all omnipotent creator who created the universe from nothing. God has no beginning or end. Genesis the first book of the Hebrew Bible indicates that God created all in six days and rested on the 7th day, which is called the Sabbath.

10 Judaism Metaphysics-the nature of reality
God created Adam and Eve. God reached out to Abram and made a covenant with him to lead the Jewish people. The sign of God’s covenant was the circumcision of every Jewish male. God gave Abraham and Sarah a son whose named was Isaac, in spite of their advanced age as a sign that nothing is impossible with God.

11 Judaism God chose to intervene.. into human history by by establishing a covenant with Abraham. God chose to intervene with the chosen peoplethe Jewish nation which was enslaved by the Egyptians. God chose Moses to lead the Chosen People to the Promised land. Moses was a crooked line; he had a speech impediment. Pharaoh let them go after Passover when the angel of death killed every first born male that was not Jewish Moses led the Jews into the desert got 40 yrs.

12 Judaism Soteriology ( what happens after death)
Some Jews believe that there is no after life. Most Jews believe that they will be judged if they were good or bad. Those who were good go to heaven and those who were bad go to gehenna or hell

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