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Leaving Certificate Biology Excretion 1 iQuiz SECOND Press the F5 Key to Begin, Then click on this Blue Box FIRST In PowerPoint 2007 if you see a Security.

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Presentation on theme: "Leaving Certificate Biology Excretion 1 iQuiz SECOND Press the F5 Key to Begin, Then click on this Blue Box FIRST In PowerPoint 2007 if you see a Security."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leaving Certificate Biology Excretion 1 iQuiz SECOND Press the F5 Key to Begin, Then click on this Blue Box FIRST In PowerPoint 2007 if you see a Security Warning click HERE on Options… and then click on  Enable this content

2 Which of the following is not carried in the blood? Amino acidsGlucose HormonesUrine

3 Name the substance excreted during photosynthesis. OxygenNitrogen Carbon dioxideUrea

4 Which function of the skin is carried out by the sweat glands producing sweat containing salts and water? PerceptionExcretion InsulationProtection

5 Urine leaves the body through the … Collecting duct UreterBowman’s capsule Urethra

6 Urea is removed from the blood by the … LungsGall bladder KidneyLiver

7 The structure that carries urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder is called the … PenisUrethra UreterProstate

8 Urea is a waste product of the metabolism of … GlucoseProteins FatsMinerals

9 Increased heat loss is brought about by the … Arterioles dilatingSebaceous glands Hair folliclesMalpighian layer

10 Which of the following structures is associated with temperature regulation in a mammal? MusclesSweat glands LiverNephron

11 The microscopic filtering units in the kidney are called … Collecting ductsUreters NephronsUrethras

12 What substance is produced during protein metabolism in a mammal? OxygenNitrogen Carbon dioxideUrea

13 Which of the following structures is associated with osmoregulation in Amoeba? NephronNucleus Contractile vacuoleFood vacuole

14 The temperature of a frog is lower than that of a man. If the frog is moved from a temperature of 24 °C to one of 29 °C, what would its temperature be in the second place? 24 °C Between 24 °C and 29 °C 20 °C37 °C

15 You are told that an organism contains a contractile vacuole. Which of the following do you think is most likely? It lives in salt water It lives in fresh water It lives on landIt lives in the air

16 Alcohol inhibits ADH production. This results in the collecting duct becoming … More permeable + Less H 2 O reabsorbed Less permeable + More H 2 O reabsorbed More permeable + More H 2 O reabsorbed Less permeable + Less H 2 O reabsorbed

17 How did you do? Click this Blue Box to find out Excretion 1 iQuiz

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