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March 2013 Updates: I turn 35 and Hahgoot turns 7!

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Presentation on theme: "March 2013 Updates: I turn 35 and Hahgoot turns 7!"— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2013 Updates: I turn 35 and Hahgoot turns 7!

2 I celebrated my birthday with lovely cards from my daughters: Alma gave me a ladybug card, and she wrote everything inside herself! She also read it to me...

3 Hahgoot made me a cheeky monkey card. Barak went out with the girls and they got me a lovely cookbook, all about creative healthy ice blocks! Barak also bought me a very nice shirt from the city.

4 We celebrated with a family lunch at the Outback Stake house restaurant in Penrith, which had great food.

5 Hahgoot started her birthday celebrations a day before her actual birth date, with a card from her friends Deena and Emma and baked brownies to share with her class. As they have many kids with allergies in her class this year, I found a dairy free, egg free, wheat free brownie mix, but then we got permission to add the rest of the ingredients from the teacher.

6 Alma got a lesson in breaking eggs from her expert sister.

7 While the cake baked in the oven, the girls drew decorations to hang around the house, like balloons and streamers.

8 The next day was Hahgoot actual birthday. She started the day by opening presents. She was very excited and happy but as she has a limited range of facial expressions and she reacts in delay due to slow processing, it is a bit hard to tell... She got a beautiful Aboriginal themed stationary set from Deena and Emma, and an Octonauts pop-out action play book from her parents, among other things.

9 This year Hannah, from Hahgoot’s class, has a birthday on the same day, so 2\3C was lucky to get both brownies and donuts – what a sugar rush... Hahgoot also got the lovely birthday award and chocolate.

10 In the evening she finished the day with a lovely card from Mia (from Burwood) who sent a Smiggles gift card, and a package from Auntie Debbie (from Bondi). Before bedtime she enjoyed lining up the Octonauts characters.

11 Dad arrived home and brought a cool 7 years old Super-girl card for Hahgoot and a sweet 2.5 years old card for Alma.

12 The girls liked the gift from Auntie Debbie very much!

13 Hahgoot sent everyone who sent her a present or a card a thankyou letter, using stationary she got in Israel and stamps who were a present from Rotem. In our next presentation: Lots of games together!

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