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1 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Particles and Fields Package Monthly Status Review (MSR) Aug 17, 2010 Dave Curtis, PFP PM.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Particles and Fields Package Monthly Status Review (MSR) Aug 17, 2010 Dave Curtis, PFP PM."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Particles and Fields Package Monthly Status Review (MSR) Aug 17, 2010 Dave Curtis, PFP PM

2 2 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 SSL Contracting Status Phase B/C/D Contract in place.

3 3 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Schedule Status Slack to CDR has eroded from 4.2 to 3 weeks, mostly due to delays in EM part procurement. Delay in PFP EM I&T results in delays in start of next FSW build, resulting in loss of slack in FSW delivery (11.4 to 7.8 weeks) –Puts FSW on critical path –Odd because FSW is actually ahead of schedule. Added 8w to schedule margin due to need date slipping to the right.

4 4 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Manpower Ramping up complete –Added final ME to SWIA/STATIC team New position open to augment QA team due to Ron Jackson’s retirement

5 5 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Accomplishments Completed all pre-PDR deliverables Completed peer reviews, IPDR, MPDR Most EM EEE parts on order – just a few actives and some passives left –Part qualification testing has been delayed till next FY, which adds some schedule risk in case parts fail screening PWBs are in layout EM Mechanical parts are starting to go to fab PFP FSW Boot code ~1/2 coded Completed LPW sensor geometry trade More in instrument sections…

6 6 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Ongoing Work Supporting Project planning process Supporting EMC, Payload, SDT working groups Working parts issues with PCB Completing layouts and mechanical part level designs Working off RFAs

7 7 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 PFP RFA Status

8 8 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Trades Considering changing LPW boom whip caging –Nick Jedrich Mechanical Peer Review recommendation –Now that sensor geometry has been decided, can proceed. –Change from caged to fixed whip Deletes caging mechanism mass & resources Deletes whip hinge Deletes an actuation Simplifies qualification –Concerns being investigated Enhanced vibration on whip, preamp –Have ideas for mitigations which look promising –Plan for building a demonstration model to vibrate this month. Potential damage to exposed whips during I&T –Possibly remove whip for some of ATLO –SSL & LM current see no show-stoppers

9 9 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Issues [1] Magnetics –Current sensor location on solar array probably does not work Too close to solar array strings AC magnetics too high –Working with Project on alternatives

10 10 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Issues [2] SWEA Surface Treatment –Need to modify thermal characteristics of surfaces in SWEA aperture to avoid excessive heating - candidate solutions in work –Candidate solutions need to be evaluated for Atomic Oxygen effects, charging effects, thermal properties, and robustness AO test in progress –Current candidates: DAG213, Ebanol-C, Black Nickel, Black Chrome, Z307 –SWIA and STATIC also interested SEP detector Atomic Oxygen effects –Heritage instruments survives AO, but we would like to test a MAVEN detector if possible. Included in the test

11 11 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Issues [3] Amptek HV801 failures –Seems to be a lot workmanship issue –New lot in work at Amptek, but not certain they will be better –Projects ahead of MAVEN in trouble, will have higher priority for parts SWIA, STATIC use HV801 Alternative VMI part has acceptable performance –Tested in breadboard –Much too large for existing layout –Significant changes would need to be made to accommodate mass, schedule impact Micropak has built equivalent demo parts with same form factor –Parts in test (one at SSL)

12 12 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Issues [4] SWEA Planetary Protection –CESR part of SWEA FM build in progress –Will be assembled before the breakup/burnup analysis complete Current PP plan indicates SWEA is likely to burn up SWEA is small, not a large contributor even if it does not burn up –SWEA has stringent contamination concerns due to MCP, and so is already built in very clean conditions –Need to decide if we need extra steps such as bio assay –This is the same as the rest of MAVEN, but with a sooner trigger date FM fab already started, mechanical assembly starts in November

13 13 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Issues [5] Launch Loads –The current random vibe levels in the ERD are significantly higher than anything we have worked to on previous missions 23GRMS for forward deck mounted instruments 47GRMS for MAG –MAC curve limit loads are as high as 72g –Corresponds to design loads significantly greater than 100G, which is the usual design target at SSL –Greater than qualification level for heritage instruments which were expected to fly with minimal changes SWEA, SEP, LPW booms –A concern for some structures Historically loads come down significantly once we get CLA –CLA is due ~October, well before CDR PFP plan is to follow LM’s lead and not redesign to these unrealistic loads –When CLA comes in there is a risk we will have to do some redesign

14 14 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Issues [6] THEMIS SST Attenuator anomaly –MAVEN SEP attenuator design is identical to THEMIS SST –THEMIS attenuator life tested to ~75,000 cycles –One of 10 flight attenuators failed to completely open after ~3 years on orbit and ~4,000 cycles MAVEN expected life is ~2,000 cycles. –Diagnostics indicate the problem is not the end-of-travel microswitch (an early candidate), but the “Nanomuscle” actuator itself –Looking at ways to improve the actuator reliability –MAVEN has 2 independent SEP telescopes. Failure of one attenuator impacts part of the science from one telescope; can still meet Level 1.

15 15 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Top Risks New risk 17

16 16 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Risks List [1]

17 17 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Risks List [2]

18 18 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 PFP Mass PDR masses NTE reallocation per CCR182 EUV mass growth due to mechanism change

19 19 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Mass Tracking Chart

20 20 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 PFP Power Increase in SEP power due to calculation error in previous version Liens: –Expect to need operational heat during eclipse None allocated for most instruments; amount needed pending thermal analysis Preliminary estimates included for MAG and EUV IPDR numbers for the remaining instruments are up to 13.3W (worst case cold) –Hoping to improve on that using the LM-provided environments, pending

21 21 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 PFP Power Trend

22 22 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 PFP Data Rate Per 2009-6-9 allocations from Bruce

23 23 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Requirements Verification Status Nothing to report

24 24 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 MAVEN Magnetometer Status Aug 5, 2010 Connerney, Sheppard, Schnurr, etc.

25 25 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 GSFC/MAG - Accomplishments Last Month(s) MAG supported to a successful conclusion IPDR (at UCB) and Mission PDR (GSFC – 07/12-15/2010). Closed out all MAG-related RFA’s (per email 08/03 Ken Wagner) Received circuit boards for MAG a/c heater circuit. Initiated procurement of long-lead items: –Mil spec CMOS quad bilateral switches (4066’s). –LTC1604 ADCs and Aeroflex PWM 5032 for new heater design. –Fabrication of sensor assembly parts (currently out for bids). Continued discussions with Project and GSFC management re SIP (budget). Provided Solar Array design tutorial, SA qual coupon test plan, Juno SA qual coupon test results, support to GSFC/LM magnetics working group. –Recommend sensor accommodation on extended SA substrate (1” thick M55J Aluminum honeycomb/CC facesheet panel) at max separation that can be affordably achieved (>1m). Recommended independent (GSFC) analysis of mechanical design.

26 26 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Near Term Plans & Open Issues Support (now weekly) budget discussions with Project, Code 600 management, and Director’s management. Complete EM board layout. Initiate winding of magnetics (transformers, inductors). Completion of procurement activity to meet GSFC cut-off dates –Aug 11 for transfer of funds –Aug 13 for funds commitment Assist MAG Sensor accommodation trade (design). –Extend the SA panel substrate (1.5 m from SA strings may be possible).

27 27 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 MAVEN PFP SWIA Status Aug 2010 Jasper Halekas, SWIA Lead

28 28 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 SWIA Progress PDR Passed –No major issues, all actions and recommendations completed Active and passive parts lists complete –Long lead items: MCPs and A121 preamps ordered Schematics for all boards complete –Anode board in layout –Mechanical details on preamp/MCP board in progress –HVPS prototype testing ongoing –Digital board and LVPS board ready for layout Mechanical design maturing –First priority: Support layout –Second priority: Flesh out and fabricate attenuator mechanism and anode/MCP housing –Third priority: Finish and fabricate full analyzer FPGA Testing in progress

29 29 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 SWIA Issues Staffing –ME staffing continues to be an issue Dalton largely busy with RBSP Johnson splitting time between RBSP, STATIC, SWIA –Layout queue is tight –Many people out on vacations after PDR Parts concerns –VMI multipliers –Switches –MOBI actuators –TiNI pin-pullers

30 30 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 SWIA Simulated Test FPGA Output FPGA simulation tested with 24 constant count rates for each anode Output de-commutated and plotted using SSL standard IDL routines (different color scales) Working Nominally! P0 First Energy Step P2 First Energy Step P1 First Energy Step

31 31 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 MAVEN PFP SWEA Status August 2010 Dave Mitchell, SWEA Lead

32 32 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 SWEA Status Mechanical –New mechanical parts fabrication and coating – ongoing (expect to complete in September) Front-end Electronics (MCP, HVPS) –Electronic parts procurement – done –PCB fabrication – done –HV optocouplers – procured, fabrication in progress, final assembly in September –Transformers fab & test – fab complete, not yet tested LVPC & Digital –LVPC design/parts selection – done –Digital design – schematic and final parts list done, checking PCB part information and footprint

33 33 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Surface Coating for Deflectors and Toroidal Grids –Current candidates are: black chrome, black nickel, DAG213, Z307, and Ebanol-C. –Samples procured and delivered to GSFC for testing. –Laboratory tests are underway to measure electrical & thermal properties before and after exposure to atomic oxygen. Mechanical Design of Aperture –Current mechanical loads spec exceeds SWEA’s tolerance. –Awaiting results of CLA analysis (expected October 2010). –May need to redesign support ribs to make them stronger. –Results in schedule delay, but still plenty of margin at CESR and SSL to handle delay. SWEA Work in Progress

34 34 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 MAVEN PFP STATIC Status August 2010 Jim McFadden, STATIC Lead

35 35 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 STATIC Accomplishments RFAs from peer-review and PDR closed Carbon foil carrier frames ordered, carbon foils re-ordered Foil floating and carrier mounting scheme established – next step involves mounting carbon foils on flight carriers Mechanical details of TOF modified for to accommodate thermal expansion and modeled for stiffness and vibration modes. TOF mechanical drawings completed and sent out for quote Anode board layout reworked to accommodate new test pulse connectors TDC parts changes to schematic completed Calibration room equipment removed from 320E and prepared for painting MCP quote from Photonis received Thick foil quote from Luxel received FPGA daughter board mechanical design complete

36 36 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 STATIC Open Issues STATIC HV Sweep testing resumed – new HV opto-coupler testing started, still debugging HV oscillations. TDC needs layout changes to accommodate parts changes and remove ground bounce (add some capacitance) – negotiating for tech layout time STATIC FPGA still in development – need new test setup for complete throughput test (anode-preamp-TDC-Digital). Mechanical Attenuator still in development Mechanical details of HV connectors still in development MCP clamping spring force calculations in processes New 15 kV / MCP board layout to proceed when EE is available, VMI multipliers need to be ordered. Waiting on order for carbon foils and carbon foil carrier frames Waiting on feedback from campus with regard to refurbishing the clean room (320D).

37 37 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 MAVEN PFP SEP Status August 15, 2010 Davin Larson, SEP Lead

38 38 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 SEP Accomplishments DAP board is in layout. –All parts are placed. –Shaping section is finished. –Routing continuing on digital section. –75% complete Foils are ordered from Luxel. Mechanical parts mostly ordered (a few parts still left) Determined that leftover yokes from THEMIS are fine for MAVEN EM Detector Order placed with LBNL

39 39 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 SEP Open issues DFE Board Layout must be started still Not completely finalized cable connector pinout yet. Must begin magnet selection for magnet cage. THEMIS Anomaly –Need to decide if any changes are needed to attenuator design to improve reliability

40 40 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 MAVEN PFP PFDPU, Power Converter & GSE Status August 2010 Dorothy Gordon

41 41 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 DCB Status PFDPU Processor DCB Schematics have been completed External Contractor selected for the DCB and FPGA Daughter Board Layouts DCB PCB Layout has been started Parts Definition and Placement in process Routing to begin next week DCB FPGA Detailed Design has been started FPGA Daughter Card PCB Layout contract in place for both daughter boards Parts Definition and Placement in process Coordinating mechanical design with the mother boards

42 42 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 DCB and FPGA Daughter Board Placement

43 43 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 GSE Status GSE Hardware –MISG #1 has been built and is undergoing test ZestET1 daughter card is integrated FPGA code is under development GSE Software –Set up software version control server (SVN) Located at –Available as a resource for the SSL MAVEN Team –Transitioned all software (GSEOS, SSG) to SVN system. –Set up system on GSEOS to convert instrument command and telemetry definition files to the format required by GSEOS Modeled after flight software CTM document Input is an Excel Spreadsheet Output is a set of GSEOS configuration files

44 44 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Power Converter Status Schematics –Preliminary Schematics are being finalized in preparation for PCB Layout DRC Removal Incorporation of footprint and detailed parts information –REG Board Circuit Revised Initial safing circuit timer used capacitors that were too consumptive of real estate. This circuit has been redesigned and incorporated into the new schematics. To reduce power consumption the AD823s were replaced with LTC2054HVs in four of eight locations. –IIB Schematics are in process

45 45 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Power Converter Status Testing and Development –SWIA, SWEA and STATIC Buck regulators and resonant supplies topologies have been tested Prototype circuits have been evaluated for output voltage, ripple, regulation, consumption, and stability. We have proven the basic topologies intended for ETU on the three boards above and several of the supplies used on the IIB. –The next candidate for the bench testing is the ± 90 volt supply. –Magnetics development The buck regulator magnetics have been developed for SWIA and SWEA STATIC still pending (similar to the others)

46 46 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 VI Curves for SWIA LVPS (1) 12V Analog 6V Digital 28V Analog

47 47 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 VI Curves for SWIA LVPS (2) +5V Analog -5V Analog

48 48 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 MAVEN PFP Flight Software Status August 6 2010 Peter Harvey

49 49 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Schedule Tracker Progress Points=Telecons with GSFC. 1 pt for each telecon, 0 if the telecon did not happen. Management Effort. Expected 10% or less, but has required phase A requirements and plans to be written in phase B.

50 50 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Technical Status  Technical Status Command module : message decoding, buffering, distribution, RTS execution, time message recognition. Loader module : Memory loading, bit manipulation Software tests being performed using Code Warrior simulator, breakpoints, etc.  Upcoming  Update Level 5’s (derived from Level 4’s)

51 51 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 Action Items PFISPDRRFA2 – Command and Telemetry Database Action: When creating the Command and Telemetry Database for the PFIS follow mnemonic naming standards so that the database can be delivered to the Asist and OASIS teams. Rationale: The developers of the FSW should be the originator of their respective database. Since the PFIS team is using their own flavor of GSE, they should create the database so that it is compatible with the project Command and Telemetry Database. Originator: Tom Jackson/GSFC Activity: Contact with LM regarding naming conventions have been through email. No document is readily apparent. Commands: 16 character limit, Upper Case Only, no special characters except “_” Telemetry: Upper and Lower Case Used Instrument Prefixes: SWE – SWEA instrument SWI – SWIA Instrument STA – STATIC Instrument SEP – SEP Instrument LPW – LPW Instrument EUV – EUV Instrument MAG – Magnetometer instrument PFP – PFP commands/telemetry not directly related to a single instrument.

52 52 PFP MSR, 08/17/2010 1-Page Fever Chart

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