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Friday’s fun fact! Temperature can have an affect on how a gene is expressed. Siamese cats have a gene that codes for darker pigments - this gene.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday’s fun fact! Temperature can have an affect on how a gene is expressed. Siamese cats have a gene that codes for darker pigments - this gene."— Presentation transcript:




4 Friday’s fun fact! Temperature can have an affect on how a gene is expressed. Siamese cats have a gene that codes for darker pigments - this gene is more active at low temperatures. Parts of the body that are colder will develop the darker pigmentation - ears, feet tail of the Siamese cats.

5 How are these two things similar?

6 To understand their inheritance patterns, we need to learn some new concepts beyond Mendel’s laws.

7 Incomplete Dominance

8 Codominance

9 Multiple Alleles

10 Different blood types

11 Did you know? In a Labrador Retriever, coat color is determined by one gene with four different alleles. Five different colors result from the combinations of these alleles. Even if more than two alleles exist in a population, any given individual can have no more than two of them: one from the mother and one from the father.

12 End of the ppt. Your homework over the weekend is p. 68 #7, 14 p. 69 #28, 31 Have a wonderful weekend!

13 Sex-linked Genes

14 What do these…

15 Is that enough?


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