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Arctic Biosphere-Atmosphere Coupling across multiple Scales (ABACUS) Why is this SO important for understanding global change?

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Presentation on theme: "Arctic Biosphere-Atmosphere Coupling across multiple Scales (ABACUS) Why is this SO important for understanding global change?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arctic Biosphere-Atmosphere Coupling across multiple Scales (ABACUS) Why is this SO important for understanding global change?

2 Carbon stocks Permafrost Hydrology Km 3 yr -1 discharge Energy balance Current snow (May) Projected snow (2080)

3 ENERGY WATER CARBON This consortium will improve understanding of the controls on carbon, water and energy exchange between arctic terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere CARBON -ecosystem processing of carbon WATER -interactions of topography, hydrology and vegetation ENERGY -Seasonality of land- atmosphere coupling Models -upscaling -process integration

4 Field campaigns

5 A multiscale approach

6 Innovative approaches to quantifying C cycling In situ stable isotope labelling & tracing Age of respired carbon The age of organic matter Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility

7 C foliage C roots C wood C litter C soil GPP Radiation, VPD temperature Snow W S1 W S2 W S3 EvapTrans Ppt Radiation, VPD temperature Soils data Resp h Resp a Linking carbon, water and energy fluxes C=carbon W=water

8 Local Data Assimilation Cwaterenergy LAI Soil C Veg. biomass Soil temperature, moisture, snow depth Flux towers/ chambers NEE LE Net radiation balance

9 Regional Data Assimilation Reflectance (MODIS) Veg. Type (IKONOS) snow depth (altimeter) Aircraft fluxes NEE LE Albedo

10 Management PI Williams WP1 plants WP2 soils WP3 chambers WP4 towers WP5 aircraft WP6 EO WP7 model PM WP8 PhoenixWookeyBaxterHardingMoncrieffDisneyWilliams PD1PD2PD3PD4PD5PD6PD7 PD8* PI Williams PhoenixWookeyBaxterHardingMoncrieffDisneyWilliams CMG Ineson Press Garnet Hopkins Ineson Sommerkorn Huntley Mencucinni LloydLindrothLewisBlythe SSC IPY,CTCD, CLASSIC, QUEST

11 Relevance to IPY The present state of the arctic Understanding of coupled processes Understanding past and present arctic change Predicting future states of the arctic Quantifying soil C and vegetation cover Land-atmosphere exchange of C, water and energy Estimating the age and turnover of soil C Improved global climate and vegetation models

12 43 21 Legacies DATA e.g plot registration of biogeochemical stocks and fluxes MODELS & PREDICTIONS e.g.updated components in JULES TRAINING e.g Linked Post-grad projects OUTREACH e.g. International workshop

13 US G Shaver T Schuur J Kimball M Stieglitz D McGuire Canada P Grogan Europe T Friborg T Christensen P Crill S Heino T Callaghan A Lindroth M Van Wijk

14 Arctic Biosphere-Atmosphere Coupling across multiple Scales ABACUS

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