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EGNOS Africa Joint Programme Office 26 th IFATCA AFM RM Accra 28-30 October 2015 EGNOS - AFRICA Joint Programme Office (JPO) | ASECNA, BP 8163 Dakar Yoff,

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Presentation on theme: "EGNOS Africa Joint Programme Office 26 th IFATCA AFM RM Accra 28-30 October 2015 EGNOS - AFRICA Joint Programme Office (JPO) | ASECNA, BP 8163 Dakar Yoff,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EGNOS Africa Joint Programme Office 26 th IFATCA AFM RM Accra 28-30 October 2015 EGNOS - AFRICA Joint Programme Office (JPO) | ASECNA, BP 8163 Dakar Yoff, Senegal | Tel : +221 33 820 93 66| How can EGNOS Project contribute to enhancing safe environment for the provision of ANS in Africa

2 Outlines Overview  GNSS  EGNOS/SBAS EGNOS/SBAS implementation in Africa  Background  SAFIR - TREGA  Regional Coordination Entity : EGNOS-Africa JPO  Modular approach How can EGNOS/SBAS contribute to safety enhancement in ANS provision  Enabler for PBN Implementation  Enforcement to ICAO resolution A37-11 commitment  Benefit to RNP APCH Navigation Specification implementation Conclusion 2

3 GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite System Background The growth of aviation and the urgent need to reduce the fuel consumption, emission and delays require an increased capacity of the airspace and airports. The Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems (Doc 9750) and the ASBU recognize the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) as a key element of the CNS/ATM systems to achieve these objectives. It results in the introduction of new air navigation services: GNSS services 3

4 GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite System 4 GNSS Elements Core Satellite Constellations  Global Positioning System (GPS)  Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS)  Future Galileo & COMPASS Navigation Satellite System GNSS Receiver Augmentation Systems  Aircraft Based Augmentation System (ABAS)  Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS)  Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS)

5 GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite System 5 The introduction of the GNSS/SBAS service for civil aviation results in the introduction of a wide coverage signal, suitable for aviation critical operations, and considered as air navigation aid to Support civil aviation operations down to LPV (Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance) minima GNSS + ABAS GBAS SBAS ICAO Air Navigation Service = Definition: ICAO annex 10, vol.1 “A worldwide position and time determination system that includes one or more satellite constellation, aircraft receivers and system integrity monitoring, augmented as necessary to support the required navigation performance for the intended operation”.

6 EGNOS The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) is Europe’s space based augmentation system designed to improve GPS and the incoming Galileo, in terms of accuracy, integrity, availability, and continuity. It is implemented by: the European Commission (EC), the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) and, the European Space Agency (ESA). 6

7 EGNOS EGNOS is composed of 3 Geo satellites and a complex network of ground stations. It offers all users of satellite radio navigation high-performance navigation and positioning services. Three services are available : Open Service (OS) Safety-of-Life (SoL) Service EGNOS Data Access Service (EDAS) The EGNOS SoL Service consists of signals for timing and positioning intended for most transport applications in different domains. It is based on integrity data provided through the EGNOS satellite signal. 7

8 EGNOS The main objective of the EGNOS SoL service (available from the 2 nd of March, 2011 after the Certification of ESSP as Air Navigation Service Provider) is to support civil aviation operations down to LPV (Localiser Performance with Vertical guidance) minima. In order to provide the SoL Service, the EGNOS system has been designed so that the EGNOS SiS is compliant to the ICAO SARPs for SBAS to be used in all phases of flight. 8

9 EGNOS/SBAS SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION IN AFRICA Background It is part of the Joint Africa-EU strategic partnership and specific actions being adopted at the highest political level to enhance aviation safety through satellite navigation as follows:  Joint Africa-EU strategic partnership adopted by Heads of State and Government from Africa and Europe at the Lisbon Summit in December 2007  Africa-EU summit (2010) adopted the 2nd Action Plan - 2011-2013 with specific actions to support implementation of satellite navigation based on EGNOS within the period of the Action plan.  Africa-EU summit (2014) adopted the Joint Roadmap 2014-2017 which include actions on continuing the support for the implementation of satellite navigation based on EGNOS in Africa covering the period of the Roadmap. Capacity building was initiated through ACP/EC framework Program “Support to the Air Transport and Satellite services applications in Africa’’ as the first steps towards the provision of EGNOS/SBAS services. 9

10 EGNOS/SBAS SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION IN AFRICA SAFIR and TREGA Projects The Framework Program includes two specific projects (SAFIR and TREGA) created to support capacity building for the development and introduction of EGNOS SBAS services in Africa (institutional and skills). SAFIR Project implemented by a Consortium (ASECNA, EgisAvia, Pildo Labs, ESSP) Set-up, staffing and operations of an African GNSS programme management entity with a proper regional participation. Organisation of technical Working Sessions composed of regional stakeholders concerned with GNSS/EGNOS in sub-Saharan Africa TREGA Project implemented by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Training of the staff of African GNSS programme management entity at the UNESCO-International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) facilities in Trieste, Italy Procurement of a Testing-platform/Software simulator to address specific ionospheric conditions in the equatorial region over Africa and training of two African GNSS experts to work on the simulation platform 10

11 EGNOS/SBAS SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION IN AFRICA Regional Coordination Entity EGNOS Africa Joint Program Office (JPO)  It is a deliverable of the SAFIR project  Commenced operations in December, 2013.  Consists of ten staff members, during the two years of SAFIR Project, all recruited after attending TREGA training sessions in Trieste.  Main objective – to define the baseline and to oversee the subsequent implementation phase for the specification and procurement of the development and the deployment of GNSS/EGNOS in Africa.  The goal - to manage future program related to GNSS/EGNOS in Africa for all types of applications with a particular attention given to aviation as a main driver.  The JPO is hosted by ASECNA in DAKAR during the SAFIR project, as part of its contractual obligations. 11

12 EGNOS/SBAS SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION IN AFRICA Regional Coordination Entity EGNOS Africa Joint Program Office (JPO) Functions: Coordination of GNSS/EGNOS implementation in Africa including:  Assistance to African States in the preparation and implementation of SBAS services  Communication/awareness  Capacity building on SBAS  Research 12

13 EGNOS/SBAS SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION IN AFRICA Modular approach SBAS is proposed to be implemented in Africa through a modular approach instead of a single system as a case for Europe and US. Module: A Stakeholder or Group of Stakeholders acting together within a defined geographical area in Africa working with an agreed upon framework and having capacity to support and execute EGNOS deployment and service provision”. 13

14 EGNOS/SBAS SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION IN AFRICA Modular approach For the constitution of the modules, the following structures have been recommended:  Existing Regional Economic Communities (RECs),  Existing technical and cooperative framework and programmes  Ongoing initiatives International cooperation is a pre requisite for SBAS implementation in Africa 14

15 EGNOS/SBAS SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION IN AFRICA Modular approach Actors JPO ICAO and AFCAC RECs/RSOO Civil Aviation Authorities / National Supervisory Authorities Service provider  Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) with Regional scope Users  Aerodromes with SBAS procedures  Airspace users 15

16  Augmented satellite navigation is one of the key enabling technologies for implementing improved air navigation concepts, such as PBN  SBAS enables PBN to improve safety, efficiency, capacity, and reduction of environmental impacts and is the lowest cost enabler for RNP  EGNOS is an Enabler for PBN implementation and SBAS Approach with Vertical Guidance (LPV) Reduces aviation congestion, save fuel, protect the environment and maintain reliable, all-weather operations, even at the most challenging airports. Provides ANSP and operators with greater flexibility and better operating returns while increasing the safety of regional and national airspace systems, Enforces commitment towards ICAO Resolution A37-11 and provides infrastructure support to PBN applications 16 EGNOS and safe environment for ANS provision Enabler of PBN

17 EGNOS and safe environment for ANS provision Enforcement to ICAO Resolution A37-11 Commitment ICAO Resolution A37-11 : urged States to complete a PBN implementation plan as a matter of urgency to achieve: 1. Implementation of RNAV and RNP operations (where required) for en-route and terminal areas according to established timelines and intermediate milestones. 2. Implementation of approach procedures with vertical guidance (APV) (Baro-VNAV and/or SBAS), including LNAV - only minima, for all instrument runway ends, either as the primary approach or as a back-up for precision approaches by 2016 with intermediate milestones as follows: 30 % by 2010, 70 % by 2014; and 3. Implementation of straight-in LNAV-only procedures, as an exception to 2. above, for instrument runways at aerodromes where there is no local altimeter setting available and where there are no aircraft suitably equipped for APV operations with a MTOW of 5.700 kg or more. 17

18 EGNOS and safe environment for ANS provision Benefit to RNP APCH Navigation Specification implementation LPV implementing Benefits  Operational Benefits: Minima reduction, (LPV 200 capability by 2015) which can allow successful approaches in conditions that would otherwise disrupt operations compared to conventional NPAs and therefore increase accessibility. LPVs offer straight-in approaches in some cases where this is not otherwise possible with conventional NPAs and they also allow the offset (angle) as in some ILS approaches. LPVs offer the potential to remove circling approaches. 18

19 EGNOS and safe environment for ANS provision Benefit to RNP APCH Navigation Specification implementation LPV implementing Benefits  Operational Benefits: Reduces trajectory dispersion (predictability and noise footprint reduction) CDA/CDFA techniques (fuel consumption reduction and noise footprint reduction) More flexible use of airspace.  Safety increase because vertical guidance is provided to the aircrew during the approach. This makes the approach easier to fly and reduces chances of controlled flight into terrain (CFIT). 19

20 EGNOS and safe environment for ANS provision Benefit to RNP APCH Navigation Specification implementation LPV implementing Benefits  Infrastructure rationalization: LPV approaches will be most beneficial at runway-ends where there is no ILS already available. Potentially enabling VOR, NDB, ILS removal/back-up reducing the associated installation/maintenance costs (in accordance with airlines equipage and/or interests).  Limited impact on user avionics: SBAS receivers are currently available Limited impact on the FMS  Low training requirements for flight crews 20

21 CONCLUSION EGNOS is based on SBAS technology. The primary design objective of EGNOS SBAS is improvement of safety EGNOS SBAS is identified as a key enabler for most of the navigation specifications defined as well as ICAO ASBU Block Zero (B0-APTA) SBAS allows Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) approaches at difficult locations or under meteorological conditions where previously such approaches were not possible due to safety concerns. SBAS Provides ANSP and operators with greater flexibility and better operating returns while increasing the safety of regional and national airspace systems, EGNOS/SBAS provides safe environment for the provision of Air Navigation services 21

22 EGNOS-Africa Joint Programme Office (JPO) +221 33 820 93 66 22

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