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The House and Senate Committees of Congress By Christian, Jason,Jeff, AND Tevon 6 th Period.

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1 The House and Senate Committees of Congress By Christian, Jason,Jeff, AND Tevon 6 th Period

2 House Committee on Agriculture  Has general jurisdiction over federal agriculture policy  Oversight of some federal agencies  Able to recommend funding appropriations for various governmental agencies  Has jurisdiction on Forestry in general and forest reserves other than those created from the public domain  Also has jurisdiction on Entomology and plant quarantine

3 House Committee on Budget  Has responsibility on legislative oversight of the federal budget process  Reviews bills and resolutions on the budget  Monitors agencies and programs funded outside of the budgetary process  Sets budget resolution that aggregates levels of spending and revenue that is expected to occur in a given fiscal year.  Holds hearings on federal budget legislation and congressional resolutions related to the federal budget process

4 House Committee on Ways and Means  Has a wide jurisdiction and have always been one of the most important committee  Is the chief tax-writing committee of the US House of Representatives  Members aren’t allowed to serve on any other House Committee unless they apply for a waiver from their party’s congressional leadership  There is six subcommittees in the 113 th Congress  In 2011 the Subcommittee on Income Security and Family Support

5 House Committee on Rules  Oldest standing committee in the House  First formally constituted on April, 2 1789  Commonly known as The Speakers Committee  Due to the large amount of power held by the Rules Committee, it traditionally has been known to be in favor of the majority party  Also has the authority to do almost literally anything during the course of consideration of a measure

6 House Committee on Small Business  Charged with assessing and investigating the problems of small businesses  Examines the impact of general business practices and trends on small businesses  Has oversight/legislative authority over the SBA (Small Business Administration)  Provides assistance to and protection of small businesses  Also oversees matters related to the matters of the Regulatory Flexibility Act and the Paperwork Reduction Act.

7 Senate Committee on Armed Services  Has oversight of the nation’s military  Also has oversight on the Department of Defense, military research, and development of nuclear energy  Created as a result of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946  Merged the responsibilities of the Committee on Naval Affairs and the Committee on Military Affairs  Has benefits for members of the military and the Selective Service System

8 Senate Committee on Judiciary  In charge of conducting hearings prior to the Senate votes on confirmation of federal judges  Has a broad jurisdiction over matters relating to federal criminal law  Is one of the oldest committee in the Senate, having been created in 1816  Is a point of contention  Has jurisdiction pertaining to matters such as human rights, immigration law, intellectual property rights, antitrust law, and Internet Privacy

9 Senate Committee on Indian Affairs  In charge of overseeing matters related to American Indians, Native Hawaiians, and Alaska Natives  Existed from 1820 to 1947 then was recreated in 1977  Has jurisdiction pertaining to Indian Education, economic development, land management, trust abilities and health care  Almost disbanded at the end of the 95 th Congress  Made a permanent Committee on June 6, 1984

10 Senate Committee on Finance  Oversees matters relating to taxation and other revenue measures  Has jurisdiction over both Medicare and Medicaid  Holds extensive oversight powers  Has authority to investigate, review, and evaluate existing laws  Considered an influential committee

11 Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources  Established as the most nonpartisan or bipartisan in the Senate  Generally a constituent- oriented committee  Issues usually affect regional interests more so than partisan interests  Has jurisdiction over energy policy, regulation and research  Handles energy & mineral conservation, ports for energy transport, and irrigation

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