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What is Junior Achievement? A nonprofit dedicated to teaching students about: managing money working at a job owning a business.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Junior Achievement? A nonprofit dedicated to teaching students about: managing money working at a job owning a business."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Junior Achievement? A nonprofit dedicated to teaching students about: managing money working at a job owning a business

2 About Me Name Place of work Family Hobbies

3 This or That? Make a Choice Lesson One

4 JA Ourselves Today you will learn about: Choices Interests Money

5 Choice To pick one thing over another If you had to choose only one of your toys to keep, which one would you choose?

6 This or That? Picture Cards Raise your hand and share your choice. Why did you choose this or that? Are these items free? What do we use to buy these things?

7 Money Something used to pay for the things we need and want. There are different kinds of money. People who make wise choices with money compare prices.

8 Activity – Junior Journal Minibooks 1.Find crayons. 2.Print your name on the front cover. 3.Color in the blank face as if it was you. 4.Turn to Page 1, This or That? 5.Circle the picture that represents your choice. 6.Discuss with your neighbor. 7.Count the number of balloons. 8.Color the balloons.

9 Activity – Junior Journal Minibooks Good job! We will work on another page next time.

10 Review Making choices can be hard, so it is important to choose wisely. Money-smart people make good choices with their money.

11 Next time… We will learn about the difference between needs and wants!

12 Do I Need What I Want? Lesson Two

13 JA Ourselves Today you will learn about: Needs and wants Money and spending

14 Review Choice – To pick one thing or another Money – Something used to pay for the things we need and want

15 Discussion Who likes to go shopping? What things are in your shopping cart? Are the items free? How do people pay for the things they buy? What would you buy with $10.00?

16 Discussion Today we are going to pretend we are grownups! We will learn to make smart choices with our money. Money-smart grownups buy the things they need before they buy the things they want.

17 Need Something people must have to live.

18 Want Something people would like to have.

19 Eye-Spy Poem Activity There are need and want items in this shopping cart. We need to find 6 things we need in the cart. I will read the poem and I will call students to find and circle items as I mention them.


21 Eye-Spy Poem Activity Now, we are looking for 6 things we want in the cart. These are not as important as need items because we do not need them to live.


23 Activity – Junior Journal Minibooks 1.Find crayons. 2.Turn to Page 2, I Can Sort Needs and Wants 3.When I point to an item on the poster, find this item on the sticker sheet. 4.Place the sticker in either the needs or wants column. 5.Count the stickers in each column. 6.Discussion

24 Activity – Junior Journal Minibooks Good job! We will work on another page next time.

25 Review Needs are more important than wants. Knowing the difference between needs and wants will help you make good decisions about money.

26 Next time… We will learn about money and jobs!

27 A Penny Earned Lesson Three

28 JA Ourselves Today you will learn about: Earning money Goods and services

29 Review Need – something people must have to live Want – something people would like to have Which is more important?

30 Discussion Where does money come from? How do people get money? What are some jobs you like to help your family do?

31 Earn To get money for a job you did.

32 Goods Things that are bought and sold.

33 Services Work done for others, such as haircuts or car repairs.

34 Story – Welcome Home! Pay attention to the services Cassie performs. Discussion Questions To Follow

35 Discussion What is the story about? What jobs does Cassie do to earn money? What happens at the end of the story? What jobs do you do for your family?

36 Activity – Junior Journal Minibooks 1.Find crayons. 2.Turn to Page 3, Cassie’s House 3.Complete the maze. 4.Circle the items that represent the jobs Cassie’s dad told her she could do to earn money. 5.Count the items. 6.Turn to the back of your minibook. 7.Draw a picture of yourself doing a job to earn money. 8.Share with the class.

37 Activity – Junior Journal Minibooks Good job! We will work on another page next time.

38 Review Cassie worked hard and did many jobs to earn money to have a party for her friend. Goods – things that are bought and sold Services – work done for others, such as haircuts or car repairs

39 Next time… We will learn about saving money!

40 A Penny Saved Lesson Four

41 JA Ourselves Today you will learn about: The importance of saving money Banks and Credit unions

42 Review People earn money by doing a job. They earn this money to buy goods and services. Goods – things that are bought and sold Services – work done for others, such as haircuts or car repairs What are a couple ways that you can earn money?

43 Discussion What would you buy if you earned money by watching your neighbor’s pet for the weekend? If you did not spend all the money, what would you do with the rest? Where do you keep the money you save?

44 Save To put money away to use later.

45 Save To put money away to use later. Pop-Up Bank

46 My Savings Goal What is your savings goal?

47 Bank or Credit Union A business that keeps money safe. Does your family use a bank? How do banks help your family?

48 Three Little Nickels Poster How much is a nickel worth? Read and Fingerplay. How much is a quarter worth? Read and Fingerplay. What do these rhymes tell you about saving?



51 Activity – Junior Journal Minibooks 1.Get into eight small groups. 2.Turn to Page 4, Color the Pig and Save! 3.Find your crayons. 4.One student will receive a die. 5.You will pretend to deposit money by rolling the die. 6.Roll the die and count the dots. 7.Find that number on the pig. 8.Color the section that contains that number. Only color one section during your turn. 9.Continue playing!

52 Activity – Junior Journal Minibooks Good job! We will work on another page next time.

53 Review Who can tell me what the word save means? Save means to put money aside to use later. Why is it important to have a savings goal? Pop-Up Banks!

54 Next time… We will learn about the importance of giving!

55 A Penny Shared Lesson Five

56 JA Ourselves Today you will learn about: The importance of giving

57 Review It is important to make wise choices with our money. What is the difference between a need and want? People earn money by working jobs. Save means to put money aside to use later.

58 Give To make a gift of something. How does sharing make the world a better place?

59 Story- Charlie Plants a Garden As we read: What does Charlie want to do? Food Pantry: A place where people can get donated food if they do not have enough money for food. How do Charlie and his classmates earn money for the garden? How do the students’ friends and families contribute?

60 Story- Charlie Plants a Garden Discussion: What is the story about? What happens first in the story? What happens in the middle of the story? How does Charlie take action? What happens next? What happens at the end of the story? How can giving help others? What else could the students have done to help their neighborhood?

61 Activity – Junior Journal Minibooks 1.Each student will receive a Story Cards Sheet. 2.What do you see on each card? 3.Try to remember what happened first, second, third, and fourth in the story. 4.Turn to Page 5 of your Junior Journal Minibook, My Giving Page. 5.Place each picture card in order. 6.I will choose one student to retell the story. 7.Glue your cards in place on the minibook.

62 Activity – Junior Journal Minibooks Good job! We will work on another page next time.

63 Review Why is it important to raise money for a good cause? Can you think of ways to share your money or time with others?

64 Review It is important to make wise choices with our money. What is the difference between a need and want? People earn money by working jobs. Save means to put money aside to use later. It is important to give and share with others and our community.

65 Certificate of Achievement

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