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Including Literacy in Every ECC Lesson Plan Karen E. Blankenship, Ph.D., TVI Nashville, TN Mary Ann Siller, M.Ed., TVI.

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Presentation on theme: "Including Literacy in Every ECC Lesson Plan Karen E. Blankenship, Ph.D., TVI Nashville, TN Mary Ann Siller, M.Ed., TVI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Including Literacy in Every ECC Lesson Plan Karen E. Blankenship, Ph.D., TVI Nashville, TN Mary Ann Siller, M.Ed., TVI Dallas, TX

2 KWL What do you know about including literacy in every ECC lesson plan? What do you want to know about including literacy in every ECC lesson plan?

3 Instructional Continuum Assessment Program Planning Instruction Ongoing Evaluation

4 Assessment Essential Assessment  FVA  LMA  ECC Once screening for all 9 areas and identifying 2-3 priority areas to assess  Rubrics  120 other resources

5 Program Planning Based on Essential Assessments (EA)  Measurable IEP goals  How VI impacts the educational program  Data-driven accommodations  Did you consider braille?  What were the AT needs?  If the student is considered Deafblind (DB) did you identify a communication plan?  Did you use EVALs or another criterion referenced tool to identify present levels of performance  Did you use the Delphi studies to identify recommended time for braille, technology, optical devices, keyboarding, low vision literacy?

6 Content Framework Allows professional to map out instruction for 2-6 weeks Always has a literacy and/or numeracy component Prompts for higher order thinking Infuses EI into planning

7 Quality lesson plans Assessment Plan Instructional Plan Evaluation or Data Plan

8 Quality lesson plans Assessment Plan  Tool(s) used to document the need  Baseline data  Measureable IEP goal  What are the data-driven accommodations  What materials are needed? (consider AT/Tech needs)  How will you document student performance?

9 Explicit Instruction Gain Student ’ s attention Inform Student Of lesson objective Activate Prior Knowledge Review previously Learned skills Pre-teach key vocabulary Cognitive modeling Guided & independent practice Closure

10 Quality Lesson Plans Instructional Plan  Cognitive Modeling  Guided practice  Independent practice  Review & Closure

11 Quality lesson plans Data Plan  Create progress monitoring (PM) sheet in Excel Create PM tables for a visual analysis of your data Prepare a narrative explaining data for IEP meetings or report cards  Create multiple measures for your daily lessons Curriculum based measures  Skill based  Mastery measures Prompting Observations Rubric Scores or other measures

12 Valid curriculum Validity  Accommodation  Modification Reliable  Used with students who are blind or visually impaired  Research-based materials that are appropriate for all students National Resources  APH  AFB  Pro-Ed  TSBVI Curriculum Department

13 Group Activity I ECC Content AreaSkill SetLiteracy Activity Self-DeterminationSelf-Awareness Social InteractionGroup Play Sensory EfficiencyTactual Awareness Independent LivingHousehold Budget Career EducationCareer Exploration

14 Seven Constructs to Self-Determination Self-Awareness Self-Advocacy Choice Making Self-Management Self-Knowledge Decision Making Goal Setting

15 Group Activity II Self-Determination Self-Awareness (One part of the 7 constructs of Self-Determination):  describe physical and personal traits  illustrate or list strengths/ activities one can do well (without verbal prompts)  identify and express feelings  illustrate or list challenges (without verbal prompt)  identify persons important to them  states and explains describes visual condition  state likenesses and differences between themselves and others

16 KWL What did you learn about including literacy in every ECC lesson plan?

17 Closure Every VI professional is an action researcher Must be data-driven to prove effectiveness and student outcomes Multiple measures should be used

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