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PowerShell for IT Administrators Richard Siddaway Perot Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerShell for IT Administrators Richard Siddaway Perot Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerShell for IT Administrators Richard Siddaway Perot Systems

2 Welcome to this TechNet Event “Pick your Own Collateral” URL for on-line feedback is in your reminder e-mail No Planned Fire Drills Please turn your Mobile Phones off To find out about future TechNet events:

3 The TechNet Programme A range of tools and resources for IT Professionals FREE TechNet Newsletter FREE Events and Webcasts FREE TechNet BETA Central ( FREE Quarterly TechNet Magazine FREE comprehensive technical website FREE TechNet Radio, Security Centre, Learning Paths and Virtual Labs TechNet Plus – Now available for Download!

4 What is TechNet Plus? The Toolkit for IT Professionals TechNet Plus is an annual subscription Access to TechNet Knowledge Base No-limits Evaluation software for Testing Beta software available immediately 2 Free Technical Support calls worth £320 20% off all further Support Calls Managed Newsgroups with guaranteed answers in 24hrs Now available by Download from only £230 / year (excl VAT) For all information on TechNet Plus Subscriptions visit:

5 Who am I? IT Architect and systems integrator Programming with.NET for several years Scripting with VBScript since NT 4 VERY interested in automation Using PowerShell since beta 2 (Monad) Run UK PowerShell User Group Think PowerShell is one of best pieces of technology EVER!

6 Agenda What is PowerShell? Learning PowerShell Administration of Windows systems Administration of Active Directory Administration of Exchange 2007 Administration of SQL Server 2005

7 Agenda What is PowerShell? Learning PowerShell Administration of Windows systems Administration of Active Directory Administration of Exchange 2007 Administration of SQL Server 2005

8 PowerShell Next generation shell that is: As interactive and composable as BASH/KSH As programmatic as Perl/Ruby As production oriented as AS400 CL/VMS DCL Access data stores as easily as accessing filesystems ExtensibleSnapinsProvidersScripts

9 Script Types Text.Net “interpretation” of the traditional Unix scripting model COM WSH/VBScript style scripting.NET Manipulate any native.Net object Commands Powershell cmdlets emitting objects


11 Accessing.NET Simple scripts need [STRING] and [MATH] Advanced scripts can use any.NET object Cmdlets provide the best admin and scripting experience.NET provides a safety net of coverage PowerShell provides access to the entirety of the.NET Framework

12 Windows Server System Security Infrastructure IT Operations Infrastructure Applications Infrastructure Collaboration Infrastructure

13 Agenda What is PowerShell? Learning PowerShell Administration of windows systems Administration of Active Directory Administration of Exchange 2007 Administration of SQL Server 2005

14 Learning and Leveraging In the Box Documents Getting Started, Users Guide, Quick Reference Guide HelpBooks Invest in your integrated lifetime earnings Community A wise man learns from mistakes… Practice ad hoc development

15 Try things out in an interactive shell Stitch things together with utilities Put the results in a script file Realize that the tools are unsuitable and restart with a new set of tools Generalize (e.g., parameterize) Clean it up  production-quality Integrate into your environment Share with the community Ad Hoc Development

16 UtilitiesDiscovery Get-Help, Get-Member, Get-Command Object Manipulation Compare, Group, Measure, Select, Sort, Tee, Where Formatting Format-(Custom, List, Table, Wide) Out-(File, Host, Printer, String) Export/Import-(Clixml, CSV) ConvertTo-Html

17 Primary Concepts Cmdlets Verb-noun naming Specific functionality Pipeline.NET based objects NOT text Help is text based Syntax is similar to C# Data – CSV, XML, SQL WMI etc

18 Issues Default install mode won’t run scripts Set-ExecutionPolicy No file association Can’t automatically run scripts Can’t double click script to run it No remoting – yet Can use.NET and WMI Current working directory is NOT on PATH.\myscript.ps1 Does not load all.NET assemblies Use [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(" Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo ")

19 Learning PowerShell Demo

20 Agenda What is PowerShell? Learning PowerShell Administration of Windows systems Administration of Active Directory Administration of Exchange 2007 Administration of SQL Server 2005

21 Administering Windows Some administrative cmdlets EventlogsServicesProcessesWMIScripting

22 Administering Windows Demo

23 Agenda What is PowerShell? Learning PowerShell Administration of Windows systems Administration of Active Directory Administration of Exchange 2007 Administration of SQL Server 2005

24 PowerShell and Active Directory NO AD support in PowerShell v1 Exchange 2007 has limited AD support Quest AD cmdlets Currently Beta Quest PowerGUI PowerShell Community Extensions Scripting

25 Active Directory Provider PowerShell Community Extensions Access AD as “filesystem” Navigation Use core commands Interactive or scripting Associated cmdlets Issues – “open source”

26 Administering Active Directory Demo

27 Agenda What is PowerShell? Learning PowerShell Administration of Windows systems Administration of Active Directory Administration of Exchange 2007 Administration of SQL Server 2005

28 Exchange Management Exchange Information no longer visible in Active Directory Users and Computers May need to rethink administrative tasks Exchange Management Console creates, uses and shows PowerShell scripts of actions Cannot perform all actions in GUI Administrative development model

29 Administrative Development Use the GUI Copy the script Modify Use cmdlets Create pipeline Put into script

30 Exchange Management Shell PowerShell is pre-requisite for Exchange 2007 install EMS = PowerShell + Exchange PowerShell snapin Both coexist EMS adds 300+ cmdlets

31 Administering Exchange 2007 Demo

32 Agenda What is PowerShell? Learning PowerShell Administration of Windows systems Administration of Active Directory Administration of Exchange 2007 Administration of SQL Server 2005

33 Administering non-PowerShell enabled applications Needs a.NET API SQL Server SharePoint SQL Server 2005 SMO = Server Management Objects Need to use.NET

34 SQL Server SMO Programmatic administration.NET object model Examples in C# Tasks View status Access data Perform backups

35 Administering SQL Server 2005 Demo

36 Summary/Call to Action PowerShell can be used to administer large and growing parts of your environment Now available at: Search for PowerShell Try it, Deploy it, Use it, Share

37 For More Information User group: My Blog Get-PSUGUK UK PowerShell User Group

38 Downloads Quest AD cmdlets: server/arms.aspx server/arms.aspx Quest PowerGUI PowerShell Community Extensions ojectName=PowerShellCX ojectName=PowerShellCX

39 Community Resources Newsgroup: Microsoft.Public.Windows.PowerShell Team blog: Channel 9 tag: Wiki: Wiki Script Center: Manning Press book by Bruce Payette: PowerShell in Action O’Reilly book – Monad: Introducing the MSH Command Shell and Language Sapien Press book by Don Jones: PowerShell MshAnalyzer tool

40 Resources Technical Chats and Webcasts Microsoft Learning and Certification MSDN & TechNet Virtual Labs Newsgroups communities/newsgroups/en-us/default.aspx Technical Community Sites User Groups

41 Any Questions?

42 Ihr Potenzial. Unser Antrieb. Thank you for attending this TechNet Event Find these slides at:

43 Reference Slides

44 Scripting with COM Access existing instrumentation Bind to COM objects $fso = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject $m = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal] $word = $m::GetActiveObject("Word.Application") Invoke methods/access properties $fso.GetDrive(“C:”) $fso.VolumeName = “System Drive” Understand/extend instrumentation Extend and discover properties/methods Update-TypeData Office.Word.Types.ps1xml $fso | Get-Member Manipulate and format results Define and import custom formating Update-FormatData Office.Word.Format.ps1xml $word.RecentFiles | Sort name | Format-Table Allows more simpler/more powerful COM scripts because of utilities and formatting

45 Scripting with WMI PowerShell provides native WMI support Get-WmiObject Allows for inspection of WMI namespace Get-WmiObject –list [-Namespace xx] Get-WmiObject –Class xx –Namespace xx –Property xxx – Filter xxx –ComputerName xxx –Credential xxx Native language support [WMI] “\\JPSDESK10\root\cimv2:Win32_Process.Handle="0“ \\JPSDESK10\root\cimv2:Win32_Process.Handle="0 [WMICLASS] "ROOT\cimv2:WIN32_PROCESS" [WMISEARCHER]"select * from Win32_process WHERE Name = 'calc.exe'"

46 Scripting with.NET PowerShell provides native access to any.NET class Create any object [reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Wind ows.Forms") $d = New-Object System.DateTime 2006,12,25 Access Properties/Invoke Methods $d.DayOfWeek$d.AddDays(-30) Access Statics [DateTime]::Now[DateTime]::IsLeapYear(2006) Allows admins to easily access and leverage a huge API set because of scriptability, utilities and formatting

47 Scripting with XML PowerShell provides native XML support Native datatype $x=[xml]"<a><b><c>TEST</c></b></a>“ $b =[xml](type c:\i386\mssecure.xml) Native syntax to access “data” view of properties $b.BulletinDataStore.Bulletins.Bulletin[0] Access to XML methods $b.BulletinDataStore.SelectNodes(“//Patch”) XML properties available through PSBase property $b.BulletinDataStore.PSBase.innerXml

48 Scripting with Text Invoke existing tools Existing command run directly after variables are expanded Harvest data from existing tools Parse output into variables using text utilities. Pipe data to SELECT and use –FIRST and –LAST Select-String Select-String Dir | Select-String Dir | Select-String [DateTime]”12/25/2006 7:00” ([DateTime]”12/25/2006 7:00”).AddDays(-30) Use functions/scripts to wrap the commands and convert output to objects or provide standard syntax Safely process text Use CLR types via Windows PowerShell to safely parse text [URI]”” Allows admins to get 2-10x more power out of existing commands because of scriptability

49 Slide Guidelines Slides should emphasize key points Limit to 6 lines per slides Font, size, and color for text have been formatted for you in the Slide Master Colours:

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