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Course topics and Contents. Preliminary issue Professional vs Research program? Or a balance of the two approaches? Answer: mostly professional/applied.

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Presentation on theme: "Course topics and Contents. Preliminary issue Professional vs Research program? Or a balance of the two approaches? Answer: mostly professional/applied."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course topics and Contents

2 Preliminary issue Professional vs Research program? Or a balance of the two approaches? Answer: mostly professional/applied and even in the theoretical part there should be real problems coming from everyday work at NSIs The main target audience are statisticians working at NSIs

3 General considerations Courses should be continuously updated with current research and changes in the role of the NSI (eg now more focus on small area estimation) Main focus on production of official statistics but also with consideration of needs of users of statistics Every topic needs to be organized in a way that there is always a correspondence to its IT solutions

4 General considerations Data access, data management, admin data, data quality, and data potentials and limitations should be part of the programme, eg as survey methods module To develop a statistical way of interpreting and communicating complex phenomena (graphics, reporting, tables, etc)

5 Examples and topics might come both from practical issues and from current and relevant research Keep always in mind that the “delivery” of our work are people (or communities), policy makers, etc Try to enhance a “new” communication language to reach people in order to transmit information in a clear way Develop interpretation skills to give substance to data and results

6 Contents Mandatory bulk of courses (essentially survey methodology and other courses relevant for official statistics production, European legislation(s) and European code practice) Several optional courses Optional courses could be shared with other master programmes

7 What not to include Management Subject matter (although subject matter problems provide excellent applications for teaching)

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