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1 Caritas Takeo Eye Hospital Tel: (+855) 23 931 324/ 016 504 299 Website: Present by: Te Serey Bonn,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Caritas Takeo Eye Hospital Tel: (+855) 23 931 324/ 016 504 299 Website: Present by: Te Serey Bonn,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Caritas Takeo Eye Hospital Tel: (+855) 23 931 324/ 016 504 299 Website: Present by: Te Serey Bonn, MPH,BBA,MA Program Director Carias Takao Eye Hospital

2 2                    Siem Reab Bat Dambang Otdar Mean Chey Kapo Kandal Pousat Kracheh Takeo Kaoh Kong Siem Reab Phnom Penh Say Rieng Krng Kaeb Bat Dambang i Prey Veaeng Kampong Cham Kampong Thum Preah Vihear Rotanak Kiri Krong Pailin Kampong Spueu Stueng Traeng Kampong Chhnang Otdar Mean Chey Banteay Mean Chey Krong Preah Sihanouk  Takeo Eye Hospital 1000000001000000020000000Miles N EW S General aspects of Cambodia Ratanakiri -Land area: 181,035 Km 2 -Population is 14 million. -Population density: 75 pp/Km2 - 85% of the population live in the rural area. -30.1% of Cambodian population living below national poverty line. -The disabled persons is 1.44% of the country’s population in Cambodia. Thailand Viet Nam Laos

3 General aspects of Takeo Province 3 -Land area is 3,563 Km2 -Takeo divided in 10 districts -Total population: 843,931 -Annual Growth rate in urban is 0.53% and 0.66% in rural. -Density population 237pp/Km2 (Cambodia 75pp/Km2) -Average household-size is 5 persons -85% of population are famer. Age distribution: -0 -14 year old : 39.5% -15-50 year old :55.7% -Older than 50 years: 13.6%

4 Prevalence of Blindness In Cambodia Prevalence of blindness* (Best-corrected visual acuity < 3/60 in the better eye) In people aged 50+: is 2.8% (CI 95%: 2.3-3.3%), The prevalence in males (2.0%) is significantly lower than in females (3.4%) In the total population can be estimated at 0.38% Cataract Surgical Coverage is 34% of all blind eyes due to cataract and 55% of all persons bilaterally blind due to cataract 4 *Summary of results of the Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness in Cambodia 2007 by Hans Limburg

5 5

6 6

7 Human resources Total Staff : 50 regular staff (27M, 23F), 3 resident doctors + 8 DON students 2 Master Public Health 2 Ophthalmologists 1 MD 1Residency student of Ophthalmologist (year 3) 16 Ophthalmic Nurses (4 refractionists) 2 secondary nurses 5 Orderly Staffs 2 Optical Technicians 2 Field workers 4 Admin Staffs 3 Finance and accountant staffs 6 Cleaners (2 part time staffs) 2 Technicians (1 maintenance & 1 I.T) 3 Guards 1 Driver 20 Government staffs 7

8 Statistic of CTEH from 1979 to Oct,2015 8

9 9

10 10 Out-patient Department

11 Comparison patient received OPD services at CTEH 11

12 Operating Theatre 12

13 Comparison of patients operation at CTEH 13

14 14

15 Refraction & Low Vision Services 15

16 Comparison 9 months of Optical Shop 8% Increase4% Increase I6% Increase Women & Girl 59% 58% 51%

17 17 Child Protection

18 18

19 Inclusive Disability & Gender 19


21 Community Ophthalmology

22 Output of Community Ophthalmology 22

23 Training Program 1.Ophthalmic Nurse Training BEN 5 batches of training since 1997 to 2005 with 47 BENs (F:10).(9months) DON 8 batches since 2006 until to the present 59 DONs (F:24) graduated and 8 students are on going (1year) will finish on August, 2016.

24 24 BED 6 batches of training since 1997 to 2005 with 18 doctors (F:1) were graduated.(18 months curriculum at Takeo Eye Hospital) Residency Training started from 2007 to 2015, 9 batches with 18 residents (F:3) are on going, 22 (F:5) were completed 9 (F:0) upgrading & 13 (F:5) graduated MD (4 years curriculum.) 2. Residency program of Ophthalmology training:

25 3. Short Course training Basic Low Vision training Local Anesthesia training Refraction training 25

26 4. Primary Eye Care Training 26

27 Partners Tissue Vision (Subsidy Cataract & Pterygum surgery) Wilde Ganzen Netherland: Training, Subsidy poor patient who need eye care services and community outreach activities. GIZ through Action for health (Voucher project) subsidy Cataract surgery for people age 50+ from Kampot, Kampong Spoeu, Kep, Kampong Thom, Svay Reang, and Prey Veng. Caritas Czech Republic: Capacity building and Community outreach Activities. 27

28 28 Thanks for your attention!

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