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Dr. Susan Mpanga Mukasa 1 st Social Franchising Conference 10th – 11th November 2011, White Sands Hotel, Mombasa ProFam Uganda: Quality Assessment tools.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Susan Mpanga Mukasa 1 st Social Franchising Conference 10th – 11th November 2011, White Sands Hotel, Mombasa ProFam Uganda: Quality Assessment tools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Susan Mpanga Mukasa 1 st Social Franchising Conference 10th – 11th November 2011, White Sands Hotel, Mombasa ProFam Uganda: Quality Assessment tools

2 Is in line with PSI Global QA protocols But also incorporates MoH guidelines QA is decentralized to all departments not just RH alone Follows 5 QA standards Conducts internal Quality Audits once every year in all regions to update QA in the regions External QA audit done every 2 years PACE RH staff are regularly trained in areas where weaknesses are identified for example management of adverse events, infection control procedure, medical detailing PAGE 2 PACE QA model

3 5 Quality Assurance Standards page 3 1. Technical Competence 2. Client Safety 3. Informed Choice 4. Privacy and Confidentiality 5. Continuity of Care

4 page 4

5 page 5


7 Trained RH staff with medical background providing technical assistance to ProFam clinic providers Providers given on site job training and supervision after recruitment Quarterly stakeholder meetings-Award ceremonies have been a good way to share new learning between clinics What has worked well page 7

8 Data entry and flow from clinics to HQs has been difficult and doesn’t feed into MoH HMIS Annual licenses for providers and clinics are a bottleneck Adherence of providers to PSI protocols such as infection control procedures Intensive support supervision needed to maintain quality Record keeping especially at the facilities is not yet adequate What has been a challenge page 8

9 Adherence to QA -Tools Continuous QA improvements Addressing Challenges page 9

10 Thank you! PAGE 10

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