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Annies Lodge, Zomba 17 – 21 September 2012 Introduction to Pilot Community: ASSETS Project PRA exercise.

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1 Annies Lodge, Zomba 17 – 21 September 2012 Introduction to Pilot Community: ASSETS Project PRA exercise


3 Lake Chilwa Catchment



6 Environmental Services i.Agriculture i.Crops ii.Livestock ii.Irrigation iii.Fisheries i.Aquaculture ii.Capture iv.Forestry v.Mining vi.Commerce & Industry vii.Labour & Employment viii.Tourism ix.Health x.Water & Sanitation

7 Indicator No.Description of Indicator Malawi Chilwa incl. Zomba CityChilwa East (Excl. City) 1Population (2008) 13,077,160 1,472,756 1,385,390 2Population Density (2008) 139706 195 3Intercensal Population Increase: 1998 - 2008 (2008) 3,143,292 326,924 101,508 4Inter-censal Annual Population Growth Rate (%) 1998 - 2008 (2008) 2.8 26 23 5Sex Ratio 95 93 90 6% distribution U5 Stunted (2008) 36 31 33 8% distribution U5 Wasted (2008) 2 1 1 9% distribution U5 Underweight (2008) 16 13 14 10% Smallholder Farmers (2008): 80 65 81 11 % 15yrs+ dependent on Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing as Main Source of Employment (2008) 84 74 91 12% HH access to safe water and sanitation (2008) 80 84 78 11% HH using firewood as main source of fuel for cooking (2008) 85 84 96 12% HH using electricity as main source of energy for lighting (2008) 9 12 1 13% HH using Paraffin as main source of energy for lighting (2008) 85 58 70 Key poverty and food security indicators Based on 2008 PHC

8 Banana, Irish potato, piece work, cassava, sand mining & vegetables available all year round 2010 Social Mapping Report. NOVOC

9 Community characterisation on the basis of socio-economic status 2010 Social Mapping Report. NOVOC Wealth ranking: Richest, few harvest >150 bags Poor, many harvest <20 bags Vulnerable, many Harvest <5 bags

10 TA Malemia, GVH Minama 19 Villages >60 000 people Predominantly muslim Main economic activities – Agriculture schemes irrigation – Fisheries – Charcoal production



13 Key stakeholder analysis District Commissioner Environmental Officer Social Welfare Officer Community Development Officer Member of Parliament Council DADO FO DFO DHO Traditional Authority Leaders Group Village Head Village Head DEC ADC VDC VNRMC

14 Poverty Incidence in Zomba Poverty is wide spread in Zomba District. About 70% of the population within the District fall below the national poverty line, making Zomba District one of the three poorest Districts in Malawi, with only Machinga (73%) and Nsanje (76%) Districts reporting higher poverty levels. Out of the total poor, 41% fall under the national ultra poverty line. In this category, Zomba District scores an unfortunate second rank, with only Nsanje reporting a higher figure (44%). Poverty in Zomba District is therefore severe and considerably higher than the already poorer southern region and more so if compared to the national figures (see table six). In absolute terms, seven out of ten people living in poverty means for Zomba District that an estimated 408,217 people, almost 100,000 households are poor, out of which 198,098 people can be classified as extremely poor. Poverty in Zomba District is therefore 2/3 as wide spread than in Malawi and severe poverty is about twice as high. These poverty figures, combined with the low proportion of people receiving regular income and the resulting insecurity about future income due to extreme price fluctuations in seasonal goods (crops etc.), result in a magnitude of poverty which is very severe.

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