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MEDIEVAL CHURCH. INTRO Church > central to medieval life Church > central to medieval life Every village had a church with a parish priest Every village.

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2 INTRO Church > central to medieval life Church > central to medieval life Every village had a church with a parish priest Every village had a church with a parish priest Celebrated sacraments Celebrated sacraments Examples? Examples? Preached in Latin Preached in Latin Ran schools Ran schools

3 VILLAGE CHURCH Social Center Social Center Daily Life > calendar Daily Life > calendar Some had relics Some had relics Remains of saints Remains of saints Led to pilgrimages Led to pilgrimages Christians paid a tax (tithe) Christians paid a tax (tithe) 1/10 of income 1/10 of income

4 CATHEDRALS Larger churches headed by bishop Larger churches headed by bishop Very ornate Very ornate Gothic style Gothic style

5 Women Men and women equal before God On Earth, women were viewed as weak and easily led into sin

6 MONASTERIES & CONVENTS People devoted entire life to spiritual goals > monks and nuns People devoted entire life to spiritual goals > monks and nuns Benedictine rule Benedictine rule Rules to regulate monastic life Rules to regulate monastic life 3 vows 3 vows Provided basic health and education Provided basic health and education

7 CHURCH’S ROLE IN SOCIETY Pope > spiritual leader Pope > spiritual leader Conflict between pope and monarchs Conflict between pope and monarchs Pope had considerable economic & political power Pope had considerable economic & political power Declared papal supremacy Declared papal supremacy Developed own law (Canon law) Developed own law (Canon law) Excommunication Excommunication Interdict Interdict Caused revolts Caused revolts

8 CORRUPTION/ REFORM Wealth grew, discipline weakened Wealth grew, discipline weakened Reform needed Reform needed Limit secular influence Limit secular influence Revive Benedictine Rule Revive Benedictine Rule Friars preached to poor Friars preached to poor Most famous > St. Francis of Assisi (Franciscans) Most famous > St. Francis of Assisi (Franciscans)

9 Jews in Medieval Europe Jewish communities all over Europe Jewish communities all over Europe Spain > center of Jewish culture Spain > center of Jewish culture As Western Europe became more Christianized prejudice against Jews increased As Western Europe became more Christianized prejudice against Jews increased Movement to Eastern Europe Movement to Eastern Europe

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