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Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 1 Curriculum Mapping: A Road Map for The Common Core Standards: Session #2 The work of Heidi Hayes Jacobs: Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 1 Curriculum Mapping: A Road Map for The Common Core Standards: Session #2 The work of Heidi Hayes Jacobs: Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 1 Curriculum Mapping: A Road Map for The Common Core Standards: Session #2 The work of Heidi Hayes Jacobs: Presented by Joseph D. Cantara- Consultant

2 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 2 Pre-Workshop Activity: Using the Map below, respond to the Questions!

3 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 3 Give your responses to the following using N, S, E, & W : How would you recommend I get from the High School to The History Museum? From the Bus Station to the Cemetery? From Smith Park to the Zoo? What is the shortest way to State College from the Stadium? What is longest route to the Fire Station from the Zoo?

4 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 4 “…having standards is not enough to ensure improved student achievement. Unless teachers can translate the standards into actual classroom practice in terms of what and how they teach and how they assess student mastery, standards will have no effect on student learning” Discuss within your group…

5 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 5 A Model For Getting There: Curriculum Mapping “As any savvy curriculum administrator knows, there may be a large gap between what’s specified on a curriculum guideline and what is actually being taught in classrooms. This gap poses a considerable challenge for educators who are trying to improve the curriculum. Unless they know what’s really being taught, they’re working in the dark. That’s where curriculum mapping can help” Mapping the Big Picture: Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs

6 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 6 What are Curriculum Maps? Curriculum Mapping is a procedure for collecting and maintaining an operational data base of the curriculum in a school or district using the school calendar. It provides the basis for authentic examination

7 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 7 Sharpens and focuses the curriculum to ensure consistent core curriculum for all students Aligns with other school, state & national initiatives Aligns all instructional components (content, skills, assessments, activities and resources) Aligns all reporting processes and instruments Aligns all school improvement processes Provides data to develop and support a vision Can secure and support a lasting change Curriculum Mapping: A procedure for collecting data about actual curriculum using the school calendar as an organizer.

8 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 8 Phase I: Laying the Foundation Getting the basics and developing a common understanding Why are we mapping? What is our vision?

9 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 9 Phase 2: Launching the Process How are decisions made in our school? What do our maps look like? How do we assess and look at our maps? Developing consensus

10 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 10 Phase 3:Sustaining and Integrating the Process Merging assessment data into maps Integrating Literacy Skills Developing a Plan for Implementation Making it work!

11 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 11 Phase 4: What does the future look like? What is the process for updating our maps for the future?

12 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 12 A Common Language We Need to Learn & Use Old Curriculum TermsNew Terms-Curriculum Mapping 1-Goals 2-Lesson Plan 3-Scope & Sequence: Resource Guide 4-”Understands…..” 5-Materials 6-Objective 7-Collaboration 8-Test/Quiz 1-Essential Questions 2-Activities 3-Curriculum Map 4-Higher Order Thinking Verbs (i.e.: Bloom’s Taxonomy) 5-Resources 6-Benchmark & Critical Skills 7-Collaboration 8-Assessment

13 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 13 Activity #1: Examining Curriculum Maps Using the samples in your group, identify the consistent elements that occur on the maps, the types of information gleaned from the maps, and the quality of the elements developed.

14 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 14 Elements of Curriculum Maps Essential Questions Overreaching questions that provide focus for the unit and are aligned to the “Big Picture”, concepts or themes -Encourage higher level thinking -Nurture making connections -Written in question form -Include fundamental, situational, and authentic questions Concept/Content Key concepts, targeted facts, and core content -Start with Big Ideas or “Enduring Understandings -Can be within discipline, inter- disciplinary or student centered -Written in non form-targeted facts & information points

15 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 15 Skills What students need to know or be able to do in order to demonstrate mastery or understanding of the content. -Begin with action verbs -Are specific, observable, & measureable -Include benchmark & critical skills -Reflect an expectation -Include integrated skills in the teaching and skills that support the teaching of the concept Assessments Evidence of learning -Are demonstrations of learning -Include integration of multiple skills -Are tangible products or observable performances -Include a variety of assessments -Written in noun form (Elements continued)

16 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 16 …and Activities Practice opportunities to master skills -Hands on -Engaging -Incorporate different learning styles -Included in lesson plans

17 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 17 All of which should be aligned with the Common Core State Standards

18 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 18 Activity #2: So what needs to be taught in ELA? In your group, develop a list of the topics/units of study for one grade in ELA or your discipline aligned with ELA for an entire school year. Prioritize your list. Review your colleagues responses: “World Café” review.

19 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 19 Activity #3: Practice As a team, develop a Curriculum Map in ELA (Reading Key Point) or a Curriculum Map for your discipline aligned with ELA (Reading Key Point) for the month of September for a Grade. Use the Curriculum Mapping template suggested, or one of your own design containing the same, or additional elements (i.e.: Resources)

20 Curriculum Mapping Exercise For ELA Unit: _______________ Time Frame:_______ Grade/Subject: ______ Essential Questions ContentSkillsActivities Assessments CCSS Standards Key Point: _______________ Strand(s): ___________________

21 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 21 So what happens after our Curriculum Map is written? We need to assess what we have written. But who does the assessing? What does the assessment tool look like?

22 Prepared by Joseph D. Cantara- Counsultant 22 Mapping the Big Picture: Reading Assignment For our next meeting, please read Chapters 1 and 2 in Mapping The Big Picture. Discuss the following: –Why do we need a “zoom” lens and a “wide-angle” lens for curriculum mapping? –Discuss the aspects of the seven phases required: Collecting the Data First Read Through Mixed Group Review Large Group Review Determine the Points that Can be Revised Immediately Determine the Points that Will Require Long-term Research & Development The Review Cycle Continues

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