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Section X: Genesis 15-17 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Abram the Hebrew & Believing God)

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Presentation on theme: "Section X: Genesis 15-17 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Abram the Hebrew & Believing God)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Section X: Genesis 15-17 All verses from the NKJV unless noted. “The Redemption Of Man From Sin” (Abram the Hebrew & Believing God)

2   Not to fear; God as shield and great reward (15:1)  Concern/struggle over the promise of a child (15:2, 3; cf. 12:7)  Assurance and definition of great nation (15:4, 5)  Believed and accounted righteous (15:6)  Romans 4:1-5  Galatians 3:5-9  James 2:20-24 God’s Assurance (Gen. 15)

3   Passing between the pieces (15:7-17)  A custom of making two rows of the pieces sacrificed where the two parties passed between (cf. Jer. 34:18, 19)  Vultures came down (symbolic of Satan’s attack to destroy the promises)  Abraham drove them away (watchfulness)  Deep sleep, sun went down, and horror (signified fulfillment would be after Abraham’s death)  A long timetable: Abraham would die  Descendants would serve in another country God’s Assurance (Gen. 15)

4   The folly of a carnal plan to solve God’s promise  Abraham and Sarah struggled with God’s promise  Only God can fulfill the promise  Created other problems (cf. Prov. 30:21-23)  The son of promise cannot come from carnal plans  Man cannot change God’s plan and time Outthinking God (Gen. 16)

5   Reassurance of promise (17:1-8)  Nations will come from him  Circumcision as a sign of the covenant (17:9-14)  Fleshly circumcision was an operation on males who were only eight days old (17:12)  When an eight year old was circumcised, he obviously was not circumcised by “his faith” Sign of The Covenant (Gen. 17)

6  11 In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, 12 buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. Colossians 2:11, 12

7   Sarah would have a son (17:16)  Kings of peoples shall be from her  Unbelievable (17:17, 18)  Reaffirmation (17:19-21)  Isaac the child of promise  Covenant made through him  God finished and went up (17:22) Genesis 17

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