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HSE MOSCOW The future of Labour Law in a Globalised or Regionalised World Dr Paul Smit 28 October 2015 Date.

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Presentation on theme: "HSE MOSCOW The future of Labour Law in a Globalised or Regionalised World Dr Paul Smit 28 October 2015 Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 HSE MOSCOW The future of Labour Law in a Globalised or Regionalised World Dr Paul Smit 28 October 2015 Date

2 The future of Labour Law in a Globalised or Regionalised World Introduction Transnational Law Compliance with International Law / International Treaties Non-compliance with International Law / Treaties Transnational Labour Relations Regional Integration v Regional Globalization Role of Trade Unions (TU) / labour lawyers in era of Globalisation Conclusion

3 Introduction Globalisation – laws in general and labour laws in particular are obtaining an international character Regional economic agreements and integration schemes – ILO have assumed greater prominence Most regional formations reflect preoccupation with narrow commercial objectives Civil society wants more than economic interests Groundwork for inclusive developmental social policy at regional level has been laid This can include transnational labour law

4 Transnational Law “Transnational” – beyond national borders Laws that govern conduct of independent nations and their relationship with each other Transnational Law = Transnational Legal Process (TLP) TLP has four very distinctive features: –It is non-traditional –It is non-statist (includes non-state actors) –It is dynamic and not static –It is normative – describes a process and also normativity of that process

5 Compliance with International Law / Treaties Democracies are more likely to comply Countries with independent judiciaries are more likely to trust and respect Compliance based on three propositions : –Propensity to comply is more plausible that assumptions that states will violate –Compliance problems do not reflect deliberate decision to violate –Complete compliance not required only acceptable level of compliance Fundamental norm of International law – Pacta Sunt Servanda (Treaties are to be obeyed)

6 Non compliance with International Law / Treaties Non complying behaviour can be attributed to: –Ambiguity, indeterminacy of treaty language –Limitations on capacity of parties, lack of political will to comply –All treaties require period of transition – they are not “aspirational” goal is to start a process Use of International Labour Standards (ILS) in domestic law must be based on legal material available to states under its domestic law ILS rich source for development of labour law can assist with state compliance with international obligations

7 Transnational Labour Relations / Law National labour relations system must not be understood in isolation, but within a framework to understand global labour relations Problematic when labour decisions are taken in one part of the world and have an effect on labour relations somewhere else in the world Globalisation of markets has a profound impact on labour relations Transnational labour relations are still in an emerging and formative phase Expansion of transnational labour relations would require TU / labour lawyers to adapt in order to function in flexible labour markets in different workplaces Transnational TU federations must decide on strategies to confront the challenges of increasing globalisation

8 Regional Integration v Regional Globalisation Globalisation – economies become more integrated almost a “global culture” Some see globalisation as Americanisation Economic integration – group of nations form a regional trading bloc Regional economic bloc is an entity encompassing and transcending nation-states Regional economic organisation gives members greater ability to protect national or regional interests – this contradicts globalisation Social welfare, social institutions and social relations extend beyond national borders – regional character

9 Regional Integration v Regional Globalisation Regional formations often the result of political struggle Regional agreements discriminate against third countries – have become protectionist blocs Proliferation of regional formations indicate willingness of governments to commit to collaboration Regional integration restricts sovereignty of member states to a certain degree Regionalisation and Globalisation have similarities but also differences Not totally incompatible nor totally compatible

10 Role of Trade Unions in era of Globalisation New challenges for TU’s and labour lawyers, no longer only those applicable at local or national level It seems that most TU’s / labour lawyers have not involved in a significant debate on globalisation If employers can circulate and operate freely across national borders, TU’s and labour lawyers cant just function within their own national jurisdiction Globalisation / Regionalism have altered the balance of power between capital and labour to the disadvantage of labour

11 Role of Trade Unions in era of Globalisation In order to deal with globalisation TU’s and labour lawyers should come up with strategic responses and initiatives to counter act process of globalisation Focus must shift from organisational or national issues to regional issues There should be greater participation in regional bodies Unions and labour lawyers must truly start thinking outside the box

12 Conclusion Due to globalisation and or regionalisation the normal scope of labour law is attaining an international character Organisations like the UN, ILO, EU, and regional formations - countries are now faced with decision taken on international level that directly influence their national legal process International principles, standards like “decent work”, ILO Core Conventions will be minimum international standards Uniqueness of national labour relations / law will not disappear but will more and more be subjected to scrutiny of international and regional organisations As globalisation / regionalisation increase the importance of the Transnational Legal Process will become more evident Labour Law will have to spread their wings across national borders in order to meet the challenges of globalisation

13 Thank you

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