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1 German Language of the half term

2 2 Places Where German Is Spoken Around The World

3 3 Map Of The Country German Originated From.

4 4 The capital of Germany is Berlin. Germany shares borders with Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland and Switzerland. Germany is a federal republic. Country Information Berlin

5 5 Number Of Speakers In The World German is spoken by approximately 105 million native speakers but also by approximatively 80 million non-native speakers. Standard German is widely taught in schools, universities and Goethe Institutes worldwide.

6 6 Flags Of German Speaking Countries Austria Europe Germany Belgium Switzerland Luxembour g Lichtenstein

7 7 Currency Of German Speaking Countries Euro is the currency for: Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and Austria Swiss Francs (CHF) is the currency for Switzerland and Lichtenstein

8 8 Religion In Germany Protestant 34% Roman Catholic34% Muslim 3.7% Unaffiliated or other 28.3%

9 9 Some Important Dates For German Speakers *National holiday 1 st January - Neujahr* - New Year's Day 6 th January - Heilige Drei Könige*- Epiphany, three Kings Friday before Easter - Karfreitag*- Good Friday March or April - Ostern - Easter 1 st Mai - Erster Mai*Tag der Arbeit - May Day / Labour Day 20 th July - Gedenktag des Attentats auf Hitler 1944 - Germany 1 st August - Nationalfeiertag* - Swiss National Day 3 rd October - Tag der deutschen Einheit* - Day of German Unity 26 th October - Nationalfeiertag* - Austria's national holiday 1 st November - Allerheiligen - All Saints' Day 11 th November - Martinstag - Martinmas 6 th December - Nikolaustag - St. Nicholas Day 24 th December - Heiligabend - Christmas Eve 25 th December - Weihnachten* - Christmas Day 26 th December - Zweiter Weihnachtstag* - Second Day of Christmas - St. Stephen's Day 31 st December - Silvester - New Year's Eve St. Nicholas Day

10 10 Some Traditional Clothes Switzerland Austria Germany

11 11 Traditional Food Wienerschnitzel (Veal) Schweinshaxe (ham hocks) Bratwurst with Sauerkraut Cheese fondue Switzerland Birchermüsli

12 12 Traditional Arts & Crafts Adventskrantz Christmas market Germany Weather house Cuckoo clock Germany

13 13 Language alphabet

14 14 Numbers 1 to 10 ZehnNeunAcht Sieben Sechs FünfVierDreiZweiEins

15 15 Greetings Danke Schön – Thank you Auf Wiedersehen – Goodbye Willkommen – Welcome Guten Tag – Hello, Good day

16 16 Days Of The Week Sonntag SamstagFreitag DonnerstagMittwoch DienstagMontag

17 17 Months Of The Year DezemberNovemberOktober SeptemberAugustJuli JuniMaiApril MärzFebruar Januar

18 18 Famous Landmarks Lichtenstein Neuschwanstein Luxembourg Swiss Alps Brandenburger Tor Berlin

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