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Active Labour Market Policy for Lone Parents: the UK Context Jonathan Portes Chief Economist UK Department for Work and Pensions.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Labour Market Policy for Lone Parents: the UK Context Jonathan Portes Chief Economist UK Department for Work and Pensions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Labour Market Policy for Lone Parents: the UK Context Jonathan Portes Chief Economist UK Department for Work and Pensions

2 Our overall labour market strategy.. Macroeconomic stability Labour market flexibility Anti discrimination law and policy Making work pay Active labour market policy

3 Making work pay: tax credits and the minimum wage Gains to work for lone parents (30 hours, minimum wage)

4 But system is complex and MDRs high

5 Considerable success..

6 But much more will be required 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% Spring 04Spring 05Spring 06Spring 07Spring 08spring 09spring10 Lone parent employment rate Business CaseCurrent PerformanceTrajectory required for 70% by 2010

7 New Deal for Lone Parents Programme structure: –Mandatory work focused interviews to “sell” the programme –But programme participation purely voluntary –Open to all lone parents on benefit –Help with access to childcare, jobsearch, training; but still workfirst approach –Piloting further elements: in work credit, worksearch premium, more childcare support

8 Implications for evaluation -Voluntary nature raises selection issues -But correlation between take-up and outcomes suggests it’s not the usual problem -And is NDLP really a “programme” – or is it about information/signposting? -Suggests that how and by whom at least as important as what -If key role of NDLP is catalytic, how do we isolate effects?

9 Key future issues -Explaining heterogeneous outcomes: geography, health status, ethnicity, etc -New Deal for Lone Parents Plus: evaluating a package of interventions -Quasi-mandatory work-related activity

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