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Diameter The moon’s diameter is 3476 kilometers This is ¼ of earth’s diameter.

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Presentation on theme: "Diameter The moon’s diameter is 3476 kilometers This is ¼ of earth’s diameter."— Presentation transcript:


2 Diameter The moon’s diameter is 3476 kilometers This is ¼ of earth’s diameter

3 The moons gravitational force is mean is.17 On the moon someone who weigh… 72= 11.9 lbs. 95= 15.7


5 Length of Day & Length of Year The length of a day on the moon is 27 earth days. The length of a year on the moon is 365 ¼ days.

6 .


8 Surface Features The Moons surface is very rough. It has: Craters Mountain ranges Rilles Lava plains Volcano’s “And a solid rock crust”

9 Fun Facts The Moon rotates at the same speed it orbits the earth that is why we only see one side of it. It is believed that the moon was created when a Mars size object crashed into earth and the extra pieces became the moon.

10 1.The Moon By: Stewart Ross, Place of Publication: New York, Publisher :Scholastic Inc.., Date: January 2009, Print. Document Moon&, Category: Earths Moon (from all info), Used: 3/7/11, Web. Firefox, Category: Earths Moon, Used: All during research time, Web. Firefox

11 4. com, Article: Man on the Moon, Used: 3/2/11, Created 9/?/11 5. http//, Astronomy Links, Used all time for research, Web. Firefox 6., Article: Your weight in other worlds, Used: 3/1/11, Web. Firefox

12 Cosmos Book By: Giles Sparrow, Print. Document

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