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CHAPTER 28 The New Frontier and the Great Society.

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1 CHAPTER 28 The New Frontier and the Great Society

2 28-1 JFK and the Cold War

3 The Election of 1960 KEY ISSUES OF THE ELECTION: Cold War Television Civil Rights

4 THE CANDIDATES KENNEDY Young, handsome, & charismatic From wealthy/powerful family Promised active leadership Negatives- – Youth/inexperience – Catholic NIXON Experienced Expert on foreign policy Eisenhower’s VP—hoped to riding Eisenhower’s popularity Negatives- – Some Americans felt US was losing Cold War – Lack of visual appeal to voters

5 TELEVISED DEBATE Sept. 26, 1960 – First televised debate between presidential candidates – Kennedy was coached by television producers—he looked and spoke better than Nixon Launched television age of American politics

6 CIVIL RIGHTS October 1960- MLK Jr. was arrested in Georgia along with 33 other demonstrators for sitting/demonstrating at a segregated lunch counter – Demonstrators were released, but King was given months of hard labor for a “minor traffic violation” Eisenhower refused to get involved/Nixon (VP JFK called MLK’s wife, RFK persuaded judge to release MLK Jr. on bail – JFK won AA votes and key states in Midwest and South.


8 CAMELOT The Camelot Years – Kennedy’s youth and the appeal of his family along with his talented advisors (“The Best and the Brightest”) reminded many King Arthur’s mythical court—Camelot

9 THE KENNEDY MYSTIQUE JFK’s family fascinated the American public – JFK could read 1600 words/minute – Fashion and culture of Jackie Kennedy – Many pictures and stories in magazines and newspapers of Caroline and John







16 THE BEST AND THE BRIGHTEST JFK chose only the best to be his advisors: – McGeorge Bundy (Harvard Dean)—national security – Robert McNamara (Pres. of Ford)—Sec. of Def. – Dean Rusk (Pres. of Rockefeller Found.)– Sec. of State – RFK (35 y.o. brother)—Attorney General Most trusted advisor


18 NEW MILITARY STRATEGY Kennedy did not feel Eisenhower did enough about the Soviet Union – Felt Soviets were gaining ground in 3 rd world countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America – Blamed Republicans for “allowing” communism in Cuba so close to US Kennedy did not like the threat of all-out nuclear war to deter Soviet aggression— especially in a minor incident.

19 FLEXIBLE RESPONSE Kennedy – Increased military spending non-nuclear forces: Troops, ships, artillery, Special Forces (Green Berets) – AND increased nuclear capabilities (3x the amount!) READY FOR ANYTHING.

20 CRISES OVER CUBA 2-weeks before Kennedy took office, Fidel Castro (communist) took power in Cuba Castro promised democracy, but once in power did just the opposite – US cut off relations w/Cuba – Seized American and British oil fields – Castro relied more and more on aid from the Soviet Union About 10% of Cuba’s pop. went into exile b/c they saw Castro as a tyrant dictator.

21 BAY OF PIGS INCIDENT CIA plan to train exiles to invade Cuba and remove Castro fails Air strike failed to knock out Cuban air forces Diversionary group failed to land Heavily armed Cuban troops stopped invasion Kennedy refused to authorize US air support Kennedy took responsibility in public for the fiasco EMBARRASSMENT TO UNITED STATES

22 Cuban Missile Crisis Krushchev (Soviet Union) promises to defend Cuba with weapons, including nuclear missiles U-2 photographic evidence shows nuclear missile ready to launch Kennedy informs the nation of the missiles The world is gripped with fear of nuclear attack US Navy blockades (quarantine) Cuba and Soviet ships turned back Missiles removed – US pledge not to invade Cuba & makes a secret treaty to remove missiles from Turkey MOST DANGEROUS MOMENT OF COLD WAR??

23 Impact of Cuban Missile Crisis Krushchev's prestige damaged Kennedy criticized for using brinksmanship tactics Kennedy too "soft" and lost chance to oust Castro Angry Cuban exiles switch support to Republican Party

24 Is this quotation still valid today? “Nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy—or of a collective death wish for the world” -John F. Kennedy, Speech at American University, 1963

25 Berlin Crisis West Berlin's prosperous economy showcased success of western democracy while East Germany is suffering with a weak economy & lack of Civil Rights Large numbers of East Germans flee to West Berlin Berlin Wall constructed (1961)

26 Easing Cold War Tensions Hot Line – established between White House & Kremlin – diffuse potential crises/war quickly Limited Test Ban Treaty: – banned nuclear testing in atmosphere

27 New Frontier: Stimulate the Economy Provide medical care to the aged, urban repair, education aid Raised minimum wage to $1.25, extended unemployment Paid for through deficit spending and an increase in taxes

28 New Frontier: Addressing Poverty Abroad Peace Corps – Assistance to developing nations (Agricultural advisers, teachers, health aides, etc.) – GREAT SUCCESS!! Alliance for Progress – economic and technical help for Latin America – Contain communism

29 New Frontier: Race to the Moon April 1961, Soviet Union put a man on the moon, US saw this as a challenge & was determined to win the Space Race July 1969, US puts first man on the Moon Impact of space program – Education: expanded science programs – Technology: computers and miniaturized electronics

30 Assassination of JFK November 22, 1963: Kennedy Assassinated in Dallas, Texas Lee Harvey Oswald charged with the murder Warren Commission – Found that Harvey acted alone Zapruder Film

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