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When the HARD Skills of Science Meet the Soft Skills of People David Ryback, Ph.D. EQ Associates International Space Telescope Science Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "When the HARD Skills of Science Meet the Soft Skills of People David Ryback, Ph.D. EQ Associates International Space Telescope Science Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 When the HARD Skills of Science Meet the Soft Skills of People David Ryback, Ph.D. EQ Associates International Space Telescope Science Institute



4 David Ryback on SOFT SKILLS: Putting Emotional Intelligence to Work ConnectAbility: Building Strong Partnerships with Your Colleagues Space Telescope Science Institute


6 Bottom Line We’re afraid of listening closely for fear of losing sight of our own agenda.



9 The 4 Components of EI Know yourself: Self-awareness Control yourself: Self-management Know others: Empathy Do the right thing: Creating success for yourself and others



12 What Causes Stress in Our Brain?

13 Lack of respect Treated unfairly Lack of appreciation Unrealistic deadlines

14 Getting to Know Yourself and Others Have you ever felt stress at work? What’s your experience? Please find a partner next to you, and share.

15 What is Power? Hard power: Authority & coercion Soft power: Influence & persuasion

16 The 3 “Hard-to-Soft” Revolutions Information Revolution Mobility Revolution Defiance Revolution

17 WHY? Electronic media More savvy New mindsets New opportunities


19 The Skill of Understanding Primary Emotions Bad Mad Sad Glad


21 Soft Skills for You to Use Connect well with emotional awareness Take charge with flexibility Match personal skills with challenges Respect individual differences Use more emotional intelligence

22 Do Soft Skills Work? Understand others 42% Manage relationships better 51% Influence others 46% Resolve/manage conflict 43% Improve morale/motivation34% Improve teamwork44%

23 Overall Benefit 43.3%

24 Benefits of Soft Skills Sanofi-Aventis12% increase in sales L’OrealIncrease in revenue--$2,558,360. U.S. Air Force$3 million/year

25 Hard Measures of Soft Skills Metrics on EI—Baron EQ-i or Ryback’s CAMS Social intelligence—360 surveys Rate of turnover

26 Soft Skills in a Hard World

27 Soft Skills in the World of Space Telescope Science

28 Putting Your Soft Skills to Work Which of these soft skills might be effective with your associates or even friends or family?

29 13 Days in September (L. Wright)

30 Personal “Truths” “‘Truth’ is nothing more than a concept describing majority consensus of valued peers.” -- Canadian Psychologist (David Ryback)

31 “ The two greatest mysteries in all of nature..” Michio Kaku, The Future of the Mind

32 When Telescopes Revealed the Truth Copernicus (c. 1500) Kepler (c. 1609) Galileo (1610) Johann Demisiani (April 14, 1611)

33 The Nature of “Truth” in Astronomy 1. Our planet 2. The sun 3. Our Milky Way galaxy 4. Innumerable galaxies 5. Big Bang Theory

34 Our Milky Way

35 Soft Skills at the International Level

36 Soft Skills Make Way for Camp David Peace Accords

37 Carl Rogers: The Pioneer of Soft Skills Entering perceptual world of other Understand other’s “private world” No facade

38 3 Ways to Grow Your Success Service to others Know yourself Create a “safe place”

39 Feeling Misunderstood With partner: Can you recall a time when you felt misunderstood (at work or at home)? How did it make you feel?


41 Tell your story

42 Allow vulnerability

43 Tell your story Allow vulnerability What can you learn about yourself?

44 Discovery What soft skill might have helped?

45 Overview Choose one soft skill that you can immediately begin to apply to your work or family life.

46 So … So … don’t be afraid to listen closely. Your agenda will not disappear. And … you will be: A better manager (by 51%) More liked and appreciated by your colleagues Much more productive (by 43.3%) A better partner and parent Overall, a happier person

47 3 Simple Ways to Be Successful! Focus on being of service to others. Be real about yourself. So others feel safe to be themselves with you!

48 The Soft Skill of Authenticity To thine own self, Be true!

49 Soft Skills for Greater Success Become more effective … By being more affective! And even happier! All the best, David Ryback

50 References Spencer, L.M., Jr. & Spencer, S. Competence at Work. NY: Wiley & Sons, 1993. GAO Report, Military Recruiting, submitted to Congress on Jan.30, 1998. Ryback, D. Putting Emotional Intelligence to Work. Boston, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998. Jennings, S. & Palmer, B.R., Enhancing sales performance through emotional intelligence. Organizations and People, 14(2), 55-71, 2007. Walter Mischel, The Marshmallow Test. NY: Little, Brown & Co., 2014 Lawrence Wright, Thirteen Days in September. NY: Knopf, 2014.

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