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HEALTHY HABITS FOR LIFE A Common Sense Approach to Healthy Living Week Five.

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Presentation on theme: "HEALTHY HABITS FOR LIFE A Common Sense Approach to Healthy Living Week Five."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEALTHY HABITS FOR LIFE A Common Sense Approach to Healthy Living Week Five

2 Shop Smart: Shopping for a Healthier You  Reading Food Labels  Balanced Shopping  Keeping a Well- Stocked Kitchen  Knowing your Food Logos

3 Grocery Shopping for a Healthier You  Keep variety in mind.  Shop the perimeter of the store  Read those food labels  Be prepared to shop  Be an informed shopper

4 Reading Food Labels  Serving Sizes  Nutrient Information  Calories per Gram  % Daily Value  Trans Fat  Rounding  Nutritional Claims

5 Balanced Shopping

6 Grains D r y c e r e a l, s l i c e d b r e a d, w h o l e w h e a t t o r t i l l a s, r i c e c a k e s, e t c  Look for whole grain products –B-vitamins –Fiber –Low in fat

7 Fruits and Vegetables  Great sources of –Vitamins –Minerals –Fiber –Antioxidants  Most are fat free

8 Dairy  Great source of –Calcium –Protein –Vitamin D Ex: cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese

9 Proteins Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs and Nuts  Pay attention to portion size and fat content  Excellent source of: –Protein –Iron –Zinc –Vitamin B-12

10 Oils and Fats  Pay attention to the type and amount you choose  Great source of –Vitamin E –Essential fatty acids –Energy

11 Sweets  High in Calories  Few nutrients  Be discerning: choose only those you truly enjoy.

12 Keeping a Well Stocked Kitchen

13 Knowing your Food Logos  Not All logos are Created Equal  Reliable vs. Unreliable

14 Reliable- Certified Organic  Inspected every year by USDA- independent certifiers.  Food cannot be grown with synthetic fertilizers, chemical, or sewage sludge or contain genetically modified organisms  Animals fed Only with organic foods w/out animal byproducts (free of hormones and antibiotics)  Animals must have access outdoors

15 Reliable- Certified Humane Raised and Handled  Independent non-profit organization  Certifies eggs, dairy, meat, and poultry  Allows animals to engage in natural behaviors, sufficient space, shelter, and gentle handling to limit stress, ample fresh water and healthy diet free of antibiotics or hormones  Inspections every year.

16 Reliable- Country of Origin  Implemented in 2008 for produce, peanuts, beef, pork, chicken, lamb, seafood and goat.  Allowed consumers concerned about lenient pesticide regulations in other countries to make informed decisions about their food.

17 Unreliable- Free Range/Free Roaming  USDA regulates the term “free range” for poultry, not beef or eggs and birds are only required to have access to outdoors, which could be a concrete feedlot  USDA considers 5 minutes of outdoor time to be sufficient

18 Unreliable- Grass Fed  Implies that the animal has been raised on a diet consisting fully of grasses, hay, and forage.  Grass fed claim is only reliable if the product has “USDA Process Verified” shield.

19 Unreliable Natural or All Natural  No standard or verification system for these labels  USDA defines “natural” as “A product containing no artificial or added color and only minimally processed (a process which does not fundamentally alter the raw product.)”

20 The Plan: Week Five  Become an informed shopper. Read the food labels.  Create a healthier kitchen.  Complete the Food and Activity Journal for this week.

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