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EL PRONOMBRE SE 1.Frases Impersonales 2.Acciones accidentales.

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Presentation on theme: "EL PRONOMBRE SE 1.Frases Impersonales 2.Acciones accidentales."— Presentation transcript:

1 EL PRONOMBRE SE 1.Frases Impersonales 2.Acciones accidentales

2 YOU HAVE SEEN SE…  As a reflexive pronom Yo me cepillo los dientes Tú te cepillas los dientes Él se cepilla los dientes Nosotros nos cepillamos los dientes Vosotros os cepilláis los dientes Ellos se cepillan los dientes

3 YOU HAVE SEEN SE…  As a indirect object pronoun: Ana compra flores a su mama Ana se las compra Flores: direct object pronoun (las) A su mama: indirect object pronoun (le) Ana le las compra= Ana se las compra

4 CONSTRUCCIONES CON SE  In this unit we will talk about SE in two different cases: 1.SE used in impersonal phrases 2.SE used in unplanned/accidental events

5 1. IMPERSONAL PHRASES  se to form statements in which the person performing the action is not defined. Note that the third person singular verb form is used with singular nouns and the third person plural form is used with plural nouns. Se habla español en Costa Rica Spanish is spoken in Costa Rica Se puede leer en la sala de espera You can read in the waiting room Aquí se venden camisas Shirt are sold here

6  You often see the impersonal se in signs, advertisements, and directions.  Se prohíbe nadar  Se necesitan camareros  Se entra por detrás


8 2. UNPLANNED/ACCIDENTAL EVENTS  Se also describes accidental or unplanned events. In this construction, the person who performs the action is de-emphasized, implying that the accident or unplanned event is not his or her direct responsibility. Note this construction. Se me cayó el bolígrafo (I dropped the pen by mistake, not my fault) Se + indirect object pronoun (me)+ verb (cayó)+ subject (bolígrafo)

9  In this type of construction,what would normally be the direct object of the sentence becomes the subject, and it agrees with the verb, not with the indirect object pronoun.

10 EJEMPLOS…  (a mi) Se me perdieron las llaves (I lost my keys, no my fault)  (a mi) Se me olvidó la tarea en casa (I forgot my homework at home)  (a nosotros) Se nos escapó el tren (we missed the train) Can you say?… Yo perdí las llaves Yo olvidé la tarea en casa Nosotros perdimos el tren Yes. But by using SE construction you are emphasizing that what happened was not your fault and was unplanned.

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