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The Right Choice Quality Enhancement Plan Realistic Individual Goals Happen Through Advising.

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Presentation on theme: "The Right Choice Quality Enhancement Plan Realistic Individual Goals Happen Through Advising."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Right Choice Quality Enhancement Plan Realistic Individual Goals Happen Through Advising

2 The Quality Enhancement Plan Topic Selection January 2013 through April 2014 – Identified key issues through wide spread assessment 6 focus groups – comprising of administrators, support services, credit and non credit faculty, and students Survey to greater college community (700 responses) Internal and external data review - Grad Fest Survey, Graduate Intent and Satisfaction Survey (reaching 4950 students), CCSSE, college and system benchmarks.

3 Focus Groups Recommendations Create a student-focused advising system that will combine advising for admissions, academic advising, financial aid, career services, and social services. Provide greater support and special services for students who have placed into courses below 100 in English, Reading and Math and creating an academic division for this group. Hold in-person orientations for each program major.

4 QEP Launch Team analyzed results to determine that ‘Academic Advising’ would be the topic to impact the environment supporting student learning. The Quality Enhancement Plan Topic Selection

5 Focuses on General Studies Population 2 nd largest major within Delgado 91% do not have a declared concentration The Quality Enhancement Plan Topic Selection

6 Provide a learning centered environment in which to prepare students from diverse backgrounds to attain their education, career, and personal goals, to think critically, to demonstrate leadership, and to be productive and responsible citizens.

7 An “enhanced” academic advising system We will provide the environment in which students learn how to be self- directed learners.

8 Provide foundational learning experiences that students will use throughout their lifetime. An “enhanced” academic advising system

9 RIGHT Path QEP Purpose Develop a system wide approach to academic advising that cultivates a learning environment where students achieve realistic and attainable goals.

10 Alignment with other Initiatives Impact 2016 Program Sequencing Career Pathways Single Stop and TRIO GRAD Act Our Louisiana 2020

11 QEP Goals and Objectives Goal 1 Enhanced advising involves improving and creating new advising resources, processes, procedures to foster student success. 1.1. Provide a consistent academic advising system. 1.2. Provide comprehensive training for faculty/staff. 1.3. Provide supportive technology to ensure consistency and to facilitate student self-sufficiency. 1.4Students will be able to identify the campus resources and services available.

12 1.1 Delgado will provide a consistent academic advising system. a.Revision of processes and procedures in implementation team meetings. b.Assign students to academic advisors. Assessment: Meeting minutes and college policies. Number of current students assigned to academic advisors. Baseline: To establish a baseline, implementation teams will review current processes and procedures for academic advising. 0% QEP Goals and Objectives

13 1.2Delgado will provide comprehensive training for faculty and staff. a.Train faculty and staff on advising model. Assessment: Percent of faculty and staff who successfully complete training. Baseline: 0% QEP Goals and Objectives

14 1.3Delgado will provide and train faculty and staff on the use of technology. a.Implement CAPP system. b.Implement EMAS Retention Pro. c.Implement Canvas site. Assessment: Self-assessment Error reports Baseline: 0% Currently, there is no college wide coordinated use technology in advising. QEP Goals and Objectives

15 1.4 Students learn to recognize and identify campus resources and services. a.Create a comprehensive inventory of resources. b.Create an advising referral form. Assessment: Student feedback and Satisfaction Survey, during student’s first semester thru canvas site. GradFest, during student’s last semester, as summative measure. Baseline: 0% Currently, the college is not assessing this data. QEP Goals and Objectives

16 Goal 2 Students learn the skills necessary for becoming self-directed learners. 2.1. Students learn to recognize the structure of educational plan requirements. 2.2. Students learn to select the appropriate courses towards fulfillment of their educational plans. 2.3. Students demonstrate progress toward educational plan created. QEP Goals and Objectives

17 2.1. Students learn to recognize the structure of educational plan. a.Students understand programs of study (Catalog) and career options with the help of assigned academic advisor. b.Students select majors based on goals. Assessment: Educational plan on file in Retention Pro. Baseline: Zero students have an educational plan on file in Retention Pro. QEP Goals and Objectives

18 2.2. Students learn to select the appropriate courses towards fulfillment of their educational plans. a.Students (with their advisor) learn course sequencing for their educational plan. b.Academic Advisor communicates selecting and prioritizing appropriate coursework according to their educational plan. Assessment: Report of excess credits. Report of students taking courses outside of major. Baseline: To establish a baseline, a report will be available in December once CAPP is fully implemented. QEP Goals and Objectives

19 2.3. Students will demonstrate progress toward their educational plan a.Assigned Academic Advisor monitors student grades and satisfactory academic progress contacting students who are not progressing according to their educational plan. Assessment: Academic Records Report at midterm and end of semester, which includes satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) report. Baseline: To establish a baseline, a report will be available in December once CAPP is fully implemented. Current total number of students not meeting SAP for fall 2015 was 8,797. QEP Goals and Objectives

20 Sample Technology CAPP EMAS Retention Pro Career Cruising LaWorks My Life My Way Echo 360 Canvas

21 Organizational Structure

22 QEP College-Wide Implementation Team


24 Implementation Phase 1 – General Studies students (91% do not have a declared concentration) – West Bank (~350 students in GS) – Develop staff and faculty training materials – Student interventions scheduled by the end of first semester Phases 2 and 3 – Launch interventions at other sites

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