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FOURCONDITIONALS FOUR CONDITIONALS. HYPOTETICAL PERIODS: HYPOTETICAL PERIODS: Real conditionals Unreal conditionals Type zero First type Second type Third.

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Presentation on theme: "FOURCONDITIONALS FOUR CONDITIONALS. HYPOTETICAL PERIODS: HYPOTETICAL PERIODS: Real conditionals Unreal conditionals Type zero First type Second type Third."— Presentation transcript:


2 HYPOTETICAL PERIODS: HYPOTETICAL PERIODS: Real conditionals Unreal conditionals Type zero First type Second type Third type Second type Third type

3 ZERO CONDITIONAL ZERO CONDITIONAL MAIN CLAUSEIF CLAUSE Subject + Simple PresentIf + Subject + Simple Present When to use: to talk about things that are always true, scientific facts and general truths. EXAMPLES: If I drink coffee late at night, I can't sleep. If I drink coffee late at night, I can't sleep. If people don't eat they get hungry.

4 FIRST CONDITIONAL IF + SIMPLE PRESENT WILL + BASE VERB IF + SIMPLE PRESENT WILL + BASE VERB When to use: to talk about future events that will happen probably. probably. EXAMPLES: If I have lots of money, I will travel a lot. What will you do if I call you? IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE

5 SECOND CONDITIONAL IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE IF + SIMPLE PAST WOULD + BASE FORM IF + SIMPLE PAST WOULD + BASE FORM (WERE, DID, DIDN’T GO, …) (WOULD, COULD,SHOULD) When to use: when the condition described in the conditional sentence is unlikely and unrealistic. EXAMPLES: If I were rich, I would buy a big house in California. If I didn’t study, I wouldn’t learn. He could slip if he ran too fast.

6 THIRD CONDITIONAL IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE IF + PAST PERFECT SIMPLE WOULD HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE IF + PAST PERFECT SIMPLE WOULD HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE When to use: when the condition described in the conditional sentence has not been realized. EXAMPLES: If you had gone, I’d have gone too. If you hadn’t gone to the doctor, you would have been ill.


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