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1998 PI System Users’ Conference Genealogy Toolkit & Solutions ‘The Begats’ By, Jack Aude OSI Shri Chaudhary Omicron Consulting.

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Presentation on theme: "1998 PI System Users’ Conference Genealogy Toolkit & Solutions ‘The Begats’ By, Jack Aude OSI Shri Chaudhary Omicron Consulting."— Presentation transcript:

1 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Genealogy Toolkit & Solutions ‘The Begats’ By, Jack Aude OSI Shri Chaudhary Omicron Consulting

2 1998 PI System Users’ Conference What is Genealogy? Track material from raw materials through Final Product Track product through each unit of a plant

3 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Plant Feed Tanks Reactors Finishing

4 1998 PI System Users’ Conference PI-Batch Same Batch ID

5 1998 PI System Users’ Conference PI-Batch

6 1998 PI System Users’ Conference PIGenealogy Feed Tanks Reactors Finishing

7 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Track Material Flow Track Material Inputs  Identity  Amount  Time  Person Track Material Outputs  Identity  Amount  Time  Person

8 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Genealogy Overview Add-on to PI Archive and PlantSuite Enhancement to PI-Batch, Server Software Tracks Batch Processes, Sources and Destinations of Materials. Client Tools let Users Explore Batch Relationships From Raw Materials Through Final Products.

9 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Genealogy Overview (Cont.) Allows tracking of “External” materials as they flow through the process. Based on State of the Art Microsoft Technologies Products  Active X  ADOs, RDOs, DAOs, Cheerios  SQL  MTS

10 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Genealogy Features & Benefits Client tools based on Microsoft ActiveX technology  allows use in containers such as PI- ProcessBook, MS Excel and MS Internet Explorer Tracks and locates target batches from given raw material or intermediate batch Links to process information in PI Archive  Shows tag values relating to subject batch production. Links external materials into PI Batch materials. Flexible Batch Searching  Allows searching for batches based on Product, Unit, tag values, time, etc.

11 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Features & Benefits (Cont.) Flexible display using a tree and grid format  Easy navigation of the genealogy tree Links to ProcessBook with dynamic updating of display Complies with ISA88.01- standard nomenclature  Interoperable with other industrial control systems FDA Validatable, includes support for Electronic signatures

12 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Features & Benefits (Cont.) Automatic population of genealogy transfers table (GTT)  Minimal need for manual data entry  Reduced errors Linking to external SQL databases via ODBC  Allows linking of customer data or supplier data to batches for analysis reports Batch/Genealogy data stored in SQL Server  Easy access from external systems via ODBC

13 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Features & Benefits (Cont.) Material tracking and material balance Handles heels and sub-batching Handles fixed train, fixed flexible and flexible connections between Units Corporate solution to material tracking  Track materials across plants and sites

14 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Functions Add/Edit/Delete batches and components Expand/collapse and navigate batch genealogy tree Select batches Show source & target batches in grid format Show batch details screen Configure grid and details displays Manual input entry

15 1998 PI System Users’ Conference The Genealogy Browser... In MS Excel In PI ProcessBook In PowerPoint

16 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Genealogy Toolkit Architecture Genealogy Server Tools & Services Middleware Tools & Services Client Tools and Solutions

17 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Client Tools Batch Tree control Batch grid control Batch Browser control Manual Input control Genealogy and enhanced batch search control Unit Tree control Expression Builder control

18 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Server Tools Database (SQL) PI Archive calls (API/SDK) PI Batch

19 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Middleware Tools Genealogy monitor Material transfers objects Electronic Signatures and authentication Batches Info object Manual Input object

20 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Other Goodies: Configuration Application Example Solutions and templates

21 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Example- Building solutions using tools Inserting control into VBA forms

22 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Solutions Batch Consumption Report  All of the ‘Guzintas’ Target Batch Report  All of the ‘Guzouttas’ Common Components Report  find all common raw material or intermediate batches to a given set of (final product) batches.

23 1998 PI System Users’ Conference


25 Solutions (cont.) Product Recalls  all affected final products resulting from defective raw materials or intermediate batches can be found. Find all batches with hold times > threshold Search for common components or common units Find all batches where component A > y%  Account for Heels

26 1998 PI System Users’ Conference Pricing and Availability Genealogy to be licensed by user/client count and per unit and per server Pricing to be determined. Beta Release Sept. 1998 Release 1.0- Fall 1998 Release 2.0- Fall 1999

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