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Presenter Dr. Jim Grant. Growing Emphasis on Prayer SBC leaders Prayer Sites/Blogs/Books Prayer Concaves Is Prayer Working? What Are People Praying For?

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter Dr. Jim Grant. Growing Emphasis on Prayer SBC leaders Prayer Sites/Blogs/Books Prayer Concaves Is Prayer Working? What Are People Praying For?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter Dr. Jim Grant

2 Growing Emphasis on Prayer SBC leaders Prayer Sites/Blogs/Books Prayer Concaves Is Prayer Working? What Are People Praying For? Are We praying for Revival? Revival pertains to Believers Not the Lost Every major Revival/Awakening was a result of praying people – intercessors Shantung Revival Evan Roberts – Fulton Street


4 Fresh Encounter’s Pattern for Revival Henry Blackaby & Claude King, Fresh Encounter, Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1996, 59. Reprinted, Used By Permission.

5  Intercessors are defined as  Christians pray on behalf of others, whether for individuals, a group or the world. Intercession may be prayer for those in danger, in sickness or facing a crisis.

6 What is Prayer? Communication with God Intimacy of thoughts and desires toward God Discipline for Spiritual Growth Lifeline for the believer Time of focus on the Kingdom of God Listening for insight to the will of God Fellowship Relationship Sap to the branch, flow of Holy Spirit

7 Growing Emphasis on Prayer The Jews knew how to pray; prayed three times a day Prayed 13 different benedictions [blessings] There request to be taught wasn’t from lack of praying time, but lack of Prayer Power Luke 11:1 – disciples wanted power behind the prayer Romans 8:26-27 Paul indicates man doesn’t know how to pray

8 Jesus and His Practice of Prayer Personal intercession for others Garden of Gethsemane The High Priestly Prayer – John 17 Jesus and the Father are one, Jesus’ prayer life reflects the intimacy with the Father and the Son’s desire to please the Father- John 17:20-26 Prayer was the means of strength and power for Jesus. He did nothing on his own, only what the Father showed him. John 14:10

9 ◦ Humility ◦ Compassion for people [lost/saved] ◦ Sense of responsibility ◦ Mature believer ◦ Burdened for people ◦ Persistent in prayer ◦ Cleansed heart/mind ◦ Discerning spirit ◦ Informed/knowledgeable ◦ Disciplined lifestyle

10  Abraham for Sodom/Lot  Moses for nation after calf idol/continuous  Ezra for returning Jews and their sin  Nehemiah and the Exiled Jews  Solomon and the nation of Israel’s rebellion  Daniel praying for sinful people  Stephen for those who stoned him  Jesus praying for disciples and future believers  Holy Spirit for those who don’t know how to pray

11  Prayer or Praying is not Optional ◦ Pray without Ceasing – 1 Thess 5:17 ◦ Pray for civil leaders - Romans 13:1 ◦ Pray about everything – Phil 4:6 ◦ Pray always – Eph. 6:18-19 ◦ Pray and not lose heart -Luke 18:1 ◦ Watch and Pray – Matt 26:41 ◦ Pray for your enemies – Matt. 5:44/Lu. 6:28 ◦ Pray for each other/ confess sins – Ja. 5:16

12 ◦ Spiritual Needs of family/relatives ◦ Spiritual Needs of friends/co-workers ◦ The Lost – by name ◦ Spiritual growth of new believers ◦ Backslidden believers ◦ Pastor and Staff ministers ◦ Missionaries and the persecuted ◦ Spiritual leaders ◦ Community/civil leaders  Focus on the Eternal not the Temporary!  Gregory Frizzell, “How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life, Memphis: Master Design, 1999, 83.

13  James 5:13-16  Acts 12:5-12  2 Chron 6  2 Chron 20  John 17  Prayer is a weapon which the solider of the Cross uses against the evil forces of Satan – Ephesians 6:10-18

14 ◦ Cleansed ◦ Read Up and Prayed Up ◦ Psalm 51 – before we can intercede for others, like the High Priest, we have to bring our own sacrifice of humility, brokenness and contrite heart to God. ◦ Intercession is not like all other prayers  Others  Discernment  Informed  Usually limited intercessors, not all are intercessors

15  Prayer affects both the thing prayed for and the pray-er.  When we draw close in prayer to God, the effect is seen in our life as we intercede for others  Intercession: the act of petitioning God or praying on behalf of another person or group. The sinful nature of this world separates humanity from God. It has always been necessary, therefore, for righteous individuals to go before God to seek reconciliation between Him and His fallen creation. Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary

16 Need for Intercessors Ezekiel 22:30-31 – lack of Intercessors Jeremiah 5:1; 7:16; 11:14 and 14:11 – Do Not Pray for this People! Acts 12:5-17 example of intercession

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