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Nitrous Oxide Properties Temperature (ºC) Vapor Pressure (Bar Abs.) Liquid Density (kg/m 3 ) 031.27907.4 535.47881.6 1040.07853.5 1545.10822.2 2050.60786.6.

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Presentation on theme: "Nitrous Oxide Properties Temperature (ºC) Vapor Pressure (Bar Abs.) Liquid Density (kg/m 3 ) 031.27907.4 535.47881.6 1040.07853.5 1545.10822.2 2050.60786.6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nitrous Oxide Properties Temperature (ºC) Vapor Pressure (Bar Abs.) Liquid Density (kg/m 3 ) 031.27907.4 535.47881.6 1040.07853.5 1545.10822.2 2050.60786.6

2 Flow Equations Q = C d *A(2*∆p /  ) Design parameters: –Maximum tank pressure 1000 psi –Optimum combustion chamber pressure = 550 psi –Designed pressure drop through injector = 150 psi (For atomization of liquid)

3 Valve Selection Solenoid Valves –Used for on/off flow control, electrically activated Relief Valves –Set to open at a certain pressure –Used to vent of gas or liquid in the event of overpressurization

4 Valve Selection (Cont.) Check Valves –Used to restrict flow to only one direction Needle Valve –Used to allow for manual setting of flow rate / presssure drop

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