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Introduction to Mythology

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1 Introduction to Mythology
What it is and what it does

2 What is Mythology? Mythology, like other “ologies,” is the study of something. Of course, it is the study of myth. Well then, what is a “myth?”

3 A myth is… A myth is a story used to explain one or more of three basic things: Natural Phenomena Social Customs/Tradition Human Behavior

4 TO EXPLAIN NATURAL PHENOMENA Cosmological Function of Myth
Explains… Creation and extinction Storms, weather, geological functions, the sun and moon Agricultural/fertility cycles The seasons

5 TO EXPLAIN SOCIAL SYSTEMS Sociological Function of Myth
Traditions Changes in ruler or ruling class Dietary rules/forbidden customs Changes in the status of particular groups (such as women) Relationships among nations

6 TO EXPLAIN HUMAN BEHAVIOR Humanistic Function of Myth
Explains elements of human nature such as: Hopes, beliefs, aspirations Pride, envy, ambition, honor, trust, generosity, love, etc.

7 Two important elements of myth
There are two elements that apply pretty much across the board to myths: 1. Supernatural Elements 2. Anthropomorphic Elements

Myths deal with gods and superhuman heroes (individuals with abilities beyond those of ordinary mortals.) Which is very important. But, in the words of a famous Greek…

9 “Wisdom begins with sense.” - Aristotle
Which simply means that as humans, our sensual experience of the world is what defines everything! What we see, touch, taste, hear, and smell is what allows us to understand the world. Which of course brings us to…

Myths explain things in away that makes sense to humans The supernatural is directly involved in human experience Even gods have human emotions and are motivated by human desires like lust, envy, revenge, etc.

11 Urban legends, Folklore, & Myth
Mythology Stories with a plot, supposedly current and true, based on contemporary reality, “could happen to you.” Stories passed down via oral and written record, superstitious, didactic, pointed lesson Stories that explain the origins of man, social customs, and human behavior.

12 So what do they have in common?

13 Common Elements of Urban Legend, Folklore/Fairy Tales, and Myth:
Oral and written heritage Can teach us about people - history, customs, culture, etc. Carry warnings and moral lessons

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