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2 Shocking Stats and Amazing Statistics 3 Americans spend more time on social media than any other major Internet activity, including email.

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3 Shocking Stats and Amazing Statistics 3

4 Americans spend more time on social media than any other major Internet activity, including email.

5 74% of customers rely on Social Media to influence their purchase decision.

6 Only 33% of Americans have ever followed a brand in social media.

7 Facebook has 1.35 billion monthly active users & over 50 million facebook pages.

8 500 Million tweets are sent per day.

9 200 Million active users on Instagram.

10 400 Million Snapchat snaps sent per day.

11 6 Billion hours of video watched on YouTube per month.

12 More than 2 users sign up on LinkedIn every second.

13 There are over 39 million students & recent grads on LinkedIn.

14 In the next 5 years 21% of marketing budgets will be spent on Social Media.

15 Half of Americans get news digitally…especially younger Americans.

16 59% of journalists are tweeting.

17 80% have sourced stories on social media.

18 Sharing news content is expected to be the one factor that impacts news the most in the next decade.

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