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1 What are the Brightest X-ray Point Sources in Galaxies?

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Presentation on theme: "1 What are the Brightest X-ray Point Sources in Galaxies?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 What are the Brightest X-ray Point Sources in Galaxies?

2 2 For reviews see astro-ph/0307077 Brightest: Lx(2-10keV) >10^38 ergs s^-1 Non-nuclear Stellar mass BHs and NSs LMXBs <3M_sun, transient/persistent HMXBs >3M_sun BH fallback disk (Li, 2003 astro - ph/0309321) Young pulsars rotation-powered

3 3 Milky Way RXTE All-Sky Monitor H. J. Grimm, M. Gilfanov, and R. Sunyaev, 2002 (0109239)

4 4 HMXBs LMXBs a cutoff at 2.7*10^38 ergs s^-1 The integrated luminosity (2-10keV) is 2-3*10^39 erg s^-1, to which LMXBs contribute 90%. 55 high mass and 135 low mass binaries brighter than 2*10^35 erg s^-1.

5 5 HMXBs Grimm et al. 2002 0205371 SFR/M_dyn>0.05M_sun*yr^-1 per 10^10M_sun

6 6 A cutoff at Lc=2*10^40 erg s^-1

7 7 LMXBs Gilfanov 2003, 0309454

8 8

9 9 Brighter than 10^38 erg s^-1

10 10 Mass of BHs -- a revision to Hurley’s code …… mtt=mt mt = min(1.3d0 + 0.29d0*mc,mt) if(mt.le.mxns) then kw = 13 else mt= min(-33.0d0+6.0d0*mc,mtt) if(nobhkick) then if((mtt-mt).lt.1.0d-6) isnokick=.true. endif kw = 14 ……

11 11

12 12 For comparison see Belczynski et al. astro-ph/0404068 and ApJ, 2002, 572, 407

13 13 BH fallback disk model Mineshige et al. 1997, ApJ 489, 227 Li 2003

14 14 Ohsuga et al. 2002 0203425

15 15 Disk lifetime (Menou 2001, ApJ, 559, 1032):

16 16 Possenti et al. 2002 Young pulsars

17 17 Initial Mass Fuction (IMF): Star Formation Rate (SFR) for MW: 0.25M_sun/yr (>5M_sun) Grimm et al. 2002 = 4M_sun/yr (through the mass range) McKee & Williams 1997, 476, 144

18 18 yita_bol = 0.05

19 19 谢谢!

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