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Geography.  Shows how people have divided the places on earth into countries, states, cities and other units (borders and boundaries)

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Presentation on theme: "Geography.  Shows how people have divided the places on earth into countries, states, cities and other units (borders and boundaries)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography

2  Shows how people have divided the places on earth into countries, states, cities and other units (borders and boundaries)

3  Shows what the surface of the earth looks like (geography)

4  Best representation of the earth  Spherical model of the earth

5  A person who designs and creates maps.

6  Dividing line where one place ends and another begins.

7  Imaginary lines running west-East on a map  Also called parallels  Never touch

8  Imaginary lines running North-South on a map  Also called Meridians  Touch at poles

9  Show height or elevation of landforms

10  Different representations of Earth  Each projection has its own name  Equal area projections show SIZE of land mass correctly.  P. 102-103

11  Parts of the map that aren’t accurate  3d shape into 2D shape  Different Projections have different distortions  Mercator distortion-size of objects are larger the farther away from the equator, such as Antarctica and Greenland.

12  Compares distance on a map to real distance on earth  Different for every map

13  Sometimes called a Legend  Explains what the symbols on the map stand for  Different on every map

14  Line of Longitude 0°

15  Line of Latitude 0°  Divides Earth in half horizontally  Divides the Northern Hemisphere from the Southern Hemisphere

16  A symbol that shows directions on a map  Cardinal Directions: North, South, East, West  Intermediate Directions: Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, Southeast

17  Study a few vocabulary terms each night.  Ask a family member to quiz you; they can give you the definition and you can tell them the matching vocabulary term  Research tricky terms on-line or in a dictionary  Draw a picture  Make note cardsGood Luck!

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